Catching Invalid Hashes


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Display a notification view if a hash is entered for which there is no matching route.

Invalid Hashes

If a user tries to access an invalid pattern that does not match any of the configured routes, they should be notified that something went wrong.

To implement this feature, the bypassed property is available in the routing configuration. Using this property, you specify the navigation target that is used whenever no navigation pattern is matched. If you use this setting, you also have to define a corresponding target in the targets section.

In the example shown, the routing configuration in the application descriptor has been extended by adding the bypassed property. It tells the router to display the notFound target in case no route matches the current hash.

The notFound target is configured in the targets section. It loads the XML view without animation (show transition) into the pages aggregation of the UI control with the app Id.


To display routing related error messages on a view, you can use the sap.m.MessagePage control.

Catch Invalid Hashes

Business Scenario

In the previous exercises, you configured two routes. Using the configuration you made, the Overview view is displayed if the hash of the browser is empty. In addition, if the hash of the browser equals detail, the Detail view is displayed.

In this exercise, you will implement a view called NotFound, which is to be displayed via appropriate configuration if a hash is entered for which there is no matching route. The NotFound view should display an error message and a link that allows the user to navigate from the NotFound view to the Overview view.  

Template:Git Repository:, Branch: sol/24_back_navigation
Model solution:Git Repository:, Branch: sol/25_invalid_hashes

Task 1: Implement the NotFound View


For simplicity, the project already contains the files NotFound.view.xml and NotFound.controller.js needed for the implementation of the NotFound view. However, there are no UI elements on the view yet and the controller implementation is also still empty.

In this task of the exercise, you will add a MessagePage UI element to the NotFound view with a translatable title and a translatable error message. You will implement this in the next steps.

In the last task of this exercise, you will also add a link to the NotFound view that allows the user to navigate to the Overview view.


  1. Open the resource bundle file from the i18n folder in the editor.

  2. Add the following key-value pairs to the file to define a translatable title and a translatable error message for the MessagePage UI element to be created in the next step:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    notFoundPageTitle=Not Found notFoundPageText=Sorry, but the requested resource is not available.


    The resource bundle file should now look like this:
  3. Open the NotFound.view.xml file from the webapp/view folder in the editor.

  4. Add the following code to the view to display a message page with the title and the text created above:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    <MessagePage title="{i18n>notFoundPageTitle}" text="{i18n>notFoundPageText}"> </MessagePage>


The NotFound view should now look like this:

Task 2: Configure the Routing for the NotFound View


  1. Open the manifest.json application descriptor from the webapp folder in the editor.

  2. In the application descriptor, find the routing property in the sap.ui5 namespace:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    "routing": { "config": { "routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router", "viewType": "XML", "async": true, "viewPath": "", "controlAggregation": "pages", "controlId": "app" }, "routes": [ { "name": "overview", "pattern": "", "target": [ "overview" ] }, { "name": "detail", "pattern": "detail", "target": [ "detail" ] } ], "targets": { "overview": { "viewId": "overview", "viewName": "Overview", "viewLevel": 1 }, "detail": { "viewId": "detail", "viewName": "Detail", "viewLevel": 2 } } }
  3. Add the following property to the config section to specify the navigation target that is used whenever no navigation pattern is matched:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    "bypassed": { "target": [ "notFound" ] }


    The referenced notFound target is defined in the next step.


    The routing configuration should now look like this:
  4. Finally, add the following property to the targets object to specify that the notFound target referenced above will be used to load the NotFound view:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    "notFound": { "viewId": "notFound", "viewName": "NotFound", "transition": "show" }


The routing configuration should now look like this:

Task 3: Implement the Navigation from the NotFound View to the Overview View


  1. Add the following key-value pair to the resource bundle file:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    navToOverviewLinkText=Show Overview Page


    The key-value pair provides the translatable text for the link on the NotFound view that you will create in the next step. This link will allow the user to navigate from the NotFound view to the Overview view.


    The resource bundle file should now look like this:
  2. Now add the customDescription aggregation to the <MessagePage> tag on the NotFound view as follows to display a link with the text created above on the page:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    <customDescription> <Link text="{i18n>navToOverviewLinkText}" press=".onNavToOverview"/> </customDescription>


    The onNavToOverview event handler registered here for pressing the link will be implemented in the next step.


    The NotFound view should now look like this:

  3. Now open the NotFound.controller.js file from the webapp/controller folder in the editor.

  4. Implement the onNavToOverview event handler method as follows on the NotFound view controller to display the Overview view when the link is pressed:

    Code Snippet
    Copy code
    Switch to dark mode
    onNavToOverview: function () { var oRouter = this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter(); oRouter.navTo("overview", {}, true); }


    The view controller should now look like this:
  5. Test run your application by starting it from the SAP Business Application Studio.


    Use the start-mock npm script to start the application.
    Make sure that the NotFound view is displayed if a hash is entered for which there is no matching route (for example, foo). Also make sure that the user can navigate from the NotFound view to the Overview view via the link displayed there.

    1. Right-click on any subfolder in your sapui5-development-learning-journey project and select Preview Application from the context menu that appears.

    2. Select the npm script named start-mock in the dialog that appears.

    3. In the opened application, check if the component works as expected.

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