In object-oriented programming, an object corresponds to a real-life object such as an employee, a vehicle, or, in our case, a flight connection. It has attributes that describe it, in the case of a flight connection, those are the carrier id and the flight number.
Now let us consider what happens when a program that is using this object wants to provide values for these attributes. It is obvious that only those combinations of carrier id and flight number should be accepted that correspond to a flight connection in the real world.
In object orientation, the client program should not be able to change the attribute values directly. Instead, it should need to call a method to perform this task. The method, which comes with the object, can then check whether the combination of carrier id and flight number is valid and, if this is not the case - reject the change.
As developers of class lcl_connection, we can ensure the use of method set_attributes( ) by making attributes carrier_id and connection_id private, or at least read only.
This concept is called data encapsulation; The information about the flight connection is managed by the connection object itself and cannot be manipulated by anyone else. This ensures that no other point in the program can bypass the check of the consistency - either knowingly or unknowingly. This is one of the major advantages of object-orientation.
In object oriented programming, it is recommended to use data encapsulation as much as possible!
With the public attributes we defined by now, it was possible to read and change the values of the attributes anywhere inside and outside the class.
In order to restrict access to the attributes you have two options:
- Keep the DATA statement or CLASS-DATA statement in the public section and add addition READ-ONLY. In doing so, write access to the attribute is forbidden outside of the class, but read access is still possible.
Addition READ-ONLY is only allowed in the public section of a class. - Move the DATA statement or CLASS-DATA statement from the public section to one of the other visibility sections, for example the private section. In doing so, read access and write access to the attribute is forbidden outside of the class.
ADT offers a quick fix to change the visibility of an attribute. To use it place the cursor in the attribute name, press Ctrl + 1, and choose Make <attribute> private.