Adapting Applications to Different Device Types


After completing this lesson, you will be able to use a device model to adapt applications to different device types

Controls with Built-In Device Adaptation

SAPUI5 comes with several controls that are already able to react to the available screen real estate and resolution by themselves. Some require particular properties to be set, and with some, everything just works out of the box.

Such controls with built-in device adaptation are for example sap.m.SplitApp, sap.m.ResponsivePopover, sap.m.OverflowToolbar, and sap.m.PullToRefresh.

The forms sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm and sap.ui.layout.form.Form can also adapt to the available screen size. It is recommended to set the sap.ui.layout.form.ColumnLayout for them, as its responsiveness allows the available space to be used in the best way possible.

One control that is widely used across all kinds of different applications is sap.m.Table (also called the "Responsive Table"), which has several features you can use for device adaptation. On smaller devices, for example, you can set certain properties that will make particular columns pop in instead of being displayed as a normal column, or show and hide columns completely.

For example, you can set a minScreenWidth for the columns. This will cause columns to only show up if a certain screen width is matched. You can define this minScreenWidth in px or rem, but here you can also use the standard categories that come from the Device API (Phone, Tablet, or Desktop). Setting the additional property demandPopin to true for a column will also react to the minScreenWidth you specify. In such a case, the column will be shown as a popin on smaller screens, instead of being completely hidden.

Lets' look at an example where three columns are defined in an XML view for a sap.m.Table: Customer Name, City and Email.

Device Model

Instantiating a Device Model

Depending on the capabilities of the device running an application, the functionality and design of an application may vary.

For example, on a desktop device, it is not necessary to display a back button on a detail view in a list-detail scenario because the list and detail views are displayed simultaneously. On a phone, on the other hand, where there is navigation between list and detail view, such a back button is required. To control the visibility of the back button, a device model can be used.

A device model is based on the Device API (sap.ui.Device). This API provides information about device specifics, like the operating system along with its version, the browser and browser version, screen size, current orientation and support for specific features such as, touch event support, orientation change, and so on. For more information, see the API reference for the sap.ui.Device namespace.

With a device model, you can make most properties of the Device API available as a JSON model.

Typically, a device model is created in the initialization method of the component controller Component.js, as shown in the figure Creating a Device Model in the Component Controller.

To create a device model, dependencies to modules sap/ui/Device and sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel are added to the component controller. The device model is then instantiated in the controller's initialization method by simply passing the loaded Device module to the constructor function of the JSON model. The binding mode is set to OneWay since the device model is read-only. The device model is set as a named model (name: device) for the component.

Using a Device Model

After the device model has been created, the properties from the Device API (such as /system/desktop) can be used in the data binding to adapt controls to the current platform. The figure, Binding Control Properties to Device Capabilities, shows some examples of how this is achieved.


Do not forget to prefix the binding path with the name of the device model ("device") plus a ">" character.

If property values from the Device API are to be negated, the expression binding syntax can be used as shown in the figure.

Adapt the Application to Different Devices

Business Scenario

In this exercise, you will adapt the display of the panel on the Overview view to different devices: On desktops, the panel should be expanded and it should not be possible to collapse it. On all other devices, however, the panel should be initially collapsed with the option to expand it. To implement this behavior, you will create a device model.

You will also adapt the display of the columns in the two tables on a device-specific basis: you will specify which columns should be displayed on which devices and whether columns should be displayed as pop-ins instead of being hidden.

Template:Git Repository:, Branch: sol/17_expression_binding
Model solution:Git Repository:, Branch: sol/18_device_adaptation

Task 1: Create a Device Model in the Component Controller


  1. Open the Component.js component controller from the webapp folder in the editor.

  2. Add the sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel module to the dependency array of the component controller and a corresponding parameter named JSONModel to the factory function.


    The component controller should now look like this:
  3. Now add the following code at the end of the init() initialization method to instantiate the device model and set it under the device name for the component:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    var oDeviceModel = new JSONModel(Device); oDeviceModel.setDefaultBindingMode("OneWay"); this.setModel(oDeviceModel, "device");


    Make sure to add the coding after the call of the base component's init() method.

    To create the device model, the already declared Device module is passed to the constructor of JSONModel. This makes most of the SAPUI5 Device API properties available as a JSON model.

    The binding mode is set to OneWay because the device model is read-only.

    The model is set as a named model for the component so that it can be referenced in the data binding under the name device, as you will do in the next step.


The init() method of the component controller should now look like this:

Task 2: Set the expandable and expanded Properties of the Panel Depending on the Device


  1. Open the Overview.view.xml file from the webapp/view folder in the editor.

  2. Adapt the display of the New Customer panel on the view to different devices: On desktops, the panel should be expanded and it should not be possible to collapse it. On all other devices, however, the panel should be initially collapsed with the option to expand it.

    To do this, bind the expanded attribute of the panel to the device model as follows:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    Accordingly, bind the expandable attribute of the panel to the device model using expression binding syntax as follows:
    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    expandable="{= !${device>/system/desktop} }"


The New Customer panel should now look like this:

Task 3: Make the Display of the Table Columns Device Specific


  1. Make sure that the Overview.view.xml file is open in the editor.

  2. In the customer table, add the following attribute to the <Column> tags for Street and Post Code to display these columns on desktops, but hide them on tablets and phones:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    Further, in the customer table, add the following attribute to the <Column> tag for Country to display this column on tablets and desktops, but hide it on phones:
    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    Finally, add the following attributes to the <Column> tag for Email to display this column on tablets and desktops. On phones, the column will be displayed as a pop-in instead of being hidden:
    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    minScreenWidth="Tablet" demandPopin="true"


    The definition of the columns of the customer table should now look like this:
  3. In the booking table, add the following attributes to the <Column> tag for Class to display this column on desktops. On tablets and phones, the column will be displayed as a pop-in instead of being hidden:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    minScreenWidth="Desktop" demandPopin="true"
    Finally, in the booking table, add the following attributes to the <Column> tags for Foreign Currency Payment and Cancellation Status to display these columns on tablets and desktops. On phones, the columns will be displayed as a pop-in instead of being hidden:
    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    minScreenWidth="Tablet" demandPopin="true"


    The definition of the columns of the booking table should now look like this:
  4. Test run your application by starting it from the SAP Business Application Studio.

    Make sure that the New Customer panel is expanded on desktops and it is not possible to collapse it. On all other devices, the panel should be initially collapsed with the option to expand it.


    Please note that the panel is hidden on phones because of the sapUiHideOnPhone CSS class assigned. Therefore, you should use a tablet as a comparison to the desktop.

    To test the difference between desktop and tablet, you can use the device toolbar in the developer tools of the Google Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser: Start your application and, in the developer tools (F12), call the device toolbar with the key combination Ctrl + Shift + M. You can use the device toolbar to select a device you want to emulate. After you select the device, you have to refresh the browser (F5), to ensure that the init() method of the component controller is called, where the device model is initialized.

    Also make sure that the columns of the two tables are displayed in a device-specific way.


    To test the responsive behavior of the tables, it is sufficient - in contrast to the display of the panel - to change the size of the browser window. This allows you to simulate the display of the tables on desktops, tablets and phones.

    1. Right-click on any subfolder in your sapui5-development-learning-journey project and select Preview Application from the context menu that appears.

    2. Select the npm script named start-noflp in the dialog that appears.

    3. In the opened application, check if the component works as expected.

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