Setting Up a Service Instance and a Service Binding on the SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Set up a service instance and a service binding on the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime.

Set Up a Service Instance and a Service Binding on the SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime

Business Scenario

After you have learned that you can use services offered by the SAP BTP on the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime, you will learn in this exercise, how you can create Service Instances as well as Service Bindings on the Kyma Dashboard. You will also learn how to check for them via the SAP BTP Cockpit.

Exercise Options

You can perform this exercise in two ways:

  1. Platform Simulation – follow the step-by-step instructions within the simulation.
  2. Live Environment - by using the instructions provided below, you can perform the steps in the SAP BTP Free Tier account.


We strongly recommend that you perform the steps in the Live Environment first.

Platform Simulation

Choose the Start Exercise button below to open a simulation of the platform. Then follow the step-by-step instructions to set up a Service Instance and a Service Binding on the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime.

Live Environment

In this exercise, you will perform the following steps:

  1. Set up a new namespace.
  2. Create a Service Instance using the Kyma Dashboard.
  3. Check the Service Instance on the SAP BTP Cockpit.
  4. Create a Service Binding using the Kyma Dashboard.
  5. Check the Service Binding on the SAP BTP Cockpit.


  • You have successfully created a SAP BTP Kyma runtime instance in the SAP BTP subaccount.
  • You have an entitlement for the Free Tier service plan of "SAP credential store".


Disclaimer: In this exercise, we use the service SAP Credential Store to exemplify the service management process on SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. To use this service, you have to entitle it to your subaccount first. Please feel free to execute this exercise with any other service of your choice. However, make sure that you choose a Free Tier Service because services that aren’t included in Free Tier lead to additional costs for you.

Task 1: Set up a new namespace


  1. Set up a new namespace.

    In this step you will set up a new, clean namespace with the name service-management.

    1. Choose NamespacesCreate Namespaces.

    2. In the Name field enter service-management.

    3. Choose Create.

    4. This is the result:


Congratulations! You have successfully completed this exercise about Service Management on the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. You were able to create a Service Instance as well as a Service Binding on the Kyma Dashboard and verify them both on the SAP BTP Cockpit.

Task 2: Create a Service Instance using the Kyma Dashboard


  1. Create a Service Instance using the Kyma Dashboard.

    In this step you will create a Service Instance with the service SAP Credential Store:

    Use the following data:

    Offering Namecredstore
    Plan Namefree
    1. Select the namespace that you just set up.

    2. Navigate to Service ManagementService Instances and select Create Service Instance:

    3. Insert the parameters as described in the table above. If you use a different service, you can check for the parameters Offering Name and Plan Name in the Service Marketplace of the SAP BTP Cockpit):

    4. Choose Create.

Task 3: Check the Service Instance on the SAP BTP Cockpit


  1. Check the Service Instance on the SAP BTP Cockpit

    In this step you will verify that the Service Instance you set up in your SAP BTP, Kyma Dashboard, has also been successfully created in your SAP BTP Cockpit.

    1. Navigate to your SAP BTP Cockpit.

    2. Go to Services / Instances and Subscriptions.

    3. Check if the instancecredential-store displays in the list of instances. If it isn't, navigate back to your Kyma Dashboard to double check that the status of your set up service instance states provisioned:

Task 4: Create a Service Binding using the Kyma Dashboard


  1. Create a Service Binding using the Kyma Dashboard.

    In this task, you will create a Service Binding for the Service Instance that you just set up. This will automatically create a Kubernetes secret with the binding metadata and credentials.

    Use the following data:

    Service Instance Namecredential-store
    1. Your Kyma Dashboard will now show your set up Service Instance credential-store. On this overview page, click Create BTP Service Binding to set up a Service Binding:

    2. Insert the parameters as described in the table above.

    3. Choose Create.

    Your Kyma Dashboard will now show your set up Service Binding credstore-binding.

Task 5: Check the Service Binding on the SAP BTP Cockpit


  1. Check the Service Binding on the SAP BTP Cockpit.

    In this task, you will verify that the Service Binding you set up in your SAP BTP, Kyma Dashboard, has also been successfully created in your SAP BTP Cockpit.

    1. Navigate to your SAP BTP Cockpit and then go toServices / Instances and Subscriptions.

    2. Choose the arrow of your set up instance credential-store. Then you will see your newly created Service Binding credstore-binding:


      Hint: If you want to delete a Service Instance/Binding, please have in mind, that you can’t do so on the SAP BTP Cockpit. Instead, you need to delete it via the Kyma Dashboard because this is the place where they are managed. However, if you want to check service details like service names or plans, you can do so on the SAP BTP Cockpit.


Congratulations! You have successfully completed this exercise about Service Management on the SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. You were able to create a Service Instance as well as a Service Binding on the Kyma Dashboard and verify them both on the SAP BTP Cockpit.

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