Exploring Serial Number Management (BLL)


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Deploy serial numbers.


Creation of Serial Numbers

Create a Serial Number for a Product

In this interactive demo, we create a single serial master record.

Create Multiple Serial Numbers for a Product

In this interactive demo, we create multiple serial master records.

Manage Serial Numbers for a Product

In this interactive demo, we display serial master records.

Serial Numbers in Business Processes

Post an Initial Stock Entry for a Serialized Product

In this interactive demo, we post an initial stock entry for a serialized product.

Pick and Post a Goods Issue for a Serialized Product

In this interactive demo, we manage a delivery for a serialized product.

Edit a Serial Number Record and View the Serial Number History

In this interactive demo, we display and edit a serial master record.


The Display Serialized Stock Quantities app allows you to compare the total stock quantity of a serialized material with the number of serial numbers assigned to that material at a storage location.

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