Creating a Basic CI/CD Job with SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery


After completing this lesson, you will be able to sum up the necessary steps to create a basic CI/CD job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery

Basic CI/CD Job with SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery

In this lesson, you will:

  • Understand the basic terminology that is used in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery
  • Discover the user interface of the service
  • Learn about the necessary steps to configure a basic CI/CD job.

What is a Job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery?

Before using a predefined SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery pipeline, you configure it according to your needs. This configuration does not only include the choice of the pipeline type that fits your scenario, but also the selection and adoption of the stages you want it to execute. Stages are tasks (such as build, integration test, or deploy), which are executed one after the other. Stages can contain multiple subtasks (such as uploading to a runtime and uploading to SAP Cloud Transport Management), which are referred to as steps. A configured and thus customized pipeline is called job.

Relation between Pipeline, Stage and Step

If a job is triggered, the stages you’ve configured are executed in a row. Each execution of a job is referred to as build.

Relation between Job and Build

A build can either be triggered manually in the service user interface or automatically through changes in your source code management repository. To automate your pipeline so that it runs a build with every commit that is made, you need to establish a webhook between SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery and your source repository. This webhook sends a push event whenever a change is pushed and thereby triggers a build of the connected job.

Using a Webhook with SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery

For a summary of the basic concepts used in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery, see Overview | SAP Help Portal.

Necessary Steps to Create a CI/CD Job

Creating a job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery comprises the following tasks:

  • Adding a repository to the service
  • Optionally, establishing a webhook
  • Configuring a job
  • Optionally, integrating other DevOps services

Watch the following demos to get an impression of how to execute these tasks:

Adding a Repository to SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery

Before creating a job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery, you need to connect your project’s repository with the service.

Establishing a Webhook between SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery and a Repository

A webhook automates a CI/CD job. This means that whenever a change is pushed to your repository, the connected job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery is automatically triggered.

Configuring a Job in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery

Depending on your scenario, you can choose from different predefined pipelines and select and adapt their stages.

Integrating Other DevOps Services into an SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery Job

Optionally, you can integrate the functionalities of SAP Cloud Transport Management and SAP Alert Notification service for SAP BTP into your job.

Integrating SAP Cloud Transport Management into an SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery Job

Integrating SAP Alert Notification Service for SAP BTP


You now have a basic understanding of how to create basic CI/CD jobs in SAP Continuous Integration and Delivery.

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