Spotlighting the Integration API Module Features


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain the new Integration API Module features of SAP Commerce Cloud.

Plain Old Java Object Integration Object

The Integration API module undergoes a transformative shift with the introduction of Plain Old Java Object (POJO) Integration Objects. This innovative addition heralds a new way for users seeking to model outbound business events with unparalleled effectiveness. The POJO Integration objects utliize Integration Object Classes as a robust foundation, providing users with a versatile and flexible framework for event modeling in the Integration UI Tool of Backoffice:

By leveraging Integration Object Classes, POJO Integration Objects allow for the accommodation of various class types that extend the AbstractEvent type. This inclusive approach classifies a group of events, such as "order placed" or "item added into the Cart," within the realm of business events. This adaptability significantly enhances the versatility of event modeling, catering to a diverse range of scenarios and use cases.


While POJO Integration Objects exhibit remarkable functionalities in handling outbound business events, they are deliberately designed for this specific purpose and, as such, are incapable of managing inbound requests. This intentional specialization streamlines their functionality, ensuring a focused and efficient approach to modeling outbound events.

Webhooks for POJO Integration Objects

A consequential addition to the Integration API Module is the introduction of Webhooks for POJO Integration Objects (since 2211.12). This functionality allows users to receive timely notifications in response to business events.

Webhook configurations can be tailored to match the eventType of the corresponding Integration Object Class type, directly in the creation wizard of Webhook:


This functionality needs to be enabled by the following property:

Code snippet
1 | toggle.webhookservices.businessevents.enabled=true

Preventing Outbound SyncWebhooks From Sending ItemsContent to Inactive Consumed Destinations

A nuanced enhancement addresses the issue of outbound sync and webhooks persistently sending items to inactive consumed destinations.

The introduction of a feature toggle empowers users to prevent outbound sync jobs from being dispatched to inactive consumed destinations:

Code Snippet
Copy code
Switch to dark mode
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Similarly, the prevention of webhook notifications in cases of inactive consumed destinations adds an additional layer of control to the web hook publishing processes:

Code Snippet
Copy code
Switch to dark mode
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