Executing Goods Receipts and Service Entries


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Receive goods and enter services.

Goods Receipts and Goods Movements

A screenshot is shown of the app Confirm Receipt of Goods - New.

After the materials from a user's purchase requisition are ordered and have arrived, the user can confirm the receipt of the goods. In the Confirm Receipt of Goods - New app, purchase requisition items are automatically selected with the following filter criteria (all of them must be fulfilled):

  • Requisition items that were created by the user who started the app

  • Requisition items with a purchase order as a follow-on document

  • Requisition items that have not completely been confirmed yet

The following steps need to be executed:

  1. Search based on the purchase requisition or purchase order number.
  2. Enter the delivery note number and the document date.
  3. Select the item for confirmation, and if necessary adjust the quantity or mark Final Delivery.
  4. Confirm the goods receipt.

Requisition items appear as available for confirmation until the purchase order quantity for the item is completely confirmed, or the final delivery indicator is set for the item.

In the app, it is possible to search for a document using a purchase order number or purchase requisition number. If more information is needed, a user can navigate to the Purchase Requisition Item factsheet or to the Supplier factsheet. It is possible to confirm partial quantities for an item, and also to mark the item for final delivery.

It is also possible to confirm the receipt of goods via the My Purchase Requisitions app. In the requisitions list, an item ready for goods receipt needs to be selected. For such an item, the Confirm button is active. Furthermore, a return delivery for materials received can be posted. In this case, a returns reason needs to be entered for the item that is returned.


If not all purchase requisitions that meet the requirements are showing up in the app, see SAP knowledge base article 2489857 (Confirm Receipt of Goods not showing all purchase requisitions) for more information.

Goods Receipts in a Warehouse


See what Paige has to say about posting a goods receipt in a warehouse:

Transfer Postings

A screenshot is shown of a transfer posting.

With the SAP Fiori app Transfer Stock - In-Plant, a user can transfer materials without any knowledge of movement types. The user can simply first click on the stock type and storage location from where they want to transfer stock, and in the next step click on the stock type and storage location where they want to transfer the stock to. After this, the desired quantity is entered and the goods transfer is posted.

After each posting of a goods movement using an SAP Fiori app, the user sees the number of the created material document. The user can then click directly on the document number to display it.

Overview Inventory Management

A screenshot is shown of the app Overview Inventory Management.

The overview page Overview Inventory Management shows the most important information and tasks in the area of Inventory Management. The information is displayed on a set of actionable cards.

The following cards are available:

  1. Stock Value by Special Stock Type:

    Shows an overview of material stock values by special stock types. Selecting the header or the graphic brings a user to the Stock - Multiple Materials app with the corresponding parameters.

  2. Stock Value by Stock Type:

    Shows an overview of material stock values by stock types. Selecting the header or the graphic brings a user to the Stock - Multiple Materials app with the corresponding parameters.

  3. Recent Material Documents:

    Shows a list of material document items and displays the material document details of a selected material document item. In addition, a material document can be reversed. Priority is sorted by the posting date and material document number. Selecting the header brings a user to the Material Documents Overview app, while selecting a material brings a user to that material in the Material Document app.

  4. Overdue Materials – Stock in Transit:

    Displays the top 10 items of stock transport orders with the highest time delay for which a goods receipt process has not been completed yet. Priority is sorted by days since the posting date and PO quantity. Selecting the header or the graphic brings a user to the Overdue Materials – Stock in Transit app with the corresponding parameters.

  5. Warehouse Throughput History:

    Shows the goods movements in a company. It is possible to choose from many different available dimensions and key figures and drill down to the individual material document items that a user is looking for. Selecting the header or the graphic brings a user to the Goods Movement Analysis app with the corresponding parameters.

  6. Monitor Purchase Order Items:

    Using the view switch, a user can view overdue items and items in approval. Priority is sorted by overdue days and item value. Selecting the header brings a user to the Monitor Purchase Order Items app, while selecting an item brings a user to that item in the relevant app.

  7. Overdue Materials - GR Blocked Stock:

    Shows the overdue materials for which a goods receipt (GR) was posted into the non-valuated GR blocked stock. Priority is sorted by overdue days. Selecting the header brings a user to the Overdue Materials - GR Blocked Stock app, while selecting an item brings a user to that item in the same app (filtered by the selected item).

A similar app is Overview Inventory Processing. This app includes cards with recent inventory counts, inbound deliveries, and outbound deliveries.

Service Entry Sheets

For the lean services functionality, the Manage Service Entry Sheets - Lean Services app needs to be used to create service entry sheets. The SAP GUI transaction ML81N is not supported for service entries for lean services.

A screenshot is shown of a service entry sheet.

The Name of Service Entry Sheet field is a required field for the service entry sheet. This name is the document number of the service provider. The personnel number of the internal person responsible is also mandatory.

If there is a purchase order with a lean service item as well as other items like materials or free text items, then the service entry and goods receipt postings need to be performed separately.

Post a Goods Movement and Create a Service Entry Sheet

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