Working with Multidimensional Reports


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explore business data using a Multidimensional Report.

Multidimensional reports

Multidimensional reports provide the presentation layer for analytical queries. They are launched by the business user from SAP Fiori tiles and provide a large feature set to explore the query results. With a multidimensional report a business user can sort, filter, drill-down, add totals, and display data hierarchically.

A multidimensional report is launched using an SAP Fiori tile. A tile launches exactly one multidimensional report so the name of the report appears on the tile surface.

There are many standard multidimensional reports delivered by SAP covering many lines-of-business. Customers can also create their own multidimensional reports from standard or custom analytical queries.

One of the key use cases for multidimensional reports is unrestricted, exploratory analysis. Large data sets are provided to the business users who apply filters, switch dimensions, pivot the results and drill-down, to generate views that are meaningful to their business area. Quite often, business users don't know what the business question is until they begin exploring the data that often reveals interesting information which they can then focus on.

It is possible to save navigation states and page layouts to avoid having to re-enter filter values, repeat navigation steps and re-organize the layout of the report each time it is launched. Saved bookmarks and layouts can be shared with other business users.

Results can be exported to Excel or as a PDF, and you can create a new SAP Fiori tile directly from the report so it is easy to launch with the users' settings.

A multidimensional report usually presents a very long list of fields. These fields are defined in the analytical query. The developer who created the analytical query often does not know which fields are of interest to the business user, so they usually include most of the fields from the underlying cube. The developer also has to make a choice as to how the fields they have chosen will be displayed (in the rows or columns). This choice may not be what the business user would want. The navigation panel of the multidimensional report allows the business user to decide which fields they need for their analysis and where they should appear. They can add and remove fields from the result and save the new layout.

One of the most powerful features of the multidimensional report is the ability to navigate directly from the results into another related app without leaving the report. For example, by clicking on a specific employee who appears in a sales performance report, you could jump into another report to explore the employee's bonus plan.

Launch the videos to learn how to work with the Multidimensional Report app.

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