Using the SUM Toolbox and the ATACA


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use the UI of the SUM.

Using the SUM Toolbox

Software Update Manager (SUM) Toolbox is a new ABAP-based transaction that allows you to run certain tools and reports related to the various scenarios offered by Software Update Manager. Especially, tools required for downtime-optimized approaches are in focus of SUM Toolbox. Click here to get an overview of all downtime-optimized approaches. In the past, the tools offered now in SUM Toolbox were mainly shipped along with separate SAP Notes having Z-reports attached which needed to be created manually in the system. Providing now a central entry point via transaction code STBX eases the way to leverage these tools.

Check SAP Note 3092738 - Software Update Manager Toolbox - Central SAP Note.

In this SAP Note the available version of the SUM Toolbox are listed.

SUM Toolbox provides several tools to support different SUM scenarios. Especially when performing a downtime Optimized Conversion (DoC) or a Downtime optimized DMO (DoDMO) these tools are essential.

Depending on the release of the SAP system, these tools are provided:

  • Export table statistics into XML file to be used in Impact Analysis
  • Lock analysis of productive system to identify uncritical intervals for ZDO Smart Switch
  • Export of table SUM table classification data
  • Selection of uptime tables for downtime optimized DMO
  • The Zero Downtime Option (ZDO) of Software Update Manager (SUM) has some prerequisites in order to be successful. Some of these prerequisites can be checked with this tool even before SUM tool is started
  • Impact analysis by comparing Production Statistical data and sandbox SUM Classification data before production run
  • Selection of uptime XCLAs by comparing Production Statistical data and XCLA metadata file
  • Check for inactive DDIC objects before an Upgrade
  • Object Catalog (TADIR) and Software Component Consistency Check before an Upgrade
  • Open correction requests which might prevent an upgrade
  • Check for aborted update tasks and Business Warehouse queues
  • Check for aborted data dictionary conversions

For more information about the Software Update Manager (SUM) Toolbox, see in the SAP Community the blog

Using the ASU Toolbox Application Conversion Assistant

ASU Toolbox Application Conversion Assistant (ATACA)

ASU Toolbox Application Conversion Assistant (ATACA) contains all the information that is not already available in existing SAP S/4HANA conversion tools, such as guidelines, check tools, migration tools, and SAP Notes to help you convert your system from SAP ERP to SAP S/4HANA in the most efficient way. ATACA doesn't replace already existing best practices or tools and is SAP application-specific, unlike standard technical conversion guidelines.

ATACA supports the conversion through frequently updated content. This content is a list of execution steps that are processed within the ATACA during the conversion. As described in SAP Note 1000009, the content is provided by SAP in the form of an XML file (ASU content also attached to SAP Note 3008338) and is revised at regular intervals via instant content update provisioning.

ATACA covers the following process and contains a list of SAP Notes that are specifically created for conversion purposes. It is recommended that you take these notes into consideration before and after the conversion.


To benefit from ATACA, it is required that you implement support package ST-PI 740 SP 15 or ST-PI 2008_1_7 SP 25 and follow the steps in this SAP Note. If you are on a lower ST-PI support package but would like to take advantage of the ATACA features, please raise an incident in the SV-SMG-ASU component. We will then check the prerequisites and, based on feasibility, suggest which SAP Notes to implement to obtain the ATACA features and then provide also the corresponding XML.

In the tree structure the steps are organized by Preparation Conversion Steps and Follow-Up Conversion Steps, which both contain Important and Additional Application Steps per application component. This gives you a clear picture of what to do and in which phase of the conversion you must do it. All the steps in the Important Application Steps are obligatory and are per application component. Additional Application Information Steps are optional.

The objective of the ASU Toolbox is to display only those steps in the ASU Schedule Manager that are valid for the current conversion. If the step is linked to a software component/release/SP level, and this software component is not installed in the system, the step is filtered out. If the step is linked to a business switch or business function, and this switch or business function is not activated, the step is filtered out.

For more information see SAP Note 3008338 - ASU Toolbox Application Conversion Assistant

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