Posting Goods Receipts for Production Orders


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Post Goods Receipts.

Goods Receipts

The figure shows a production order with a goods receipt of 10 PC at the goods receipt storage location 101A. When you post the goods receipt for the order, the inventory at the goods receipt storage location increases. You can either perform a manual goods receipt posting or an automatic goods receipt posting at order or operation confirmation.

When a material was produced, a goods receipt has to be posted for the production order. As shown in the figure, you have the following options to post a goods receipt:

From a business perspective, manual goods receipt posting is usually executed by the production operator as a last step of the production process or by the warehouse clerk after the manufactured goods were received in the goods receipt area of the warehouse. You use automatic goods receipt if, for example, storage systems automatically transfer the manufactured goods from the shop floor to the warehouse. In the system, you use the default goods movement type 101 to post a goods receipt for the order.

The automatic goods receipt can be enabled either in the control key of an operation. When you confirm the order, the system automatically posts the goods receipt. When you confirm the operation, the system posts the goods receipt if the respective operation is confirmed.


When using operation confirmation, ensure that only one operation in the order has a control key which triggers automated goods receipt upon confirmation to prevent double goods receipt postings.

Alternatively to the control key, you can also enable automated goods receipt in the production control profile in the material master of the product. In this case, when using operation confirmation, the system posts the automated goods receipt when you post a confirmation of the last operation. In all cases, the goods receipt quantity corresponds to the posted yield quantity.

As you can also see in the figure, the goods receipt is posted at a storage location, 101A in our example. This storage location is maintained in the order header and proposed by the system when you post the goods receipt. In case of automated goods receipt, the system posts the goods receipt at this storage location.

Irrespective of whether you use automated or manual goods receipt, you can post multiple goods receipts (partial receipts) or the goods receipt of the entire manufactured quantity. When you manually post the goods receipt, the system proposes the yield quantity of the order or the last operation as receipt quantity (in case of a single goods receipt posting). In case of multiple goods receipt postings, the proposed quantity is reduced by the quantity that was already received in stock.

The image shows an order with an order quantity of 100 PC. The underdelivery tolerance is 10 % and the overdelivery tolerance is 20 %. When you post a goods receipt less than 90 PC, the system issues an underdelivery warning message. Between 90 and 120 PC, there is no message. When delivering more than 120 PC, there is an overdelivery error message.

When manually posting a goods receipt for a production order, the system proposes the open order quantity. You can either accept the proposal or change the proposed value. On order header level, the fields Underdelivery Tolerance, Overdelivery Tolerance, and Unlimited Overdelivery are available. Depending on the posted goods receipt quantity, the system behaves as follows:

  • Underdeliveries are always permitted. A goods receipt quantity that is less than the order quantity minus the underdelivery tolerance is regarded as a partial delivery and is accepted by the system with a warning message. On order header level, the system sets a the partially delivered (PDLV) status.
  • If the goods receipt quantity is within the range (order quantity minus underdelivery tolerance) and (order quantity plus overdelivery tolerance), the system accepts the goods receipt as full delivery without issuing a message. On order header level, the system sets a delivered (DLV) status.
  • Overdeliveries are only possible if the delivery quantity is less or equal (order quantity plus overdelivery tolerance) or if the flag Unlimited Overdelivery is set.

Let us consider the following example: You post the goods receipt for a production order with order quantity 100 PC. The underdelivery and overdelivery tolerance values are 10% and 20%, respectively. When you post a goods receipt of 50 PC, the system accepts the delivery as partial delivery with a warning. When you post an additional goods receipt of 45 PC, the total delivered quantity is 95 PC. Since this value lies within the underdelivery tolerance, the system considers the order as delivered. You can post additional goods receipts for the order until the total goods receipt quantity is 120 PC (order quantity plus overdelivery tolerance). Additional goods receipt postings are not possible in this case.

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