Working with Analytical List Pages


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Process a worklist using Analytical List Pages.

Analytical List Pages

An Analytical List Page is a type of SAP Fiori application that brings together all the information that a business user requires to process a work list. A work list is a collection of items that need to be reviewed, often with the need to take immediate action on one or more items in the list. For example, a list of training courses that are due to run very soon, but do not have an instructor assigned. Someone needs to take action: assign an instructor, postpone the class or cancel the class. And the class that is due to run soonest should be top of the work list.

The Analytical List Page provides a combination of analytical and transactional information all on one screen so that it is easy to focus on the most critical issues, and then take action immediately.

An action taken on the transaction is immediately reflected in the analytic content of the page, so the user is able to see the improving situation in real time.

The Analytical List Page is highly customizable to ensure a very focused and localized view of the business issues. Each user can sort the work list so the most critical issues are shown first. The business user can set their own page layout preferences, set filters and share these settings with other users.

SAP provides many ready-made Analytical List Pages, but new ones can also be created by customers. As with Overview Pages, a developer with SAP Fiori skills would needed to create new Analytical List Pages. SAP enable a fast start by providing templates for both types of app.

As with all analytical applications, the standard delivered Analytical List Pages are documented in the Fiori Apps Reference Library with both usage and installation details provided.

Get Started with Analytical List Pages

Analytical List Page apps are launched from the SAP Fiori Launchpad using tiles. A business user is assigned the relevant Analytical List Page tiles via their role.

The Analytic List Page tile will usually display key information on its surface. For example, in the case of the Delivery Performance, you will see the key information related to the last three weeks of delivery activity. The basic idea is to provide a quick indication of how the business is performing at-a-glance so you know if there is a critical issue to deal with.

The layout of an Analytic List Page is organized into two sections:

  • Header Section - used to set filters for the page.

  • Content Section - displays a chart or a list, or both.

Working with the Header Section

The header section is where the filters are defined. There are two options for displaying filters. The first is using the compact display where simple drop-down lists are used to select the values. The second option is to use a visual display where mini charts are used to represent each filter. To select filters values you click on elements of the chart. For example, you could select one of the bars in a bar chart that represents a country, and this will apply a filter for the chosen country.

Once you choose the filter values, you must then choose the Go button to apply the filters to the page.

You can also save your filter selection so that it can easily be recalled. You can even set a default view so that it is applied each time you open the page.

Launch the video to learn how to set filters in an Analytical List Page.

Working with the Content Section

The content section includes charts. Here you can focus on the analytical aspects of the Analytic List Page. The toolbar offers a chance to change the chart types and to choose different dimensions and measures used in the chart.

The chart is clickable. This means that as you select either the labels on the axis or the actual bars or lines or chart elements, such as pie slices, the list of item in the lower part of the page is immediately filtered. This provides a quick way to find the underlying transactions related to an issue that was highlighted through a chart.

In the lower part of the content section, you find a list of transactions that meet the filter criteria that you have chosen.

Using the Settings option, you can remove or add new columns from the transaction list. There are usually many columns that are not shown. Each user can decide which columns are useful and save their choices as defaults.

A powerful feature found under Settings is Group. This feature allows you to form custom groups of transactions that share one or more common attributes, such as the same customer or same order status. This feature also calculates a total so all transactions in the group have their measures summed. Finally, the feature allows you to expand and collapse the transactions by group. For example, you could collapse all open orders but expand only the closed orders.

Navigating an Analytical List Page

An Analytical List Page provides many feature to allow the user to work efficiently through a work list. The aim is to apply filters using the charts and filter toolbar to generate a list of transactions that need attention. Once the transactions are listed, the user can click on each transaction to perform an action, such as re-assign, cancel, change, or to simply display the transaction in detail. Customers can add new actions to the list.

Launch the video to learn how to navigate in an Analytical List Page.

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