In SAP, employee information, such as last name, first name, date of birth, place of residence, street number, and house number, is defined in data fields. These data fields are grouped into information units according to their content. In SAP, these information units are called information types or abbreviated to infotypes.
Infotypes have names and 4-digit keys. For example, the Personal Data infotype has the key 0002 and the Addresses infotype has the key 0006.
Subtypes of Infotypes
Subtypes are used to subdivide infotypes. You may want to subdivide information to make it easier to manage or to assign different control features, such as time constraints, to the various subtypes of the same infotype.
In the subtypes of IT0006 Addresses, you can store details about different address details, such as:
- Home
- Emergency Contact
You can maintain separate subtype information, creating separate histories.
If an infotype requires subtypes, then a customer can configure country-specific and company-specific subtypes.