Personalizing the BI Launch Pad


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Set the BI Launch Pad preferences.

Preference Settings

Your personal preferences determine how you log on to the BI Launch Pad, which views appear, and which settings apply to viewed objects.

The access rights assigned by your system administrator determine whether you can set your own preferences. Before you start using the BI Launch Pad, check whether your preferences have been set and configure them, if needed.

Settings for Home Page Preferences

You can set your preference for the landing page of the BI Launch Pad from the Home page.

Customization of the BI Launch Pad Home Page

The users can customize the home page of the BI Launch Pad.

Locale Settings and Time Zone Preferences

Locales determine the appearance of the application interface (for example, menu items and button text) and data (for example, date and number formatting) in relation to local preferences. You can set two types of locales:

The product locale is the language and interface alignment control (RTL vs LTR) of the application interface.

The preferred Viewing Locale (PVL) determines how dates, times, and numbers are formatted.

For multilingual objects, the PVL also sets the language used to display the name and description of an object. If an object has multiple translated names and descriptions, the display language is determined as follows:

  1. The system displays the name and description that correspond to the user's PVL. The BI platform may use a default fallback locale, but it is typically a variation of the user's PVL. For example, if the PVL is French (Canada) and the object does not have a translated name and description in Canadian French, the platform will use French (France).
  2. If no PVL is set, the platform displays the name and description in the same language as the product locale.
  3. If options 1 or 2 are not feasible, the platform displays the name and description in the source language of the object.

Setting the time zone will affect when scheduled objects are processed.

Before scheduling objects, check the time zone setting in the BI Launch Pad. The default time zone is local to the web server.

Customization of the BI Launch Pad Appearance

You can customize the appearance of the BI Launch Pad.

You can customize the appearance of the BI Launch pad by selecting from the list of available themes.

Measurement Unit Selection

The measurement unit parameter enables you to select centimeters or inches.

This parameter is useful when you have a specific amount of space in you report to allocate to specific report elements, such as a header of a footer.

Web Intelligence Clients

Web Intelligence has two clients:

  • Web Intelligence Web Client: through a web browser, from the BI Launch pad.
  • Web Intelligence Rich Client: on your desktop, you can install the Web Intelligence Rich Client to work locally with or without a connection to the BI Platform. Then, you will be able to: Save documents locallyBuild queries on local data sources (for example, Excel or Text)Interact with documents without repeated round-trips to the server (for example, formatting changes)

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