Configuring Translations in Performance Management


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Configure translations in Performance Management.

Performance Management Translations

The same basic rule from Goal Management generally applies to Performance Management too. If you have configured the label in the default language, you need to translate the text for the languages that are in use in the Instance in the form template.

Besides the form template, there are several different places where configurations must be completed for the Performance Management elements.

Translate the Rating Scale


  1. Navigate to Rating Scales using the Action Search.

  2. In the Rating Scale Designer, you can easily configure the language by switching the language in the top-right corner of the page.

Translate the Route Map


  1. Navigate to Manage Route Maps using Action Search.

  2. Similar to the Rating Scales, you can find the dropdown menu in the top-right corner of the page to switch languages.

  3. Expand the Advanced section to capture additional labels that you may have configured.

Translate Competency Libraries

There are several ways to add translated Competency Libraries to the system.


  1. You can add SAP SuccessFactors Competency Libraries for some languages directly from the SuccessStore.

  2. You can also add competency libraries through Provisioning. Navigate to Edit Company SettingsCompany SettingsAdd Source Library (at the bottom of the page).

  3. If the customer has a custom competency library, they can provide the translations in a .csv file or edit them directly in Manage Competencies.


    If there are several competencies with descriptions or behaviors, we recommend that you work within the .csv file.


    If the customer has purchased competencies from a vendor, such as Lominger, they must provide proof that they have licensed the competencies for use in the SAP SuccessFactors instance and for the language packs that are enabled.

Form Label Localization

For the form template translations, we use a method commonly referred to as Form Label Translations or localization. This method allows the customer to configure one template that displays labels in the local language of each user.

There are two ways that you can configure localization:

In Manage Templates:

  • Message Keys are automatically created in the process for each translated field.

  • Localized labels configured for each field can be downloaded in a .csv file.

In the XML and in the Form Label Translations:

  • The Message Keys must be added in the XML for all fields.

  • A .csv file must be created with the default and translated labels for each Message Key and uploaded in the Instance.

Watch this video to learn how to translate a Performance Form Template in Manage Templates.

Work with the Form Label Translation File

Use the following steps to configure a Translation Label by Importing a Comma Separated Value (.csv) File that allows all label changes to be made within the Instance.


  1. Create a .csv file. We recommend the UTF-8 format for this file.

  2. Prepare the translations in the translation workbook. You can check the file provided for this training in your Course Files. Enter the message keys in the first column, as shown in the figure, Import a .csv File with Translations.

  3. Copy the first column of the translation workbook into the .csv file. Enter the label key in the first column, and enter the translations for each language in a separate column, as shown in the figure, Import a .csv File with Translations Excel.

  4. Import the form label translations.

    1. Navigate to Manage Form Label Translations from Action Search.

    2. Select Import Form Label Translation File.

    3. Select Choose File to navigate to the .csv file, and then select Open.

    4. Select Upload.

    5. When the file has been successfully uploaded, you see a screen similar to the figure, Manage Form Label Translations.


    The Form Label Translation Template will include columns for all locales available in your instance. Make sure that you don’t have any empty cells when importing back the .csv file, as the system will display an error like the following one.

    Remove the columns for the locales that are not being used, or add the default labels in the empty cells, whenever there are no translations to be added.

    The default column should contain en_US (but don’t change the header).

Localize a Performance Form

Business Example

You have been asked to localize the performance form.

Learn how to use translation functionality to change the language in a Performance Form.


  1. Translate the Rating Scale to Dutch using the following values:

    2Gaat Wel
    4Zeer Goed
    1. Log into the instance and navigate to Rating Scales from Action Search.

    2. Select the rating scale that is associated to your performance form template.

    3. Change the language from default to Dutch.

    4. Add a rating scale name [YOUR INITIALS] Prestatieschaal.

    5. Enter the values in the rating scale from the table above.

    6. Save the rating scale.

  2. Translate the route map. Replace the default text option with the values provided in the following table:

    Default Text optionNew Value
    First step of the route mapMedewerker Zelfevaluatie
    Step Introduction & Mouseover textMedewerker voltooid zelfevaluatie
    Exit button textStuur naar Manager
    Step Exit textStuur naar manager voor evaluatie
    Previous Step Exit Button TextLeave Blank (since this is the first step)
    Previous Step Exit TextLeave Blank (since this is the first step)
    1. Navigate to Manage Route Maps from Action Search.

    2. Select the route map that is associated to your performance form template.

    3. Change the language from default to Dutch.

    4. Enter the data from the first row in the table.

    5. Expand the advanced options.

    6. Enter the remaining data from the table.

    7. Save the route map.

  3. Translate the performance template name to Dutch. Label the template [Your Initials] Prestatie Formulier.

    1. Navigate to Manage templates from Action Search.

    2. Select the General Settings.

    3. Under the Name field, select +Add More.

    4. Select Add Language.

    5. Select Dutch.

    6. Label the form [Your Initials] Prestatie Formulier

  4. Translate the Employee Information Section to Dutch and label the new section using the data in the following table:

    Section labelMedewerker Informatie
    Description textNeem contact op met uw beheerder als de onderstaande informatie onjuist is
    1. Navigate to Manage templates from Action Search.

    2. Expand Edit Fields and Sections.

    3. Select the Employee Information section.

    4. Under the Section Name field, select +Add More.

    5. Select Add Language.

    6. Select Dutch.

    7. Enter the new section label from the table and select Done.

    8. Under the Description field, select +Add More.

    9. Select Add Language.

    10. Select Dutch.

    11. Enter the description text from the table and select Done.

  5. Test your performance form and verify your changes.

    1. Navigate to Name MenuSettingsChange Language and select Nederlands (Dutch).

    2. Select Switch.

    3. Navigate to Name MenuGemachtigde direct and proxy as Manny Manager.

    4. Proxy in as Manny Manager.

    5. In the main menu, navigate to Prestaties.

    6. Create a new form for Manny and open the form.

    7. Verify that the Performance Review is labeled [Your Initials] Prestatie Vorm voor Manny manager.

    8. Verify that the first step of the route map is labeled Medewerker Assessment and that the remaining steps display in English.

    9. In the first step of the route map, choose the dropdown menu.

    10. Verify that the button is labeled Stuur naar Manager.

    11. Scroll to the Employee Information section.

    12. Verify that this section is labeled Medewerker Informatie with the introduction text Neem contact op met uw beheerder als de onderstaande informatie onjuist is.

    13. Scroll through the Performance Review form and note what elements are translated to Dutch automatically and what still needs to be translated by you.

    14. At the bottom of the form, select Stuur naar Manager.

    15. On the Send to Next Step page, verify the exit text Stuur naar manager voor evaluatie displays.

    16. Send your form to the next step.

    17. Navigate to Name MenuInstellingenAndere taal kiezen and select English US as the system language.

    18. Select Wisselen.

Edit the Localized Performance Form with Label Keys (msgKey)

Business Example

You have been asked to edit performance form translations configured in a previous exercise with label keys in the instance and verify the msgKey attribute in XML.


To Import Form Label Translations successfully, there cannot be any empty cells and all languages enabled in the instance are included in the exported .csv file and must have a translated label for every msgKey. For this reason, we simplified the initial set up in the training instance, to turn on only English US, Deutsch (German) and Dutch language.

Learn how to edit the Performance Form with local language using Label Keys.


  1. Export the Form Label Translation .csv file and open the spreadsheet.

    1. Log into the instance and navigate to Manage Form Label Translations from Action Search.

    2. Select Export Form Label Translations.

    3. In the Export Form Label Translations section, select the Export label keys by form template radio button.

    4. Choose Select.

    5. On the Select Template window, search for your form template.

    6. Select the radio button next to your template and select Done.

    7. Select Export.

    8. Open the .csv spreadsheet.

  2. Edit the performance for localized text through the label keys in the instance using the data in the following table:

    Row and ColumnNew Text
    Row 2, column CPersönliche Daten
    Row 2, column DPersonal Information
    Row 2, column EPersoonlijke informatie
    Row 3, column CSind persönliche Daten von Dir in diesem Abschnitt falsch? Dein freundliches Team der Personalabteilung wird Dir gern bei der Korrektur innerhalb dieses Abschnittes behilflich sein. Bitte kontaktiere die Personalabteilung über das interne Support System.
    Row 3, column DIs any of your personal information incorrect in this section? Your friendly HR team is happy to help correct any issues in this section. Please contact HR through the internal support system
    Row 3, column EIs een van uw persoonlijke informatie onjuist is in deze sectie? Uw vriendelijke HR-team is blij om te helpen eventuele problemen in dit hoofdstuk te corrigeren. Neem contact op met HR via de interne support system.
    1. Verify that rows 1 through 3 and columns A through D are populated. Note the following information:

      • Column A: Refers to the message key that ties together all translations of the default language pack, U.S. English.

      • Column B: Refers to the default language pack. The solution design of all products is typically configured in the default en_US language pack for English US. There are exceptions to this, and if another language is the default, that language pack code will display in this column.

      • Columns C and D: Populates with language packs in alphabetical order. Addition language packs will populate columns E, F, G, and so forth.

    2. Update the table text using the data from the table.

    3. Save the .csv spreadsheet. You may be prompted to save it as a new file.

  3. Import the Form Label Translation .csv file.

    1. Log into the instance and navigate to Manage Form Label Translations from Action Search.

    2. Select Import Form Label Translation File.

    3. Select Browse and search for your .csv file.

    4. In the File Encoding drop-down list, select Unicode (UTF-8).

    5. Select Upload.


      After a successful upload, you should receive a message verifying the two label keys you edited in rows 2 and 3 have been edited.
  4. Verify the text has been edited after the .csv import.

    1. Navigate to Manage Form Label Translations from Action Search.

    2. Expand Edit Fields and Sections and select the Employee Information section.

    3. Under the Section Name field, select Add More.

    4. Verify Employee Information is now Personal Information for the English language pack.

    5. Verify Medewerker Informatie is now Persoonlijke informatie.

    6. Under the Description field, select Add More.

    7. Verify that the text for both the English and Dutch language packs have changed to the text that you imported with the .csv spreadsheet.

  5. Create a new form and verify Personal Information is a visible section and that the new description text is in the section.

    1. Navigate to Main MenuPerformance.

    2. Select Create New Form.

    3. Select your performance form.

    4. Select yourself as the subject of the form.

    5. Select Create and Open.

    6. Verify Personal Information is a visible section and that the new description text is in the section.

  6. Switch the language to Dutch, then create a new form and verify Persoonlijke informatie is a visible section and that the new description text is in the section.

    1. Navigate to Name MenuSettingsChange Language.

    2. Select Nederlands (Dutch) and choose Switch.

    3. In the main navigation menu, select Prestaties.

    4. Select your performance form.

    5. Verify Persoonlijke informatie is a visible section and that the new description text is in the section.

  7. Switch the system language back to English.

    1. Navigate to Name MenuInstellingenAndere taal kiezen.

    2. Select English US (English US).

    3. Select Wisselen.

  8. Compare label keys in the instance to the msgKey attribute in XML. Compare the msgKey attributes to the following:

    • The rows in the .csv spreadsheet you exported from Manage Form Label Translations.

    • The message after successful Import Form Label Translation File.

    • The element Keys for the Section Name and Description fields in Manage Templates. Select performance formExpand Edit Fields and Sections. Under each field in the Employee Information section, select Add More.

    1. Log into the instance and navigate to Form Template Settings from the Action Search.

    2. Select your performance form.

    3. Select Download Form Template.

    4. Place the XML file in a folder with your DTD, then open the XML file in an editor and make sure it validates with the DTD.

    5. Press CTRL+F for the element <userinfo-sect> and locate the <fm-sect-name> and <fm-sect-intro> elements within this section.

    6. Compare the msgKey attributes of these two elements to the attributes in the list.

  9. Answer the following question: Do the msgKey attributes for <fm-sect-name> and <fm-sect-intro> elements match up to each of the areas in the instance listed in the previous step?

  10. Answer the following question: Why can’t you manage the name of the performance form template through the Form Label Translation file?

    1. Review the answer: There is no element in the performance form XML file that defines the entire form template’s name. Because there is no element to attach a message key attribute to, you cannot use the Form Label Translation .csv file to manage translations of the form title.

    2. Review the explanation: When you import edited XML files, you select the name of the form template in Provisioning, then "Update by Upload". There does not need to be an element for the form template name because you define the form template you are overwriting when you select the template from ProvisioningForm Template Administration, select the performance form title, and then select Update by Upload. You cannot edit form titles with the Form Label Translation .csv spreadsheet, but you can edit titles in the instance through Manage Templates.

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