Using Basic Annotations for Object Pages


After completing this lesson, you will be able to list the key features and basic annotations for object pages

Object Page Components

Object Page

The object page consists of the following elements:

  • Dynamic page header (mandatory)
  • Navigation bar (optional)
  • Content area (mandatory)

The figure below shows the object page components.

Dynamic Page Header

The dynamic page header contains key information about the object and provides the user with the necessary context. The header initially expands in display mode. It also contains global actions for the object, such as Edit or Delete.

Basic Annotations for Object Pages

An object page displays when an end user selects a row in a list report.

A basic object page contains a header area and a body.

At the top, the name describes the type of objects displays in the center.

The header area contains a title, description, and image of the record. The value should bind to a property of the OData service.

In the body area, by default, fields annotated with @UI.identification display.

Annotations for Basic Object Page

Essential annotations for basic object pages are:


Indicates the type name of the business object.


Points to the ID data field.


Point to the Description data field.


Like UI.LineItem, fields with this annotation displays in the General Information section of the page.

Example of a Business Object Page

The figure displays an example of a simple object page. From this figure, you can see how @UI.headerInfo and @UI.identification display on the Object Page.

Notice that the @UI.identification is only shown when a facet is implemented (see Lesson 3 of this unit).

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