Managing Safety Data Sheets


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Maintain Safety Data Sheets.

Safety Data Sheet Management Process

Introduction to Safety Data Sheets in the Value Chain

This process covers the main process steps for the maintenance of safety data sheets for products during sales processes.

Products flagged as relevant for compliance must have a completed safety data sheet assessment.

A missing assessment results in a country-specific automatic block of sales order fulfillment that can be resolved by assigning a relevant safety data sheet to the products.

Task 1: Create Product Data

in this first task master data specialist Jasmine creates several new product master.

Task 2: Post goods movement

Jim, our Warehouse Clerk is asked to create stock for these materials. 

Task 3: Assign Materials

Product Stewardship Specialist Otto gets the request, to assign materials and related packaged products to an unpackaged product.

Task 4: Create Sales Order

Internal Sales Representative Kate creates a sales order for a finished good. The safety data sheet check verifies for the ship-to country/region if selling is possible.

Task 5: Product Compliance Request

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance Otto receives the compliance request. He processes the request to create a compliance view for the product.

Task 6: Create an outbound delivery

The Shipping Specialist created a delivery for a finished good. The safety data sheet check verifies for the ship-to country/region if a delivery of this finished good is allowed.

Task 7: Safety Data Sheets

The Product Stewardship Specialist - Product Compliance Otto receives the compliance request. Based on the information in the request he decides if a base Safety Data Sheet is needed.

Now you should have an impression of "how to maintain Safety Data Sheets".

Safety Data Sheets

Safety Data Sheets: Overview

Products flagged as relevant for compliance must have a completed safety data sheet assessment by the product steward.

A missing assessment results in a country-specific automatic block of sales order fulfillment that can be resolved by the product steward, typically by assigning a relevant safety data sheet to the products.

Watch the following video to understand how a possible process could look like. You learn which users and which roles are necessary to work with safety data sheets.

Applicable Process Steps

To sum up the steps you saw in that video, here are the general process steps listed:

  • Internal Sales Representative: Creates a Sales Order
  • Product Steward Specialist: Process request from logistics and starts assessment
  • Shipping Specialist: Creates outbound delivery
  • Product Steward Specialist: Process request from logistics and starts assessment


The benefits of the Safety Data sheets are:

  • Mitigate compliance risks with up-to-date information integrated into the value chain
  • Inform product steward specialists about new markets
  • Integrate the safety data sheet requirements and management into the general product compliance management processes, providing an integrated view on the status
  • Integrate the safety data sheet processes of a product with your logistic processes
  • Integrate the product stewardship department via a release cycle into sales and distribution processes


This process flow is covered in scope Item 3VQ- Safety Data Sheets in the Value Chain.

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