Outlining Networks


After completing this lesson, you will be able to list the structure elements of networks

Projects with WBS and Networks

James and Linda Discuss the Combination of Networks and WBS Elements

James is a project planner at Hybrid Machinery. Linda works there as a controller. They are discussing some more about the project structure James has created for the logistics project, and the combination of networks, activities, and WBS elements.


This is their conversation:

Structure of the Forklift Project

The structure of Project F-100## is shown.

The basic elements that make up a network include activities and relationships that describe the tasks and temporal dependencies between the various tasks in a project. You can create and maintain activities in the Project Builder and the Project Planning Board. You may assign an activity to a WBS element so that you can aggregate both planned and actual data at the WBS element level.

SAP PS supports the following activity categories:

  • Internal processing: for capacities to be staged in your own company

  • External processing: for tasks to be assigned externally

  • Service: for procuring external services

  • Costs: for planning additional primary costs

A network always includes a network header that contains the control data and default values for the entire network. By assigning milestones to activities, you can document events that are particularly important for the progress of the project. For example, you can reference their respective dates in billing or invoicing plans.

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