Assigning Analytical Apps to the Business User


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Assign an analytical app to a business user.

Users and Roles

The apps of SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics are organized by roles (also called business roles).

One or more roles can be assigned to each business user. This is the job of the security administrator who has permission to perform this task.

SAP provide a large number of ready-made roles that can be used for a quick start. SAP have already assigned apps that are useful for each role.

However, the definition of a role can vary significantly between organization and the SAP-provided role might not contain all the relevant apps for your organization. The standard roles might also contain apps that are not relevant to the roles in your organization. So you should consider the standard roles as templates for creating you own custom roles. There are some roles that are generic so these might be suitable to use out-of-the-box, but the majority of roles will need to be custom-made and will include apps from various standard roles plus new apps the customer has developed. Also, bear in mind that when SAP deliver new releases of SAP S/4HANA, the standard roles may change. This is another important reason why you should not use standard roles for production systems.

Launch the video below to learn how to assign a role to a user.

Catalogs and Tile Groups

The tiles that launch the apps of SAP S/4HANA embedded analytics are not directly assigned to business users. In fact, the tiles are not even directly assigned to roles.

The tiles are actually assigned to SAP Fiori catalogs. A catalog is a collection of tiles that belong together from a line-of-business or functional perspective. For example, sales or finance.

A catalog is assigned to one or more roles. For example, a catalog that contains tiles to launch manufacturing analytics apps might be assigned to the Logistics Manager role and also to the Quality Manager role. These roles share the same catalog because both roles require many of the same manufacturing analytics apps.

A role must include at least one catalog, but a role usually contains multiple catalogs. For example, the Quality Manager role might include the manufacturing analytics catalog and also the procurement analytics catalog.

SAP provide ready-made roles and catalogs so you can quickly enable the business user. You can also create you own custom roles and catalogs.

Tile groups provide a way to organize tiles on the SAP Fiori Launchpad so they appear in a meaningful arrangement. Whereas catalogs are an internal organization of the tiles that belong together, the tile groups determine how the tiles will be presented on the SAP Fiori Launchpad.

Launch the video to learn more about how Users, Roles, Catalogs and Tile Groups are related.

SAP provide many standard Tile Groups to organize the tiles. If a tile does not belong to a Tile Group it will not be displayed on the SAP Fiori Launchpad.

In that, case the user can search for the app using the search field at the top of the SAP Fiori Launchpad. If the user expect to access the app frequently, then they can then create their own Tile Group and to that, add the tile that launches the app.

Launch the video to learn more about how a role is created using catalogs and tile groups.

SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer is the tool used to create and maintain catalogs and Tile Groups.

Launch the video to learn how to use the SAP Fiori Launchpad Designer to maintain catalog and Tile Groups.

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