Formatting Charts


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Format a chart.

Charts in Reports

Selecting the right charts is a crucial step of the reporting process, as they are the canvas of a future analysis.

Your report is the gateway to insights and actionable information. Using the right charts means that your audience interprets data the right way and gets the right insights without any confusion. We broke them down into groups so you can identify the one that is most relevant depending on what you are trying to demonstrate.

Formulas in Chart Elements

You can use the formula editor to define and edit formulas in chart elements.

You can add formulas in:

  • Chart title
  • Legend title
  • Axis titles
  • Maximum and minimum values for axis scaling

Once you've selected a chart element, click the pen icon in the formula editor to add a formula.

Formatting a Bar Chart

Display Settings


  • Legend
  • Category Axis
  • Value Axis 1
  • Hide Chart
  • Dimensions and Measures

Errors and Warnings

Appearance Settings



Style Settings

Measure Style



  • Symbol Border
  • Symbol Palette



Light and Shadow Effects

Layout Settings


Relative Position


  • Vertical
  • Horizontal

Pie Chart Formats

Display Settings


  • Legend
  • Hide Chart
  • Dimensions and Measures

Errors and Warnings

Appearance Settings



Style Settings




Light and Shadow Effects
Layout Settings


Relative Position


  • Vertical
  • Horizontal

Warning Icons in Charts

Warning icons in charts can let you know when there are chart and data object errors.

You can enable or disable warning icons in the Format panel in the Display Settings tab, under the Errors and Warnings section, using the Show alert when incompatible data present option.

Warning icons can signal general warnings; icons are displayed on the top left corner of the chart.

Warning iconsDescription
Red X in a white backgroundImpossible to generate the chart. This could be due to a cache problem - try clearing temporary objects from the cache.
White X in a red circleCan't find the image, ask your BI administrator to check the load balancing settings and enable service monitoring.
Yellow warningFor example, the dataset is too large (technical limit of the server), need to refresh the dataset, other cube errors.
Blue alertLimit for optimal rendering.

In an incompatible chart data warning, a small yellow warning icon is displayed on the data point.

This happens if Show alert when incompatible data present is activated in the chart format options, and the dataset is inconsistent with the chart parameters. For example, a warning can appear in a pie chart with negative values, negative values for a logarithmic scale, or inconsistent hierarchical values for a tree map.

Format Charts

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