Business Example
In this exercise, you learn how to implement a List-detail Application with SAPUI5. You also learn how to handle the processing of asynchronous service requests in the UI using JavaScript promises.
Before you start this exercise, you should have downloaded the prepared files from Github: You should have already uploaded the metadata.xml file to a new /home/user/projects/Training files/ folder as shown in the previous exercise: Create a SAPUI5 Application Project.
SAP Business Technology Platform and its tools are cloud services. Due to the nature of cloud software, step procedures and naming of fields and buttons may differ from the exercise solution.
In the following exercises, replace <L> with the course group and ## with your user group.Caution
Be aware that in some cases the initial code or code of previous implementation steps is not shown. In the following steps, do not delete any existing code or code that you have added in previous steps if not explicitly asked. Furthermore, be aware that the screenshots show the solutions from student00 namespace you should then replace with your own student## one.Task 1: Create the Basic Components of the List-Detail Application
Log into your training SAP Business Application Studio.
Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
Create a new SAP Fiori Freestyle project using the following information:
Select Template and Target Location
Field Value Template SAP Fiori application Template Selection
Field Value Template Type SAP Fiori Template Basic Datasource and Service Selection
Field Value Data source Upload a Metadata Document Metadata file path /home/user/projects/Training files/metadata.xml View name
Field Value View name List Project Attributes
Field Value Module name ux402_listdetail Application title List-detail App Application namespace Description A simple list-detail app. Project folder path /home/user/projects Minimum SAPUI5 version Let it on the default value Choose File → New Project from Template in the SAP Business Application Studio.
Choose SAP Fiori application and select Start.
Choose SAP Fiorias Template Type.
Choose Basic and select Next.
Choose the Data Source and Service Selection following Options:
- As Data source, select Upload a Metadata Document.
- As Metadata file path, enter /home/user/projects/Training files/metadata.xml or select the file in the search field and choose OK.
Choose Next to continue.
In the View name field, enter List, and then choose Next.
For the Project Attributes, enter the following values:
- As Module name, enter ux402_listdetail.
- As Application title, enter List-detail Application.
- As Application namespace, enter
- As Description, enter List-detail Application.
- As Project folder path, enter /home/user/projects.
- Do not change anything for Minimum SAPUI5 version.
- Let all radio buttons selected on No.
Select Finish.
Upload the JSON files for mock data into a new webapp/localService/data folder.
In the context menu of the webapp/localService folder, select New folder....
A new line appears where you can enter the new folder name: data. Press Enter to confirm.
In the context menu of the webapp/localService/data folder, select Upload....
Select the three mockdata JSON files and click Open.
Add the listed views of type XML in the view folder and the corresponding controllers of type JavaScript in the controller folder of your project. Use Copy and then Paste in the context menu of the List.view.xml and the List.controller.js files to create the files. Rename them to the listed view and controller file names. In the created view files, change the controllerName attribute. In the created controller files, change the controller name in the extend function.
View and Controller file Names
View file name Controller File Name Detail.view.xml Detail.controller.js DetailObjectNotFound.view.xml DetailObjectNotFound.controller.js NotFound.view.xml NotFound.controller.js Select the List.view.xml file in the view folder of your project and from the context menu, choose Copy.
Select the view folder of your project and from the context menu, choose Paste.
Select the created List.view_copy.xml file and from the context menu, choose Rename. Replace List.view_copy.xml with Detail.view.xml and press the Enter key (on your keyboard).
In the opened Detail.view.xml file, edit the controllerNameattribute and replace List with Detail. Save your changes.
Select the List.controller.js file in the controller folder of your project and from the context menu, choose Copy.
Select the controller folder of your project, and from the context menu, choose Paste.
Select the created List.controller_copy.js file and from the context menu, choose Rename. Replace List.controller_copy.xml with Detail.controller.js and press the Enter key (on your keyboard).
In the opened Detail.controller.js file, change the controller name in the extend function by replacing List with Detail. Save your changes.
Repeat steps a to f and create the DetailObjectNotFound and NotFound views with the corresponding controllers.
Open the Application main view and add an sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout element inside the App element with the listed properties and values:
Attribute Value id layout layout {mainView>/layout} backgroundDesign Translucent Open the App.view.xml file in the view folder of your project.
Add the sap.f namespace with the prefix f to the App.view.xml file. Add following code after xmlns="sap.m":
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1xmlns:f="sap.f"Add an sap.f.FlexibleColumnLayout element inside the App element with the given attribute-value pairs :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456<f:FlexibleColumnLayout id="layout" layout="{mainView>/layout}" backgroundDesign="Translucent"> </f:FlexibleColumnLayout>Save your changes. Your code should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910111213141516<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:html="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.f"> <App id="app"> <f:FlexibleColumnLayout id="layout" layout="{mainView>/layout}" backgroundDesign="Translucent"> </f:FlexibleColumnLayout> </App> </mvc:View>
Task 2: Prepare the Internationalized Texts for the Application
Change the listed key-value pairs in the file of your project.
Title and Description key-value pairs within the File
Key Value title Exercise: List-Detail App appTitle Exercise: List-Detail App appDescription A simple list-detail app Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
For the List View, add the listed key-value pair to the file of your project.
List View Key-value Pair within the File
Key Value listTitle Carriers Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
For the Detail View, add the listed key-value pairs to the file of your project.
Detail View key-value pairs within the File
Key Value detailTitle Carrier currencyTitle Currency urlTitle Url tableHeaderText Connections tableNoDataText No connections available idColumnText Number cityFromColumnText From cityToColumnText To Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
For the NotFound View, add the listed key-value pairs to the file of your project.
NotFound View Key-value Pairs within the File
Key Value notFoundTitle Not Found notFoundText The requested resource was not found Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
For the DetailObjectNotFound View, add the listed key-value pair to the file of your project.
DetailObjectNotFound View Key-value Pairs within the File
Key Value noObjectFoundText This Carrier is not available Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
Task 3: Check and Configure the Routing
Check the generated routing configuration and make sure that the following routing configuration parameters are configured correctly. Additionally, remove the clearControlAggregation configuration parameter.
Routing Configuration
Configuration Parameter Values routerClass sap.m.routing.Router viewType XML async true viewPath ing.ux402.listdetail. ux402listdetail.view controlAggregation beginColumnPages controlId layout Open the manifest.json file.
Locate the routing configuration config.
Make sure that the listed configuration parameters are included.
Remove the clearControlAggregation configuration parameter.
Your implementation should look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011"config": { "routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router", "viewType": "XML", "async": true, "viewPath": "", "controlAggregation": "beginColumnPages", "controlId": "layout" },
Check the TargetList target against the listed attributes and values and rename it to masterlist.
List Target
Attribute Value viewType XML transition slide viewName List viewLevel 1 viewId list controlAggregation beginColumnPages Find the Targetlist target and check to ensure that it has all the listed attributes and values and rename it to masterlist.
Your implementation should look like the following code:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112"targets": { "masterlist": { "viewType": "XML", "transition": "slide", "ControlAggregation": "beginColumnPages", "viewId": "list", "viewName": "List", "viewLevel": 1 }
Define a target with the name carrierdetails with the listed attributes and values.
carrierdetails Target
Configuration Parameter Value viewType XML transition slide viewName Detail viewLevel 2 viewId carrierdetails controlAggregation midColumnPages Add the carrierdetails target with the listed attributes and values:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789"carrierdetails": { "viewType": "XML", "transition": "slide", "viewLevel": 2, "controlAggregation": "midColumnPages", "viewName": "Detail", "viewId": "carrierdetails" }
Delete the RouteList route. Then define a default route with the name masterlist. Assign the route to the masterlist and carrierdetails targets. In addition, set greedy to falseand set the titleTarget to an empty string.
Replace the RouteList definition with the following code:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112"routes": [ { "name": "masterlist", "pattern": "", "titleTarget": "", "greedy": false, "target": [ "masterlist" ] } ]
Create a new route with the name carrierdetails and assign the masterlist and carrierdetails targets to the route. Add the pattern Carriers/{objectId} to that route. In addition, set greedy to false and set the titleTarget to an empty string.
Add the following code after the masterlist route definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011, { "name": "carrierdetails", "pattern": "Carriers/{objectId}", "titleTarget": "", "greedy": false, "target": [ "masterlist", "carrierdetails" ] }
Define a target with the name notFoundwith the listed attributes and values.
notFound target
Configuration Parameter Value viewType XML transition slide controlAggregation midColumnPages clearControlAggregation true viewName NotFound viewId notFound Add the notFound target with the listed attributes and values after the carrierdetails target definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910, "notFound": { "viewType": "XML", "transition":"slide", "controlAggregation": "midColumnPages", "clearControlAggregation": true, "viewName": "NotFound", "viewId": "notFound" }
Define a target with the name detailObjectNotFound with the listed attributes and values.
detailObjectNotFound target
Configuration Parameter Value viewType XML transition slide controlAggregation midColumnPages clearAggregation true viewName DetailObjectNotFound viewId detailObjectNotFound Add the detailObjectNotFound target with the listed attributes and values after the notFound target definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910, "detailObjectNotFound": { "viewType": "XML", "transition":"slide", "controlAggregation": "midColumnPages", "clearControlAggregation": true, "viewName": "DetailObjectNotFound", "viewId": "detailObjectNotFound" }
Extend the routing configuration in the descriptor by adding a bypassed property and setting its target to masterlist and notFound. Then save your changes.
Add the bypassed property and set its target to list and notFound in the routing configuration by adding the following code at the end of the config definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567"bypassed": { "target": [ "masterlist", "notFound" ] }Your implementation should look like the following code:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112131415161718"routing": { "config": { "routerClass": "sap.m.routing.Router", "viewType": "XML", "async": true, "viewPath": "", "controlAggregation": "beginColumnPages", "controlId": "layout", "bypassed": { "target": [ "masterlist", "notFound" ] } },Save your changes.
Check if the init function of your component contains the router initialization. If this is not the case, initialize the router of your application.
Open the Component.js file.
Navigate to the init function.
Ensure that the router is initialized:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910111213init: function () { // call the base component's init function UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); // enable routing this.getRouter().initialize(); // set the device model this.setModel(models.createDeviceModel(), "device"); }
Task 4: Define the List View Content
In this task, you define the list view content for your application. The view will implement a sap.f.DynamicPage object. The page will show a list of Carriers fetched from the entity set UX_C_Carrier_TP.
Open the List.view.xml file, remove the page element and add the namespace sap.f with the XML-alias f.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.f">
Add an sap.f.DynamicPage element with sap.f.content-aggregation to the view with the following properties.
Property Value id dynamicPageOverviewId headerExpanded true toggleHeaderOnTitleClick true Add the following code inside the View definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456<f:DynamicPage id="dynamicPageOverviewId" headerExpanded="true" toggleHeaderOnTitleClick="true"> <f:content> </f:content> </f:DynamicPage>
Create an sap.m.List control inside the sap.f.content-Aggregation and assign the following values to the List element:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.List Control
Attribute Value id list items {/UX_C_Carrier_TP} busyIndicatorDelay 0 growing true growingThreshold 20 growingScrollToLoad true mode {= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None': 'SingleSelectMaster'} selectionChange onSelect Add the following code inside the content aggregation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910<List id="list" items="{/UX_C_Carrier_TP}" busyIndicatorDelay="0" growing="true" growingThreshold="10" growingScrollToLoad="true" mode="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None' : 'SingleSelectMaster'}" selectionChange="onSelect"> </List>
Add the items aggregation to the sap.m.List-control and add a control type of sap.m.ObjectListItem to the items-aggregation with the following attributes:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.ObjectListItem Element
Attribute Value id objectListItem title {Carrname} intro {Carrid} type {= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'} press onSelect Extend your code with the following implementation inside the List element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789<items> <ObjectListItem id="objectListItem" title="{Carrname}" intro="{Carrid}" type="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'}" press="onSelect"> </ObjectListItem> </items>Your implementation should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:f="sap.f"> <f:DynamicPage id="dynamicPageOverviewId" headerExpanded="true" toggleHeaderOnTitleClick="true"> <f:content> <List id="list" items="{/UX_C_Carrier_TP}" busyIndicatorDelay="0" growing="true" growingThreshold="10" growingScrollToLoad="true" mode="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'None' : 'SingleSelectMaster'}" selectionChange="onSelect"> <items> <ObjectListItem id="objectListItem" title="{Carrname}" intro="{Carrid}" type="{= ${device>/system/phone} ? 'Active' : 'Inactive'}" press="onSelect"> </ObjectListItem> </items> </List> </f:content> </f:DynamicPage> </mvc:View>
Task 5: Define the Detail View content
In this task, you define the detail view content for your application. The view should show the details of the selected carrier using the sap.uxap.ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle element and sap.uxap.headerContent aggregation. The table that will be implemented shows the available flights for the selected carrier.
Open the Detail.view.xml file, remove the page element and add the namespaces sap.uxap with the XML-alias ux and sap.ui.layout with the XML-alias layout.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:ux="sap.uxap" xmlns:layout="sap.ui.layout">
Add an sap.uxap.ObjectPageLayout element to the view. Add the attribute id with the value objectPageLayout.
Add the following code inside the View definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ux:ObjectPageLayout id="objectPageLayout"> </ux:ObjectPageLayout>
Add an sap.uxap.headerTitle, sap.uxap.headerContent and sap.uxap.sections aggregation to the sap.uxap.ObjectPageLayout control.
Add the following code inside the ObjectPageLayout element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789<ux:headerTitle> </ux:headerTitle> <ux:headerContent> </ux:headerContent> <ux:sections> </ux:sections>
Add an sap.uxap.ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle control to the headerTitle aggregation. For the attribute id, add the value objectPageDynamicHeader.
Add the following code inside the headerTitle element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ux:ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle id="objectPageDynamicHeader"> </ux:ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle>
Add an sap.uxap.expandedHeading aggregation to the sap.uxap.ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle control.
Add the following code inside the ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ux:expandedHeading> </ux:expandedHeading>
Add an sap.m.Title control to the sap.uxap.expandedHeading aggregation with the listed attributes and values.
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.ObjectAttribute Elements
Attribute Value id title1 text {Carrname} level H2 Add the following code inside the expandedHeading element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234<Title id="title1" text="{Carrname}" level="H2"/>The headerTitlesection should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112<ux:headerTitle> <ux:ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle id="objectPageDynamicHeader"> <ux:expandedHeading> <Title id="title1" text="{Carrname}" level="H2"/> </ux:expandedHeading> </ux:ObjectPageDynamicHeaderTitle> </ux:headerTitle>
Add an sap.m.FlexBox control to the sap.uxap.headerContent with the listed attributes and values.
Attribute Value id flexbox warp Wrap Add the following code inside the headerContent element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<FlexBox wrap="Wrap" id="flexBox"> </FlexBox>
Add an sap.f.Avatar and a sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout control to the sap.m.Flex control with the listed attributes and values.
Element Attribute Value 1 id avatar src sap-icon://flight 2 id verticallayout1 class sapUiSmallMarginBeginEnd Add the following code inside the FlexBox element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234<Avatar id="avatar" src="sap-icon://flight"/> <layout:VerticalLayout id="verticalLayout1" class="sapUiSmallMarginBeginEnd"> </layout:VerticalLayout>
Add two sap.m.Label controls to the sap.ui.layout.VerticalLayout control with the listed attributes and values:
Element Attribute Value 1 id label1 text {Carrid} 2 id label2 text {Url} Add the following code into the VerticalLayout element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12<Label id="label1" text="{Carrid}"/> <Label id="label2" text="{Url}"/>Your code for the headerContent should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112<ux:headerContent> <FlexBox wrap="Wrap" id="flexBox"> <Avatar id="avatar" src="sap-icon://flight"/> <layout:VerticalLayout id="verticalLayout1" class="sapUiSmallMarginBeginEnd"> <Label id="label1" text="{Carrid}"/> <Label id="label2" text="{Url}"/> </layout:VerticalLayout> </FlexBox> </ux:headerContent>
Add an sap.uxap.ObjectPageSection control to thesap.uxap.sections aggregation. Add the value objectPageSection to the attribute id.
Add the following code inside the sections element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ux:ObjectPageSection id="objectPageSection"> </ux:ObjectPageSection>
Add an sap.uxap.ObjectPageSubSection control to the sap.uxap.ObjectPageSection control. Add the value objectPageSubSection to the attribute id.
Add the following code inside the ObjectPageSection element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ux:ObjectPageSubSection id="objectPageSubSection1"> </ux:ObjectPageSubSection>
Add ansap.m.Table control to the sap.uxap.ObjectPageSubSection aggregation and add the following attributes to the Table control:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.Table Element
Attribute Value id table headerText {i18n>tableHeaderText} items {to_Connection} noDataText {i18n>talbeNoDataText Add the following code inside the ObjectPageSubSection element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234<Table id="table" headerText="{i18n>tableHeaderText}" items="{to_Connection}" noDataText="{i18n>tableNoDataText}"> </Table>
Add the columns aggregation to the Table control and add three sap.m.Column controls to the columns aggregation. For each control, assign the following attributes:
Element Attribute Values 1 id column1 2 id column2 3 id column3 Add the following code inside the Table element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678<columns> <Column id="column1"> </Column> <Column id="column2"> </Column> <Column id="column3"> </Column> </columns>
To each of the sap.m.Columns controls, add one sap.m.Text control and assign the following attributes:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.Text Elements
Element Attribute Value 1 id text1 text {i18n>idColumnText} 2 id text2 text {i18n>cityFromColumnText} 3 id text3 text {i18n>cityToColumnText} Add the following code into the first column definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1<Text id="text1" text="{i18n>idColumnText}"/>Add the following code into the second column definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1<Text id="text2" text="{i18n>cityFromColumnText}"/>Add the following code into the third column definition:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1<Text id="text3" text="{i18n>cityToColumnText}"/>
Add the items aggregation to the Table element.
Add the following code after the columns aggregation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<items> </items>
Add an sap.m.ColumnListItem control to the items aggregation and add the value columnListItem to the attribute id.
Add the following code inside the items aggregation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<ColumnListItem id="columnListItem"> </ColumnListItem>
Add the cells aggregation to the ColumnListItem control.
Add the following code into the ColumnListItem element:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123<cells> </cells>
Add three sap.m.Text controls to the cells aggregation and add the following attributes and values to the Text elements.
Element Attribute Value 1 id text4 text {Carrid} 2 id text5 text {Cityfrom} 3 id text6 text {Cityto} Add the following code into the cells aggregation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234<Text id="text4" text="{Carrid}"/> <Text id="text5" text="{Cityfrom}"/> <Text id="text6" text="{Cityto}"/>Your code for the sections aggregation should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132<ux:sections> <ux:ObjectPageSection id="objectPageSection"> <ux:ObjectPageSubSection id="objectPageSubSection1"> <Table id="table" headerText="{i18n>tableHeaderText}" items="{to_Connection}" noDataText="{i18n>tableNoDataText}"> <columns> <Column id="column1"> <Text id="text1" text="{i18n>idColumnText}"/> </Column> <Column id="column2"> <Text id="text2" text="{i18n>cityFromColumnText}"/> </Column> <Column id="column3"> <Text id="text3" text="{i18n>cityToColumnText}"/> </Column> </columns> <items> <ColumnListItem id="columnListItem"> <cells> <Text id="text4" text="{Carrid}"/> <Text id="text5" text="{Cityfrom}"/> <Text id="text6" text="{Cityto}"/> </cells> </ColumnListItem> </items> </Table> </ux:ObjectPageSubSection> </ux:ObjectPageSection> </ux:sections>
Task 6: Define the NotFound View content
The NotFound view is displayed when the requested target was not found. Define the NotFound view content as a MessagePage.
Open the NotFound.view.xml file and remove the pageelement.
Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
Add an sap.m.MessagePage element to the view and add the following attributes to the element:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.MessagePage Element
Attribute Value id notFoundMessagePage title {i18n>notFoundTitle} text {i18n>notFoundText} icon sap-icon://document Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m"> <MessagePage id="notFoundMessagePage" title="{i18n>notFoundTitle}" text="{i18n>notFoundText}" icon="sap-icon://document" > </MessagePage> </mvc:View>
Task 7: Define the DetailObjectNotFound View content
The DetailObjectNotFound view is displayed when the detail was not found. Define the DetailObjectNotFound view content as a MessagePage.
Open the DetailObjectNotFound.view.xml file and remove the page element.
Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
Add an sap.m.MessagePage element to the view and add the following attributes to the element:
Attribute-value Pairs for the sap.m.MessagePage Element
Attribute Value id detailObjectNotFoundPage title {i18n>detailTitle} text {i18n>noObjectFoundText} icon sap-icon://document Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112<mvc:View controllerName="" xmlns:mvc="sap.ui.core.mvc" displayBlock="true" xmlns="sap.m"> <MessagePage id="detailObjectNotFoundPage" title="{i18n>detailTitle}" text="{i18n>noObjectFoundText}" icon="sap-icon://document" > </MessagePage> </mvc:View>
Task 8: Provide View Synchronization Functionality
In this task, you implement view synchronization by creating a class with the name ListSelector. The ListSelector implementation should be placed in the controller folder of your project.
In the controller folder, create a file with name ListSelector.js.
Open the context menu of the controller folder and choose New File.
Enter ListSelector.js and choose OK.
Derive the ListSelector from sap.ui.base.Object.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/base/Object" ], function(BaseObject) { "use strict"; return BaseObject.extend("", { }); });
Add a constructor function.
Add a constructor function as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12constructor : function () { }
Inside the constructor function, create a Promise instance and assign the instance to a member variable called _oWhenListHasBeenSet. Pass an anonymous function to the Promise-constructor. The function should take an argument with the name fnResolveListHasBeenSet. Assign this argument to a public variable _fnResolveListHasBeenSet of function object. Make sure that the reference of the anonymous function points to the right object.
Add the_oWhenListHasBeenSet variable as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234this._oWhenListHasBeenSet = new Promise(function (fnResolveListHasBeenSet) { this._fnResolveListHasBeenSet = fnResolveListHasBeenSet; }.bind(this));
Create another Promise instance and assign the object to a member variable with the name oWhenListLoadingIsDone. The constructor function of the Promise should take an anonymous function with two arguments. Name the first argument fnResolve and the second fnReject. Make sure that the reference inside the promise points to the correct object.
Add the oWhenListLoadingIsDonevariable as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123this.oWhenListLoadingIsDone = new Promise(function (fnResolve, fnReject) { }.bind(this));
Implement the anonymous function created in previous step in a way that when the _oWhenListHasBeenSet promise is resolved, an anonymous function with an oList parameter is called.
Add the following code inside the Promise function of oWhenListLoadingIsDone:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345this._oWhenListHasBeenSet .then(function (oList) { });
The oList object will contain a reference at runtime to a list of the List view. Register an event handler for the dataReceived event for the items binding. The event handler registered for that event should check whether data are received from the backend during binding or not. When no data received from a backend call the fnReject function point should be invoked. Pass a literal javascript object with a property list and a property error. Assign the oList list object to the list property and a true value to the error property.
Add the following code after .then(function (oList) {:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910oList.getBinding("items").attachEventOnce("dataReceived", function (oData) { if (!oData.getParameter("data")) { fnReject({ list : oList, error: true }); } }
Continue with the implementation and enhance the event handler for the dataReceived event. Check whether the list referenced by the oList object contains at least one item. If this is the case, call the function point, fnResolve. Pass a literal javascript object with a property list and a property firstListitem. Assign the oList list object to the list property and the first item of the list to the firstListitemproperty. If there is not at least one item in the list, call fnReject. Pass a literal javascript object with a property list and a property error. Assign the oList list object to the list property and a false value to the error property.
Add the following code after the if statement closing bracket :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112131415var oFirstListItem = oList.getItems()[0]; if(oFirstListItem) { fnResolve({ list: oList, oFirstListItem: oFirstListItem }) } else { // No items in the list fnReject({ list : oList, error: false }); }The complete implementation of the constructor function should look like the code in the following figure:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363738constructor : function () { this._oWhenListHasBeenSet = new Promise(function (fnResolveListHasBeenSet) { this._fnResolveListHasBeenSet = fnResolveListHasBeenSet; }.bind(this)); this.oWhenListLoadingIsDone = new Promise(function (fnResolve, fnReject) { this._oWhenListHasBeenSet .then(function (oList) { oList.getBinding("items").attachEventOnce("dataReceived", function (oData) { if (!oData.getParameter("data")) { fnReject({ list : oList, error: true }); } var oFirstListItem = oList.getItems()[0]; if(oFirstListItem) { fnResolve({ list: oList, oFirstListItem: oFirstListItem }) } else { // No items in the list fnReject({ list : oList, error: false }); } } ); }); }.bind(this)); }
Implement a setBoundMasterList function. The function should take one argument named oList. Assign the oList parameter to a member variable named _oList and call the function pointer stored in _fnResolveListHasBeenSet. Pass the oList object to that function pointer.
Add the following code after the constructor function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345setBoundMasterList: function(oList) { this._oList = oList; this._fnResolveListHasBeenSet(oList); },
Implement a function named selectAListItem. The function should take one argument named sBindingPath. The sBindingPath argument will contain the path to an item of the master list. The function should react when the oWhenListLoadingIsDone promise is resolved and should check whether the sBindingPath variable points to the same entity of the list that was already selected. If this, or the mode of the list, equals None, the processing should return to the caller. Otherwise, the item of the list should be selected.
Implement the code for selectAListItem after the setBoundMasterListfunction, as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526selectAListItem : function (sBindingPath) { this.oWhenListLoadingIsDone.then( function () { var oList = this._oList, oSelectedItem; if (oList.getMode() === "None") { return; } oSelectedItem = oList.getSelectedItem(); // skip update if the current selection is already matching the object path if (oSelectedItem && oSelectedItem.getBindingContext().getPath() === sBindingPath) { return; } oList.getItems().some(function (oItem) { if (oItem.getBindingContext() && oItem.getBindingContext().getPath() === sBindingPath) { oList.setSelectedItem(oItem); return true; } }); }.bind(this)); },
Implement a clearListSelection function. This function should reset the statuses selected at all items of the list. The deselection should be done when the promise stored in _oWhenListHasBeenSet is resolved. Then save your changes.
Add the clearListSelectionfunction as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456clearMasterListSelection: function() { this._oWhenListHasBeenSet.then(function() { this._oList.removeSelections(true); }.bind(this)); }Save your changes.
To make sure that the ListSelector can be referenced from each part of the application, we must create an instance of the ListSelector at a more global level. Therefore, create an instance of the ListSelector inside the Component.js file and make sure that the instance is a member variable of the component. Then save your changes.
Open the Component.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Add a reference to the ListSelector in the Component.js file as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/UIComponent", "sap/ui/Device", "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/model/models", "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/controller/ListSelector" ], function (UIComponent, Device, models, ListSelector) {In the init function of the Component, declare a member variable named oListSelector and assign an ListSelector instance to the variable. Then save your changes.
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123// instantiation of the listselector this.oListSelector = new ListSelector();You init function should now look like this:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910111213141516init: function () { // call the base component's init function UIComponent.prototype.init.apply(this, arguments); // instantiation of the listselector this.oListSelector = new ListSelector(); // enable routing this.getRouter().initialize(); // set the device model this.setModel(models.createDeviceModel(), "device"); }
Task 9: Implement the Base Controller
In this task, you implement a base controller class .This class provides to all controllers some functionalities for reuse (for routing, view synchronization, and backward navigation).
Add a file named BaseController.js to the controller folder of your project.
Open the context menu of the controller folder and choose New File.
Enter BaseController.js and choose OK.
Derive a new class from sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller.
Add the following code :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller" ], function (Controller) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("", { }); });
Add a reference to sap.ui.core.routing.History and pass the reference as History to the callback.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller", "sap/ui/core/routing/History" ], function (Controller, History) {
Implement a function named getRouter and return the router of the component.
Add the following code inside the extend function :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234getRouter: function () { return this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter(); },
Implement a getListSelector function and return the reference of the oListSelector object from the component.
Add the following code after the getRouterimplementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234getListSelector: function() { return this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector; },
Implement a getResourceBundle function and return a reference to the i18n model of the application.
Add the following code after the getListSelector implementation :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234getResourceBundle: function () { return this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle(); },
Implement a function named onNavBack. The function should navigate back to the master list using the masterlist route. Then save your changes.
Add the following code after the getResourceBundle implementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112onNavBack: function() { var sPreviousHash = History.getInstance().getPreviousHash(); if (sPreviousHash !== undefined) { // The history contains a previous entry history.go(-1); } else { // Otherwise we go backwards with a forward history var bReplace = true; this.getRouter().navTo("masterlist", {}, bReplace); } }Save your changes. Your BaseController implementation should now look like the following:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132sap.ui.define([ "sap/ui/core/mvc/Controller", "sap/ui/core/routing/History" ], function (Controller, History) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("", { getRouter: function () { return this.getOwnerComponent().getRouter(); }, getListSelector: function() { return this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector; }, getResourceBundle: function () { return this.getOwnerComponent().getModel("i18n").getResourceBundle(); }, onNavBack: function() { var sPreviousHash = History.getInstance().getPreviousHash(); if (sPreviousHash !== undefined) { // The history contains a previous entry history.go(-1); } else { // Otherwise we go backwards with a forward history var bReplace = true; this.getRouter().navTo("masterlist", {}, bReplace); } } }); });
Task 10: Implement the Application Controller
In this task, you implement the controller of the App view to link the JSON model for layout to the Application.
Open the App.controller.js file. Define that the controller should be derived from the BaseController. Moreover, add sap/ui/model/JSONModel to the namespace.
Open the App.controller.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Update the code as follows :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910111213141516sap.ui.define( [ "./BaseController", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel" ], function(BaseController, JSONModel) { "use strict"; return BaseController.extend("", { onInit() { } }); } );Implement the onInit function. Create an JSON-Model with an attribute layout and assign the created Model to the App view.
Add the following code into the onInit function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456var oViewModel = new JSONModel({ layout : "OneColumn" }); this.getView().setModel(oViewModel, "mainView");
Task 11: Implement the List Controller
In this task, you implement the controller of the List view for navigation.
Open the List.controller.js file. Define that the controller should be derived from the BaseController. Add a reference to the Device API of SAPUI5.
Open the List.controller.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910sap.ui.define([ "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/controller/BaseController", "sap/ui/Device" ], /** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */ function (Controller, Device) { "use strict";
Implement a _navigateToCarrierDetails function. The function takes two arguments. Name the first argument sCarrierId and the second bReplace. The function should navigate to the carrierdetails route and pass a sCarrierId value as a parameter.
Add the following code after the onInit function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456_navigateToCarrierDetails : function(sCarrierId,bReplace) { this.getRouter().navTo("carrierdetails", { objectId: sCarrierId }, bReplace); },
Add a _showDetail function. The function takes one argument. Name the argument oItem. This variable will contain during runtime the item selected by the user from the master list. Read the property Carrid from the oItemand store it in a variable sCarrierId. Check also if the app is running on a mobile device or not. Store the result in a local variable bReplace. Invoke the _navigateToCarrierDetails function and pass both variables as an argument.
After the _navigateToCarrierDetails implementation, add the _showDetail function with an oItem argument as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123_showDetail: function(oItem) { },Check whether the app is running on a mobile device or on a desktop and store the result in a local variable. Then read the Carrid property from the bindingContext of the oItem object and store it in a variable. Pass both variables to the _navigateToCarrierDetails function. Add the following code into the _showDetail function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234var bReplace = !; var sCarrierId = oItem.getBindingContext().getProperty("Carrid"); this._navigateToCarrierDetails(sCarrierId,bReplace);
Implement the event handler for the select event of the list. The assign function to handle the event was called onSelect. Invoke the _showDetail method and pass the selected item to the function. The selection behavior of the table depends on whether the app is running on a mobile device or not.
Add the following code after the _showDetail implementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234onSelect: function(oEvent) { this._showDetail(oEvent.getParameter("listItem") || oEvent.getSource()); },
Implement an onBypassed function. This function should handle the case that when the router bypasses the target. Inside the function, invoke the removeSelections function on the list object.
Add the following code after the onSelect implementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234onBypassed: function() { this._oList.removeSelections(true); },
Add an _onListMatched function to the implementation. The function takes no argument. The function will be called when the list route is invoked by the router. React on the case when the promise oWhenListLoadingIsDone is resolved. If the promise is resolved, the details of the first item from the master list should be displayed inside the details view. This should only be processed when the mode of list is not None.
Add the following code after the onBypassed implementation :
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112_onListMatched: function() { this.getListSelector().oWhenListLoadingIsDone.then( function(mParams) { if (mParams.list.getMode() === "None") { return; } var sObjectId = mParams.firstListitem.getBindingContext().getProperty("Carrid"); this._navigateToCarrierDetails(sObjectId,true); }.bind(this) ); }
Implement the onInit function. Get a reference to the master list of your view and store the reference in a variable named oList. Assign the reference to oList to a member variable named _oList. Add a eventhandler for onBeforeFirstShow of the view using addEventDelegate-function and invoke the setBoundMasterList of the ListSelector and pass the reference to the oList object to the function. Implement a behavior when the masterlist route is invoked by the router. If this is the case, the _onListMatched function should be invoked. Implement a behavior when the router bypasses the list route, register the onBypassed function when this event occurs. Then save your changes.
Add the following code to the onInit function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910var oList = this.byId("list"); this._oList = oList; this.getView().addEventDelegate({ onBeforeFirstShow: function () { this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.setBoundMasterList(this._oList); }.bind(this) }); this.getRouter().getRoute("masterlist").attachPatternMatched(this._onListMatched, this); this.getRouter().attachBypassed(this.onBypassed, this);Save your changes.
Task 12: Implement the Detail Controller
In this task, you implement the controller of the Detail view for navigation.
Open the Detail.controller.js file. Define that the controller should be derived from the BaseController and add a reference to the Device API of SAPUI5.
Open the Detail.controller.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode12345678910sap.ui.define([ "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/controller/BaseController", "sap/ui/Device" ], /** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */ function (Controller, Device) { "use strict";
Define a function named _onBindingChange. The function should check whether the view is bound to an entity or not. If not, a target with the name detailObjectNotFound should be displayed and the selection on the master list should be cleared. To clear the selection, call the function clearListSelection on the ListSelector. If the view is bound to an entity, get the binding path of the entity and invoke the selectAListItem function from the ListSelector. Pass the binding path as an argument.
Add the following code after the onInit function:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112_onBindingChange: function() { var oView = this.getView(); var oElementBinding = oView.getElementBinding(); if (!oElementBinding.getBoundContext()) { this.getRouter().getTargets().display("detailObjectNotFound"); this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.clearMasterListSelection(); return; } var sPath = oElementBinding.getPath(); this.getOwnerComponent().oListSelector.selectAListItem(sPath); },
Implement a function named _bindView. The function takes one argument named sObjectPath. The variable contains the path to the selected Object from the master list. Update the binding of the view using the bindElement function. Pass a literal object to the bindElement function. Add a property named path to the literal object and assign the sObjectPath variable to the property. Then add an events property to the literal object. Assign another literal object to the events property. Define three attributes to the events object. The first property is called change. Assign the reference to the function _onBindingChangeto the property. Add a property dataRequested and dataReceived. Assign a function to each property. Implement the function for dataRequested and show that the view is busy. Implement the function for dataReceived and hide the busy indicator for the view.
Add the following code after the _onBindingChange implementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314151617_bindView: function(sObjectPath) { var oView = this.getView(); this.getView().bindElement({ path: sObjectPath, events: { change: this._onBindingChange.bind(this), dataRequested: function() { oView.setBusy(true); }, dataReceived: function() { oView.setBusy(false); } } }); },
Implement a function named _onObjectMatched. This function is an event handler function for the Pattern-Matched event during navigation. Read the navigation property objectId from the events arguments and call the _bindView function of the controller. Pass the objectId to the function. In addition, change the layout attribute of the mainView Model to TwoColumnsMidExpanded to adjust the layout behavior of your sap.f.flexibleColumnLayout.
Add the following code after the _bindView implementation:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567_onObjectMatched: function(oEvent) { this.getView().getModel("mainView").setProperty("/layout", "TwoColumnsMidExpanded"); var sObjectPath = "/UX_C_Carrier_TP('" + oEvent.getParameter("arguments").objectId + "')"; this._bindView(sObjectPath); }
Implement the onInit function. Register the _onObjectMatched event handler for the pattern matching event of the carrierdetails route. Then save your changes.
Update the code of the onInit function as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234onInit: function () { this.getRouter().getRoute("carrierdetails").attachPatternMatched(this._onObjectMatched, this); },Save your changes.
Task 13: Implement the NotFound Controller
In this task, you implement the controller of the NotFound view.
Open the NotFound.controller.js file. Define that the controller should be derived from the BaseController. In addition, delete the onInit function. Then save your changes.
Open the NotFound.controller.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode123456789101112131415sap.ui.define([ "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/controller/BaseController" ], /** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */ function (Controller) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("", { }); });Save your changes.
Task 14: Implement the DetailObjectNotFound Controller
In this task, you implement the controller of the DetailObjectNotFound view.
Open the DetailObjectNotFound.controller.js file. Define that the controller should be derived from the BaseController. In addition, delete the onInit function. Then save your changes.
Open the DetailObjectNotFound.controller.js file located in the controller folder of your project.
Update the code as follows:
Code SnippetCopy codeSwitch to dark mode1234567891011121314sap.ui.define([ "student##/com/sap/training/ux402/listdetail/ux402listdetail/controller/BaseController" ], /** * @param {typeof sap.ui.core.mvc.Controller} Controller */ function (Controller) { "use strict"; return Controller.extend("", { }); });Save your changes.
Task 15: Test your Application
Test your application. Choose a carrier to see the corresponding connections.
Perform this step as shown in a previous exercise.
Try to navigate to a hash for which no route exists. The NotFound view should be displayed.
Change the URL in your browser to something not corresponding to a route, for example Carrier/AA instead of Carriers/AA.
Try to navigate to a hash for which a route exists, but also to the object key for which no suitable detail object can be loaded. The DetailObjectNotFound view should be displayed.
Change the URL in your browser so that the Carrier id is not known, for example enter Carriers/XX.