Configuring the Competency Sections


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Configure the competency sections.


The competency section (or attribute section if the instance is migrated to Talent Intelligence Hub), is one of the main working sections of a performance management form. It lists all attributes (competencies and skills) to be evaluated during a review.

A form can have one or more attributes sections, but each attribute ID can only appear once in a form. If there is an overlap, the attribute only appears in the first (topmost) section of the performance form.

Attribute sections can begin in one of the following ways:

  • Blank, in which case the user manually adds the attributes to be reviewed.
  • With relevant attributes already identified and listed in the form.

Types of Attributes

Attributes can automatically be populated into a performance form or added manually by the user. Depending on the way an attribute is populated in a section of the performance form, there are four different attribute types:

Job Specific Attributes

Attributes that are mapped to the role or job code of the employee can be automatically populated in an attribute section. When the form is launched, the relevant attributes will default based on the employee’s role. 

If a user’s job code changes and new attributes should appear in the form, a new form must be created. These attributes can be further filtered by the group in which they reside, giving the option to pull only the job specific competencies within specific groups.

Core Attributes

Competencies that are marked as core in the competency library can be automatically populated in a competency section. When the form is launched, the core competencies will default on all employees’ forms. 

Custom Attributes

Attributes can be hard-coded into a performance form template as Custom Attributes, so they always appear for all employees. 

Ad Hoc Attributes

You can allow the addition of attributes on an ad hoc basis. When this has been set, users see the Add Attributes button in that section and can add attributes from the Talent Intelligence Hub.  

If you enable ad hoc attributes together with hard-coded or job-specific attributes, end users can add attributes in addition to the ones that populated based on the configuration.  

The Competency ID (JDM)

The ID is a unique identifier for a competency; when hard coding competencies, the ID is used to define the competencies to be populated. Even though a form can have more than one competency section, each ID can only appear once in a form. The GUID (Global Unified Identifier) also identifies competencies. If a company has multiple locales, this unique number is what ties the same competency in different languages together and identifies them as being identical.

Find the Competency ID (JDM)


  1. Log in to the instance as the administrator and navigate to Manage Competencies from the Action Search bar.

  2. Select the appropriate competency library.

  3. In the library, you see a list of competencies, each with its associated ID and GUID. Whether you use the ID or GUID is dependent on your language settings, as follows:


    • If your language is English, use the ID, regardless of whether or not language packs are enabled.

    • If your language is not English, and language packs are enabled, use the GUID.

    • If the customer has language packs installed, and has modified the competency library in the appropriate languages, then the IDs and GUIDs are no longer in sync. In this instance, use the GUID.

Configuration of Job Specific Competency Section

Before competencies and skills can be populated by job code, you must ensure the following three prerequisites are met: 

  • The employee data file must have job codes for each employee. 
  • Job roles must be set up with the exact job codes as appear in the data file. 
  • Competencies and skills must be mapped to those roles.  

If the prerequisites are met, configure the competencies to be populated based on job code either in Manage Templates or in XML.

Configure Competencies Based on Job Code using Manage Templates

Watch this video to learn how to configure the job specific competency section in Manage Templates

Configuring a Job Specific Competency Section

In the Attribute section, the Job Specific checkbox needs to be selected in the Section Type as illustrated in the figure Populate Job Specific Competencies. In the Attribute Type dropdown, select Competency or Skill depending on whether the section should populate with competencies or skills.

Configure Competencies Based on Job Code using XML

In the <competency-sect> attribute list, add the following code: use-jobcode="true". This populates all the subject’s job-specific competencies.

Competencies can be further filtered by categories. To add only the job-specific competencies from certain categories, set thecategory-filter-opt into "specified-category" and add the <comp-category> sub-element under </fm-sect-scale>. Remember that the category name is case and space sensitive and can be retrieved from the competency library. 


Specifying that job specific competencies should be pulled only from specific categories is not yet supported within the instance.

Configuration of the Core Competency Section

Before core competencies or skills can be populated on a performance form they must be flagged as Core within the competency library or tagged as Core in the TIH.  

Configuration of Core Competency Section using Manage Templates

Watch this video to learn how to configure the core competency section in Manage Templates.

In the Attribute section, the Core checkbox needs to be selected in the Section Type as illustrated in figure Populate Core Competencies. In the Attribute Type dropdown, select Competency or Skill depending on whether the section should populate with competencies or skills.

Configuration of Core Competency Section using XML

In the <competency-sect>attribute list, add the following code use-core-comp="true".

Configuration of Custom Competency Sections

Custom competencies can be hard coded in a competency section of the form template. This can be configured in either Manage Templates or in XML. 

Configure Custom Competency Sections using Manage Templates

Watch this video to learn how to configure the custom competency section in Manage Templates.

In the competency section, the Custom checkbox needs to be selected in the Section Type as illustrated in figure titled Competency Hard Coding in Manage Templates.

At the bottom of the Show advanced options section, select 0 Custom Competency defined. Select To modify

Select your competencies from the categories available, and additionally, you can specify the weight and whether the competency will be removable or not.

Hard-coded competencies will now appear below the section type in Manage Templates.

Configure Custom Competency Sections using XML

When hard coding competencies, add sub-element <fm-competency> to the <competency- sect> element, below </fm-sect-scale>, as shown in the figure Hard Coding Competencies in XML.

Elements and Attributes:

The table titled Hard Coding in XML: Elements and Attributes shows the XML elements and attributes of most relevance to hard coding.

Hard Coding in XML: Elements and Attributes

Element or AttributeDescription
IndexIndex refers to the location of the section in the template; in this case, a competency with index="0" appears first in the list of competencies within that competency section.
RemovableWhen the removable attribute is set to "true", any permissioned user is able to remove the competency from the form using the Remove Competency button on the form. When the attribute is set to "false", no user can remove that competency. 
<fm-comp-id>This is the ID or GUID of the competency to be hard coded.
<fm-comp-name>The name of the competency as it appears in the competency library is populated to the form. This field can be used to add more details, but does not display in the instance.
<fm-comp-desc>Similar to <fm-comp-name>, this element allows for additional details about the competency that do not display in the instance. 


Weights can also be added to each <fm-competency> sub-element, but this is not recommended practice as weighting individual competencies causes the overall calculated rating to be too granular. 

Populate Ad Hoc Competencies

Competencies can be manually added on a form. The Add Competency button needs to be enabled for the end user. This can be configured in both Manage Templates and in XML. 

Watch this video to learn how to enable users to add competencies in a competency section using Manage Templates

To populate ad hoc competencies in Manage Templates, navigate to the form to be updated, select the Competency section and under the Show advanced options link, select the Allow users to add competencies checkbox as illustrated in the figure titled Populate Ad-Hoc Competencies.

Populate Ad Hoc Competencies using XML

To populate ad hoc competencies with XML, add the following code in the <competency- sect> attribute list: configurable="true"

Configuration of General Settings in Manage Templates

In Manage Templates, the following configuration options can be set for the competency section:

  • Section Name

    The name of the section as it appears on the performance form.

  • Description

    You can use this field to provide a section introduction. It appears at the top of the section in the performance form.

  • Section Type

    If you choose job specific for this option, competencies that are mapped to the subject’s job code are pulled into the form upon launch.

  • Unable to Rate

    Enter text into this field to be used if an employee cannot be rated for some reason, such as being new to the company.

No Ratings in a Section

You can also configure the competency section so that, if there are no ratings in a section, it will be ignored. To do so, set the if-no-ratings-then-ignore-section tag to "true", as in the figure, If No Ratings Then Ignore Section.

Configuration of Advanced Options in Manage Templates

You can make advanced settings to a competency section using the following options in Manage Templates:

  • Allow users to add competencies

    Select this to allow users to add competencies to the review being rated.

  • Show behaviors

    Select this option to allow users to display the behaviors associated with a competency on the form. This is only valid if there are behaviors in the competency library.

  • Include the ability to rate

    Select this option to allow employees to be rated by their managers using the rating scale picked in General Settings. Depending on the setting you make here, the following settings may also become relevant:

    • Everyone has their own rating box for each item: Everyone has a rating box and sees their own box next to the employee’s self-assessment. The final score is the manager’s rating. You can grant the final score to any role by permission.

    • Everyone shares one rating box for each item: The form has only one rating box for each item. Permissions are set for the role which performs ratings. Additionally, you can enable a private self-assessment rating box for the employee.

  • Include a comment for each item

    Select this to allow users to comment on each item in the section. If you do not select this option, there is no item level comment box for users to fill in.

  • Include an Overall Comment

    Select this to allow users to make a comment at the bottom of the section.

Configuration of General Settings in the XML Template

Set Ability to Rate

There are a couple of attributes that control ability to rate: no-rate and rating-opt.

If you set the no-rate attribute to "false", all users can rate the item within the section.

The rating-opt attribute controls how the rating box appears, as shown in the table, Rating-Opt Settings. Each of the options can be further controlled by permissioning.

Rating-Opt Settings

rating-opt="0"Only one rating appears, and is accessible by everyone with access to the form. It is the rating of record and also the item-rating.
rating-opt="1"The employee additionally has a rating that only they can access, the item-cmt-rating. The top rating is still accessible by everyone, and is the rating of record and the item-rating.
rating-opt="2"Everyone who has access to the form in edit mode has their own rating box item-cmt-rating or user-item-cmt-rating. The top rating box still appears, and is the rating of record and the item-rating, but is normally accessible only to the manager.


In the rating option 2, there are two types of Unofficial User Rating:
  • Unofficial User Rating (user-item-cmt-rating) controls the visibility of the unofficial rating field only.
  • Unofficial User Rating (Legacy) (item-cmt-rating) controls the visibility of both the unofficial rating field and others' unofficial ratings shown on the Ratings from Others tab. This legacy field was previously named "Unofficial User Rating" in the permission configuration dialog.
Since users can potentially rate in two fields, Unofficial User Rating and Item Rating, and that would show two "duplicated" rating fields on the form, it is a common practice to hide one of the fields not needed. However, hiding the Unofficial User Rating (Legacy) was also hiding the Ratings from Others tab, which could not be the desired outcome. Now it is possible to hide only the rating field but still display others ratings on the form.
rating-opt="3"(Side-by-side rating) The manager rating is the rating of record and the item-rating. The manager rating does not need to be permissioned because only the manager can edit the manager rating, and only the employee can edit the employee rating (subject-item-rating). This is the recommended configuration.

Individual and Overall Comments

You control individual and overall comments using the same attribute: cmt-opt.

XML to Show or Hide Comments

cmt-opt="0"Show both item and section comments
cmt-opt="1"Show section comments only, no item comments
cmt-opt="2"Show item comments only, no section comments
cmt-opt="3"Do not show any comments for items or sections

Available Attributes in General Settings (XML)

The attributes described in the table are available for general settings (XML).

Available Attributes

category-filter-optThis attribute determines whether competencies are pulled from one or more categories, as follows:
  • category-filter-opt="no-filter"

    All applicable competencies are pulled.

  • category-filter-opt="specified-category"

    Only applicable competencies within a specific competency category are pulled. If you use this option, you must also add the <fm-comp-cat> element to specify the category name.

in-summ-displayThis attribute determines if a summary of the section appears in the Summary section. If set to "true", the summary appears.
in-overall-ratingThis attribute determines if the ratings/weights of the section are included in the Calculated Overall Rating. If set to "true", they are included.
hide-wacaThis attribute determines if the Writing Assistant is available in the section. If set to "true", the Writing Assistant is not available.


These attributes determine the minimum and maximum number of competencies within the section.

Available Elements in General Settings (XML)

You can use the elements described in the table to change labels or phrasing in a competency section.

XML ElementDescription
<rating-label>The manager rating label (usually)
<rating-label-others>The subject (employee) rating label (usually)
<default-rating>The null value that shows by default in the ratings scale; this has neither a positive or negative impact on overall rating calculations
<section-manager-comments-label>What shows with the overall section comments provided by the manager
<section-subject-comments-label>What shows with the overall section comments provided by the subject
<manager-comments-label>What shows with item comments
<subject-comments-label>What shows with the section comments provided by the subject

Expected Ratings for Competencies and Behaviors at the Item Level

Expected ratings provide insight into how the employee should be performing based on a defined job role or job profile. It is used to help calculate the gap between expected and actual performance. Expected ratings were previously available only in the Summary section.

You configure expected ratings in the Performance Management form XML template, using the following tags:

<show-comp-expected-rating="true" show-behavior-expected-rating="true">


You can enable "Show expected Competency rating" from Manage Templates, to display expected ratings. However, if you rate at the behavior level and want to display expected ratings per behavior, you will need to set show-behavior-expected-rating="true" (default value is "false") from XML, as the option is not available in Manage Templates.

Configuration of Item Weights for Competency Sections

As mentioned previously, it is not recommended to assign item weights within competency sections because it makes the overall rating too granular. However, if a customer requests that items within the section are weighted, you can accommodate this request.

The following two <competency-sect> attributes control weight configuration in a competency section: 

  • no-weight
    • If no-weight="true", all items are weighted equally in the section. 
    • If no-weight="false", items are weighted according to the weights that you enter for each item. 
  • lock-item-weights
    • If lock-item-weights="true", you cannot edit the weights. 
    • If lock-item-weights="false", you can edit the weights. 

You can set item weights to have a minimum ("floor") and maximum ("ceiling") acceptable value within a section. You can configure these limits by adding the sub-element <item- weights> to the <fm-sect-config> element.


Be sure to check the Order of Elements document, DTD, and Implementation Guide to ensure that you are entering this code in the correct place. 

Warnings for Item Weights

If an item weight falls outside of the parameters, a warning appears, though it does not prevent a user from routing the form to the next step. The item weight is determined in the <fm-meta> element, using the <meta-item-weight-floor-ceiling-option> sub-element. To enforce these limits (or to not allow the form to move to the next step), replace the word "warning" with the word "error".

<meta-item-weight-floor-ceiling-option>warning</meta-item-weight-floor- ceiling-option>

If the item weights within a section add up to anything other than 100%, a warning appears by default, though it does not prevent a user from routing a form to the next step. The item weight is determined by the <weight-total-option> sub-element in the section’s <fm-sect-config>

<weight-total><![CDATA [100.0]]></weight-total> 

To enforce these limits (and not allow the form to move to the next step), replace the word "warn" with the word "enforce". We recommend that all item weights within a section total 100%. 


Configure the Competency Section

Business Example

You need to configure the competency sections of the Performance Management form.

Learn how to configure the Competency sections from Manage Templates and XML.

Task 1: Create a Core Competency Section


  1. Designate the competencies Showing Community and Social Responsibility and Leveraging Opportunities as custom competencies in the instance.

    1. Navigate to Manage Templates using Action Search. Select the Performance Review tab, to display your performance form template list.

    2. Select your Performance Management form.

    3. Select to expand Edit Fields and Sections from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and select Core Values.

    4. In the Section Type:, select the Custom checkbox.

    5. Select Show advanced options..., and select 0 Custom Competency defined. Click to modify.


      A dialog box appears.
    6. Select +Add Another.

    7. For each custom competency, in the Category field, select SuccessFactors Premium Library from the dropdown menu.

    8. In the Competency field, select Showing Community and Social Responsibility and Leveraging Opportunities respectively.

    9. Ensure the Removable checkbox is not selected, and select Done.

  2. Configure the Core Competencies section so that its relative weight is set to 25% and make some other changes:

    1. Log in to the Instance and navigate to Manage Templates using Action Search. Select the Performance Review tab, to display your performance form template list.

    2. Select your Performance Management form.

    3. Select to expand Edit Fields and Sections from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and select Core Values.

    4. In the Core Values section, enter Core Competencies in the Section Name field.

    5. Select Show advanced options..., and select the following option: Hide numeric rating values (only show text labels) .

    6. Disable the option Show expected Competency rating

    7. Select Summary Section, and ensure that the Core Competencies field is set to 25%.

      This is the relative weight that will be used to create the overall calculated rating of the form in the Summary section.

Task 2: Configure the Job-Specific Competency section

This task relies the competencies mapped to the Manager and Individual Contributor roles which was verified in a previous exercise.


  1. Configure the job-specific competencies section so that its relative weight is set to 25%, and enable the following features in the Instance:

    Allow users to add competencies
    1. Log in to the Instance and navigate to Manage Templates using Action Search. Select the Performance Review tab, to display your performance form template list.

    2. Select your Performance Management form.

    3. Expand Edit Fields and Sections from the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, and select Role-Specific Competencies.

    4. In the Section Name, enter Job Specific Competencies.

    5. Choose Show advanced options... and select the checkbox as indicated above.

    6. Select Overall Summary Section and ensure that the Job Specific Competencies field is set to 25%.

    7. Choose Save to save all your changes.

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