Ensuring Chemical Product Compliance in the Value Chain


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe the Chemical Product Compliance Process.

How to Ensure Chemical Product Compliance

Introduction: Chemical Compliance in the value chain

Any product included in a sales order or sales quotation that is defined as relevant for compliance must be verified if the selling into the country/region and for the customer is allowed. The result of the marketability check may block the follow up documents or initiate a request for the product steward ship department.

If selling is only possible under restrictions, the internal sales representative can initiate an approval process. The product stewardship department processes the approval request and approves or rejects the selling.

The sales documents are also blocked if selling is not possible or has not yet been assessed. A request is created for the product stewardship department if the assessment for a country/region and customer has not yet been done.

Task 1: Create Product Master

To run this process, Jasmine, our master data specialist, creates three unique product master records for semifinished goods, as well as three unique product master records for finished goods. 

Task 2: Create stock for the materials

To run through this process, the materials must be available in stock. Jim, our Warehouse Clerk creates necessary stock by posting goods receipts.

Task 3-4 : Maintaining compliance data

In a first task Product Stewardship Specialist Otto creates compliance purposes and second assigns it to unpackaged products. 

Task 5: Scenario I: Create Sales Order with negative assessed marketability

The Internal Sales Representative Kate creates a sales order for a product with customer first-order check enabled.

The sales order will have a negatively assessed marketability.

Task 6: Scenario I: Compliance Request is rejected

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance rejects the compliance request. The sales order is blocked.

Task 7: Scenario II: Create Sales Order with positive assessed marketability

The Internal Sales Representative Kate creates a sales order for a product with customer first-order check enabled. First the sales order is blocked. Then she asks for a positive assessed marketability.

Task 8: Scenario II: Update safety data sheets

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance Otto uploads safety data sheets for a product in the required languages.

Task 9-12: Scenario II: Maintaining Compliance data

The Dangerous Goods Specialist - Product Compliance Kylie sees that there are unpackaged products that have to be classified according to the dangerous goods regulations. She classifies an unpackaged product according to the assigned regulations as no dangerous goods and allows the transport for all the regulations.

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance Otto sees a new request from logistics in the worklist for a new product that is compliance relevant. He accepts the request by starting the marketability assessment for the country or region of the production plant. Otto assesses the product for a specific target market and marks it as saleable.

The Internal Sales Representative Kate analyzes sales documents.

Task 13: Scenario III: Create Sales Order with compliance checks

The Internal Sales Representative Kate creates a sales order for a product with customer first-order check enabled.

Task 14: Scenario III: Update safety data sheets

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance uploads safety data sheets for a product in the required languages.

Task 15: Scenario III: Updating Classification and Transport data

The Dangerous Goods Specialist - Product Compliance Kylie sees that there are unpackaged products that have to be classified according to the dangerous goods regulations. Kylie classifies an unpackaged product according to the assigned regulations as no dangerous goods and allows the transport for all the regulations.

Task 16-19: Scenario III: Maintenance of data

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance Kylie sees a new request from logistics in the worklist for a new product that is compliance relevant. Kylie accepts the request by starting the marketability assessment for the country or region of the production plant

Kylie assesses the product for a specific target market and marks it as saleable.

Otto, our Product Stewardship Specialist processes now the Requests from Logistics for the Dangerous Goods material.

At the end, Kate, our Internal Sales Representative analyzes the sales order. 

Now you should have an impression of "how to maintain a Chemical Compliance process in the Value Chain".

Chemical Product Compliance Process

Chemical Compliance in the Value Chain: Overview

This scope item manages the compliance marketability checks in sales order processes and during outbound delivery.

Any material included in a sales order or sales quotation that is defined as relevant for compliance must be verified if the selling into the country/region and for the customer is allowed. The result of the marketability check may block the follow-up documents or initiate a request for the product steward ship department.

If selling is only possible under restrictions, the internal sales representative can initiate an approval process. The product stewardship department processes the approval request and approves or rejects the selling.

The sales documents are also blocked if selling isn't possible or hasn't yet been assessed. A request is created for the product stewardship department if the assessment for a country/region and customer hasn't yet been done.

Watch the following video to understand how a possible process could look like. You learn which users and which roles are necessary to change a material BOM with a change record.

Applicable Process Steps

To sum up the steps you saw in that video, here are the general process steps listed:

  • Internal Sales Order Representative: Creates and checks Sales Order
  • Internal Sales Order Representative: Checks Compliance
  • Product Steward Specialist: Starts Assessments
  • Product Steward Specialist: Uploads safety data sheets
  • Dangerous Goods Specialist: Checks the classification of the unpackaged product
  • Product Steward Specialist: Checks the compliance of the product
  • Product Steward Specialist: Defines product is saleable


The benefits of the Chemical Compliance in the value chain are:

  • Mitigate compliance risks with up-to-date information integrated into the value chain
  • Integrate compliance marketability checks in the selling processes
  • Product steward specialists get informed about new markets
  • Go through approval process to validate restrictions for selling


This process flow is covered in scope Item 31J- Chemical Compliance in the Value Chain.

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