An object page displays when an end user selects a row in a list report.
A basic object page contains a header area and a body.
At the top, the name describes the type of objects displays in the center.
The header area contains a title, description, and image of the record. The value should bind to a property of the OData service.
In the body area, by default, fields annotated with @UI.identification display.
Annotations for Basic Object Page
Essential annotations for basic object pages are:
- @UI.headerinfo.typeName
Indicates the type name of the business object.
- @UI.headerinfo.title.value
Points to the ID data field.
- @UI.headerinfo.description.value
Point to the Description data field.
- @UI.identification
Like UI.LineItem, fields with this annotation displays in the General Information section of the page.
Example of a Business Object Page
The figure displays an example of a simple object page. From this figure, you can see how @UI.headerInfo and @UI.identification display on the Object Page.
Notice that the @UI.identification is only shown when a facet is implemented (see Lesson 3 of this unit).