Good job Robert!
Now that you have run task 2100 and validated the log entries, we can review the results in a report.
In the following image, the key results are displayed.
When you run task 2100, posting level 30 postings are generated.
FC = First Consolidation, SC = Subsequent Consolidation, MJE = Manual Journal Entry.
- FC: Eliminate the parent’s Investment with an offset to owner consolidation units in posting level 30 (150.000).
- MJE: Post the subsidiary’s goodwill in posting level 10 (67.703).
- FC: Eliminate the subsidiary’s capital in posting level 30 (68.090).
- FC: Debit the subsidiary’s prior years retained earnings in posting level 30 (109.342,50).
As a result, FR00’s total prior years retained earnings are zero. - FC: Credit the subsidiary’s non-controlling interest - prior years retained earnings in posting level 30 (-27.432,50).
- FC: Credit the subsidiary’s investment for held consolidation units in posting level 30 (-150.000).
- SC: Debit the subsidiary’s current year retained earnings with an offset to non-controlling interest - current year retained earnings in posting level 30 (2.130).
- SC: Debit the subsidiary’s non-controlling interest net income with an offset to net income/loss in posting level 30 (2.130).