Using the drop-down list, you can build selection criteria that meet your needs. Depending on the field that you select, the available operators in the drop-down list are:
- is any value
- This option selects all records, meaning no selection at all.
- is equal to
This option enables you to specify one specific value as the criteria, so that only matching records are included on the report; for example, only records from California (CA).
- is one of
This option enables you to specify a series of values as the criteria, so that only records matching one of these will be included on the report; for example, only records from CA, BC, or NY.
- is not one of
This option enables you to exclude a series of values as the criteria, so that those matching records will be excluded on the report; for example, not records from CA, BC, or NY.
- is greater than or less than
This option enables you to indicate a specific value that records must be above or below to be included on the report; for example, only records with sales greater than or over $50,000 for the last year.
- is greater than or equal to or less than or equal to
This option enables you to include all records in which the linked field value is above or below (or equal to) to be included on the report; for example, only records with sales that are the same amount (that is, $50,000) or greater than or over $50,000 for the last year.
- is between
This option enables you to select records that have a value falling between or matching one of the two specified values; is inclusive and includes the end values. For example, only records with last year’s sales between $10,000 and $20,000, including $10,000 and $20,000.
- is not between
This option enables you to exclude records that have a value falling between or matching one of the two specified values; is inclusive and excludes the end values. For example, excludes records with last year’s sales between $10,000 and $20,000, including $10,000 and $20,000.
- starts with
This option enables you to indicate character(s) or value(s) that each data field must begin with in order to pass the selection criteria. For example, only customers whose names begin with the letter "A."
- does not start with
This option enables you to indicate character(s) or value(s) that each data field does not begin with in order to pass the selection criteria; for example, no customers whose names begin with the letter "A."
- is like
This option permits wildcard characters (? and *) to specify criteria that must be met; for example, crystal, comical, and critical could all be selected using "is like c*."
- is not like
This option permits wildcard characters (? and *) to specify criteria that must be excluded. For example, using "is not like c*" would exclude crystal, comical, and critical.
- in the period
This option enables you to specify a date range in which records must fall in order to be included on the report and is only available if a date field is chosen. With this option, a scroll list of all Crystal Reports date ranges is made available.
- is not in the period
This option enables you to specify a date range in which records must not fall in order to be included on the report and is only available if a date field is chosen. With this option, a scroll list of all Crystal Reports date ranges is made available.
- formula
This option expands the dialog box where you enter your criteria.