Choosing a Report Creation Method


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Choose a report creation method.

New Report Implementation

Learn how to create your own report.

When you launch Crystal Reports, the Start Page appears at the top of the screen.

The Start Page includes links to recent reports that you’ve opened, report creation methods, the Help system, a search functionality, sample reports, and an update service. You can create a new report with Crystal Reports using these methods:

New Report Options

  • Use one of the Report Wizards provided.

    A user who is unfamiliar with Crystal Reports, or someone who is familiar but needs a report in a hurry, will find it easier to design a report using one of the wizards. You step through the report-building process of a specific type of report when using a wizard.

  • Build the report from the Blank Report option, piece by piece.

    You can design a report using this method by starting with a blank report and building the elements of the report piece by piece.

  • Create a report using Another Report option.

    Another quick method to build a report is to create it from an existing report. This existing report can be used as a template because it may already contain much of the information and formatting that you need. After you open the report that you want to use as a template, save it to a new file using the Save As command on the File menu.

The Start Page also contains dynamic content from SAP Business Objects.

After you select the type of report that you want to build from the Start Page, you choose the data source you will use to create the report.

Data Source Specification

For any new report that you want to create, the first step is to specify the data source.

Regardless of which option you select from the START A NEW REPORT list on the Start Page, the dialog box that displays will be one of several Data dialog boxes that allow you to specify the data source from either an existing connection or by creating a new connection.

If you choose to use a blank report as the basis of your new report, the Database Expert opens automatically.

The options in the Database Expert are:

  • My Connections

    This option shows all data sources that you are currently connected to.

  • Create New Connection

    This folder contains a number of sub-folders of data source options.

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