To use asynchronous Web Services and, therefore, use Web Services with Web Services Reliable Messaging, the Web service runtime must be configured.
You have to perform the following technical configuration in client 000 of your Web Service Provider and your Web Service Consumer system, as well as in each productive client.
The various possibilities of monitoring and tracing are only available for asynchronous communication.Technical Setup
In each productive client and in client 000, execute the Technical Setup in transaction: SRT_ADMIN . You can choose between the automatic and the manual setup.
Using this report, you create a service destination for communication through RFC and you perform the settings for the bgRFC (Background Remote Function Call).
SOAP requests are processed using the Internet Communication Framework (ICF). The SAP NetWeaver Application Server uses the HTTP protocol of the ICF for communication between the Web service consumer and the Web service provider. The ICF provides the infrastructure for handling HTTP requests in work processes in a SAP system. A HTTP request calls a service in the ICF server. This service contains one or more HTTP request handlers that are responsible for running the ABAP functions.
Using report, SRT_ADMIN, all the following ICF services required for standard functions of the Web service runtime are created:
The log and trace levels can be selected using the report: SRT_ADMIN, or directly in the SOA Manager tool under Logs and Traces.
- Start the background request: SAP_SOAP_RUNTIME_MANAGEMENT for component BC. Call transaction: SM36, and choose Standard Jobs - Standard Scheduling and Schedule Standard Job. You must schedule the job hourly as default scheduling.
If bgRFC has not been used before, set up the bgRFC supervisor destination in transaction: SBGRFCCONF under Define Supervisor Destination. Specify a name and a user and assign it to role: SAP_BC_BGRFC_SUPERVISOR.
- Check your configuration in transaction: SE38, running report: SRT_ADMIN_CHECK. The check is performed in three areas:
Area Check System-Related Settings - Service Destination
- bgRFC Settings (inbound destination, supervisor destination)
- Job Runtime Management
- Task Watcher
- Data Collector for Payload Trace
- ICF node for SOAP runtime
Client-Specific Settings Service Destinations for All Clients Client-Specific Functions Test Execution for Service Destination with Authorization Check