Using Istio


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Describe how to perform traffic management with Istio to control and route traffic.
  • Explain how you can secure service-to-service communication.
  • Describe observability features of Istio.
  • Identify how Istio is integrated into SAP BTP, Kyma runtime.

Traffic Management with Istio: Usage Scenario

You have already used API Rules to expose your services to the outside world. To secure, connect, and monitor the services, you want to use Istio and learn more about its features and mechanisms.

Traffic Management with Istio

Traffic management, in a nutshell, is the ability to take control of the flow of traffic in your service mesh. Without traffic management, requests are routed to any available service instance. In many cases, this is not desirable. For example, you want to redirect traffic based on rules, such as to forward only a certain percentage of traffic over to a new version of a service (a.k.a canary deployment). Or before you let customers consume the new version of a service, you want to test it internally. So you can only route traffic to the latest service version for internal users (a.k.a dogfooding). Traffic management enables you to implement these scenarios.

The image depicts a scenario where you want to route only a fraction of the traffic to a new version of a back-end service. Traffic is split up between the service's previous version and the new version. With such a setup, you can test the new version of the service in production only on a subset of the users and roll back quickly if something goes wrong. If the new version of the service works as expected, you can increase the percentage of traffic routed to the new version of the service.

But how does this work? Istio has a set of CRDs (Custom Resource Definitions) that you can use to define traffic rules.

In Istio, you have several resources that you can use for traffic management:

Load Balancer operating at the edge of the mesh. The Gateway handles incoming or outgoing HTTP/TCP connections.
Virtual Services
Describes a configuration that affects traffic routing. It's also how multiple services can be exposed behind a single entry point (Gateway).
Destination Rules
Specifies rules that apply to traffic intended for service after routing.

Get a complete list of Istio's traffic management resources here.


With an installation of Istio on Kubernetes, an Ingress Gateway is installed by default. This gateway is exposed through an external IP address on your cluster.

With Gateway resources, you can configure the default Istio Ingress Gateway to expose your services through a custom domain name, for example. You can also configure multiple gateways to expose your services through different domains. In "Kyma", you also get a Kyma Gateway installed by default. This gateway is used to expose your services through the Kyma domain.

A Gateway resource looks like this:

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apiVersion: kind: Gateway metadata: name: foo-gateway spec: selector: istio: ingressgateway # use Istio default gateway implementation servers: - port: number: 80 name: http protocol: HTTP hosts: - "*"

Virtual Services

With Virtual Service resources, you can define the routing rules for your services. You can specify the routing rules based on the HTTP request path, headers, or query parameters.

A Virtual Service resource looks like this:

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apiVersion: kind: VirtualService metadata: name: shop-route spec: gateways: - foo-namespace/foo-gateway hosts: - http: - route: - destination: host: shop subset: v1 weight: 90 - destination: host: shop subset: v2 weight: 10

This Virtual Service resource defines a routing rule for the shop service. The rule routes 90% of the traffic to version v1 of the service and 10% to the v2 version.

Istio supports way more features to define routing rules. You can find more information about it here.

Destination Rules

A Destination Rule lets you group your Kubernetes service by subsets and define rules for each subset.

A Destination Rule resource looks like this:

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apiVersion: kind: DestinationRule metadata: name: shop-route spec: host: shop subsets: - name: v1 labels: version: v1 - name: v2 labels: version: v2

The shop service is grouped into two subsets based on versions in the example above.

Read more about Destination Rules here.

Security with Istio

Istio's security features allow you to control the service mesh's security. With Istio, your developers don't have to implement security features such as traffic encryption by themselves. Using Istio, you can secure the service-to-service communication in your service mesh by encrypting the traffic. These security features are essential to defend yourself against man-in-the-middle-attacks and prevent unauthorized access to your services by validating the caller's identity.

Securing the communication between services in your cluster is one of the primary use cases for Istio. Istio provides traffic encryption with mutual TLS (mTLS) and allows you to authenticate the caller's identity. Mutual TLS is a protocol that allows the client and the server to authenticate each other. Unlike TLS, which only allows the server to authenticate the client, mTLS allows both parties to authenticate each other. This is done by presenting certificates to each other.

Read more about Istio's security features here.

Observability with Istio

Since Istio intercepts all the traffic in your service mesh, it can provide you with detailed telemetry data for all service communication. This telemetry provides observability into the service mesh. To provide observability based on the collected telemetry data, Istio offers the following types:

Metrics are numerical measurements that are used to track the state of a system. Istio provides a set of metrics that are used to monitor the health of the mesh, such as latency, traffic, errors and so on.
Distributed Traces
In a cloud-native microservice architecture, a user request often flows through dozens of different microservices. With distributed tracing, you can trace the path of a request through the entire service mesh. Distributed tracing allows you to monitor the performance of your services and to identify bottlenecks.
Access Logs
Istio can also provide you with access logs for all the traffic that flows through the service mesh. Access logs provide detailed information about the traffic, such as the source and destination of the request, the response code, and so on.

Further Reading

Read more about Istio's observability features here.

Integration of Istio in SAP BTP, Kyma Runtime

Istio has many features to secure, manage and monitor your service mesh. As the project "Kyma" fully integrates Istio, SAP BTP, Kyma runtime does not. Istio's tracing capabilities are unavailable in SAP BTP, Kyma runtime, and Istio's "Kiali" dashboard is neither available with the managed runtime. However, you can use Istio's security and traffic management features in SAP BTP, Kyma runtime. To compare the open source "Kyma" project with the managed SAP BTP, Kyma runtime, review the previous lesson of this course - "Kyma Overview".


In this lesson, you expanded your knowledge of Istio: you discovered how Istio helps with traffic management, security, and observability.

Further Reading

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