When goods are delivered against a purchase order, it is important that you enter this goods receipt with reference to the purchase order. When you record the receipt of goods, the system suggests all open items from the purchase order. This facilitates both the entry and checking of incoming goods. Among other things, you can check the following:
Has the right material been delivered?
Has the right quantity been delivered or whether there has been over or under delivery?
Are perishable goods within their minimum shelf life (the shelf life expiration date check must be active in this case)?
You can enter several goods receipt items against a purchase order item in one operation. This is advisable if the material is delivered in several batches or is distributed to several storage locations.
When you post a goods receipt with reference to a purchase order, the PO histories of the relevant purchasing document items are updated automatically. This enables the buyer to identify outstanding deliveries and urge the vendor to speed things up if necessary.
Effect of Goods Receipt (GR)
When you post the goods receipt to the warehouse or stores, the system generates a material document. This document contains information about the material delivered and the relevant quantity of the material. For stock items, the relevant plant storage location is recorded. If the GR is valuated, the system also generates an accounting document. This document contains the relevant general ledger accounts that were used to post the transaction as a result of the goods receipt.
You can enter several GR items against a PO item in one operation. You can do this if the material is delivered in several batches or if it is distributed to several storage locations.
When you post a GR for a PO, the system automatically updates the PO history tab in the line item details of the PO. This provides visibility regarding the status of the PO line item.