In this lesson, you will learn about various variants to install the Cloud Connector. The Cloud Connector is available for the following operating systems:
- Linux
- Windows
- macOS
The Cloud Connector can be installed using one of the following installation modes:
- Portable version
- Installer version
Version | Linux | Windows | macOS |
Portable version | x | x | x |
Installer version | x | x | - |
The portable version can be installed easily by extracting a compressed archive into an empty directory. It does not require administrator or root privileges for the installation, and you can run multiple instances on the same host.
On macOS, only the portable version is available.The installer version requires root respective administrator permissions for the installation and can be set up to run as a Linux daemon in the background or a Windows service. You can upgrade it easily, retaining all the configuration and customizings.
SAP strongly recommends that you use the installer version for a productive setup.1. Installation on Linux
As a prerequisite for the installation of Cloud Connector on Linux, first make sure that you:
- Use the supported 64-bit operating systems,
- Prepared a supported JDK,
- Downloaded the portable version (as tar.gz archive) or the installer version (as compressed RPM installer).
Portable Version
- Extract the tar.gz file to an arbitrary directory on your local file system using the command:
tar -xzof sapcc-<version>-linux-<platform>.tar.gz.
- Go to this directory and start the Cloud Connector using the script.
Installer Version
- Extract the sapcc-<version>-linux-<platform>.zip archive to an arbitrary directory by using the command unzip sapcc-<version>-linux-<platform>.zip
- Go to this directory and install the extracted RPM using the following command as the root user:
rpm -i<version>.<arch>.rpm
After installation via the RPM manager, the Cloud Connector process is started automatically and registered as a daemon process, which ensures the automatic restart of the Cloud Connector after a system reboot.
To start, stop, or restart the process explicitly, open a command shell and use the following commands, which require root permissions:
- service scc_daemon start|stop|restart (on System V distributions)
- systemctl start|stop|restart scc_daemon (on systemd distributions)
2. Installation on Windows
As a prerequisite for the installation of Cloud Connector on Windows, first make sure that you:
- Use the supported 64-bit operating systems.
- Installed Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2013 and Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2019 runtime libraries (required for SAP JVM).
- Prepared a supported JDK.
- Downloaded the portable version (as ZIP archive) or the installer version (as MSI package).
Portable Version
- Extract the <sapcc-<version>> ZIP file to an arbitrary directory on your local file system.
- Set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to the installation directory of the JDK that you want to use to run the Cloud Connector. Alternatively, you can add the bin subdirectory of the JDK installation directory to the PATH environment variable.
- Go to the Cloud Connector installation directory and start it using the go.bat batch file.
Installer Version
- Start the installer by double-clicking it.
- The installer guides you through the installation. Some of the dialogs are:
- The desired installation directory
- The port of the Administration UI (default value is 8443)
- The JDK
The Cloud Connector is started as a Windows service in the productive use case. Therefore, installation requires administration permissions. After installation, manage this service under Control Panel → Administrative Tools → Services. The service name is Cloud Connector. Make sure that the service is executed with a user that has limited privileges. Typically, the privileges allowed for service users are defined by your company policy. Adjust the folder and file permissions to be manageable by only this user and system administrators.
3. Installation on macOS
As a prerequisite for the installation of Cloud Connector on macOS, first ensure that you:
- Use the supported 64-bit operating systems.
- Have prepared a supported JDK.
- You've downloaded the tar.gz archive for the developer use case on macOS.
Portable Version
- Extract the tar.gz file to an arbitrary directory on your local file system using the command tar -xzof sapcc-<version>-macosx-x64.tar.gz
- Go to this directory and start Cloud Connector using the script.
Now, you're able to install the Cloud Connector.