Explore some of the report formatting options.
Using the Format Editor is another, more complex method of formatting. Some of the more frequently used features of the Format Editor are the options listed on these tabs:
- Common
- On the Common tab, you can suppress the field, keep the field together if a record spans more than one page, control borders of the field, limit the number of lines that the field can print, rotate and align text, add tool-tip text, and lock the size and position of the selected object.

- Border
On the Border tab, you can select line styles, drop shadows, and the color for the border and the background. Clicking Background opens a second color selection list for you to choose a fill color for the text object.

- Font
On the Font tab, your options include the changing the font, style, size, and color. You can also add a strikeout (a line through text) and underline effects. The sample box shows you the results of your choices.
Many of the attributes that you see in the Format Editor have the formula buttons next to them. These buttons are used for conditional formatting, or applying a condition to a specific format using a formula.

- Paragraph
If you select a string field or text object to format, the Format Editor offers these options on the Paragraph tab.
- First Line
- Enter the distance in inches (or the default measurement for your report) that you want the first line of the paragraph to be indented from the rest of the paragraph.
- Left
- Enter the distance in inches (or the default measurement for your report) that you want the paragraph to be indented from the left margin of the page.
- Right
- Enter the distance in inches (or the default measurement for your report) that you want the paragraph to be indented from the right margin of the page.
- Line Spacing
- Enter the spacing you want for lines as a multiple of the font size you are using, or as an exact number of points.
- Of
- Use this box to enter the multiple that you want to use (if you selected Multiple for Line Spacing), or the number of points (if you selected Exact for Line Spacing).
- Reading Order
- Use the options in this area to define whether your text is to be read from left to right or from right to left.
- Text Interpretation
- Use this list to select the type of pre-formatted data (string or memo fields only) or text you are inserting in a field. Crystal Reports extract information about the font, size, style, color, and paragraph and displays the data or text with the specified attributes.
- Number
If you select a numeric field to format, the Format Editor offers these options on the Number tab.
- System Default Number Format
- This option checks the settings in your Windows control panel and uses those settings for your numeric fields.
- Currency Symbol Area
This option enables you to display a currency symbol and its type, if applicable.
- Customize
- Use this button to see more detailed formatting options on the Custom Style dialog box.
- Date and Time
If you select a Date, Time, or DateTime field to format, the Format Editor offers these options on the Date and Time tab.
- Style
- From this predefined list, choose a date/time style to apply to the field selected on your report. When you choose System Default Long Format or System Default Short Format, the program uses the time and date formats from the Regional Settings Properties dialog box in the Windows Control Panel.
- Customize
- Use this button to see more detailed formatting options on the Custom Style dialog box.
- Boolean
If you select a Boolean field to format, the Format Editor offers these options on the Boolean tab.
This list includes all the formats in which Boolean fields can be displayed. Select the desired format from this list.
- Hyperlink
Use this tab to create a hyperlink to a web site, an e-mail address, a file, or a report object. The hyperlink is saved with your report and is available to other users as a way of viewing additional information.
- Hyperlink type
- Click the type of hyperlink you want to create. Hints about how to use each option are provided on the bottom of the tab in the "Helpful hint" section.
- Hyperlink Information
- Use this section of the tab to enter the appropriate hyperlink information (the URL of a web site, for example).Hyperlink information is available for all Hyperlink types except No Hyperlink,Current Website Field Value, and Current E-mail Field Value.
- Browse
- Use Browse to search for files using the Open dialog box. Browse is available only for the "A File" option.
- Helpful hint
- Use these hints to learn how each Hyperlink type works and what it will add to your report.