Creating Versions


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Create group reporting versions.

Creating a Version Stack

Watch the following video to learn about the use case for version stacks at ABC Corporation.

Version Stack

Business Scenario

At ABC Corporation, you need to restate prior-year data because of accounting changes. You also need to record multiple group currencies for reporting purposes. To meet these requirements, you can use a version stack made up of the following:

  • Standard:  This is the main (default) version. A standard version has no reference version. A default version can store data in the local currency, group currency, transaction currency, and quantity.
  • Extension: An extension version has a reference version and has the same group currency as its reference version. From a technical perspective, it only records the delta amount as compared to the reference version.
  • Group currency extension: A group currency extension version has a reference version. It has a different group currency than the reference version. Its reference version must be a standard version.

    In our business scenario, the extension version is needed to restate historical data due to an accounting change. The group currency extension is needed to provide an additional group currency in USD.

Version in Configuration Screens

Global Parameters and Configuration Screens

When you run consolidation tasks in the monitors, the consolidation version is based on your global parameters. Similarly, when you configure group reporting, the system displays your global parameters version in the configuration screens. In the following example, you can see that version S10 is selected in the global parameters:

Set your global settings for configuration purposes

As a result, version S10 appears in the header of the Change View "Global System Settings": Details screen (along with the consolidation chart of accounts and period / year). The global parameter values that appear in the header of configuration screens are for informational purposes only. However, when performing version-dependent configuration, it is essential that your global parameters be set to the version that you are working with. For example:

  • The assignment of exchange rate indicator to exchange rate type.
  • The assignment of documents types to tasks.
  • The assignment of task groups to versions.

For example, when you assign a document type to a task for version S10, you must select S10 in your global parameters first.

Standard Versions

Working with Standard Versions

At ABC Corporation, you’re creating your standard version.

To get started, you create a standard version by copying from another version as shown in the following image:

Create a standard version with reference

To copy a version, go to Create Version from Reference Version in Group Reporting Configuration. To create a new version, provide the following:

  • Template Version: The version you want to copy from.
  • Target Version: The version you want to create.
  • Test Run
  • Version Type: Select Standard.
  • Reference Version: Standard versions don’t have reference versions.
  • Group Currency: Declare the group currency for the version (in this example EUR).
  • Run Mode: The run mode determines how tasks for the versions are processed in the data monitor and consolidation monitor. Standard versions must have the run mode Manual Run.
  • Allow LC, TC, Qty Changes: This option determines whether amounts are to be stored in local currency, transaction currency, and quantity. This option is only available for extension versions and group currency extension versions.
  • FY Variant: The fiscal year variant (FYV) is used to define periods, such as the number of periods in a year, period texts, and period definitions. The FYV in the version needs to match the FYV of the company code for an integrated consolidation unit.

When you execute the copy, there's an informational message: Documents aren’t auto-reversed in periods greater than 12. The automatic reversal settings defined for document types differ for periods 13 and above. For example: Postings on period 12 are not automatically reversed in period 13. Automatic reversal of documents posted in period 12–16 are posted in period 1 of the next year.

After you create a version, you can view it from Define Versions in Group Reporting Configuration:

Maintain the standard version after you create it

In the preceding image, the standard version contains the values selected when it was copied. Also, the following fields can be configured:

  • Preparation Ledger: Select an accounting ledger to be used as a group reporting preparation ledger.
  • Group Currency Source: This is the source currency in accounting. It updates the target group currency in group reporting.
  • Use Plan Data Integration: Specifies that the current consolidation version is used for the consolidation of plan data. Use these options if you want to release plan data from plan data line items (ACDOCP table) into group reporting.
  • Source Category: This is the source category in ACDOCP. This setting is only relevant if you select Use Plan Data Integration.


Certain settings can only be set when you create the version. After the version is created, you can no longer change the following settings in the Define Versions configuration activity:

  • Version Type
  • Reference Version
  • Group Currency
  • Run Mode
  • Allow LC, TC, Qty Changes
  • Fiscal Year Variant

Create a Standard Version

Business Scenario

You're working on the version stack for the ABC Corporation project. To get started, you need to create a standard version.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

  • Copy from an existing version.
  • Maintain the new standard version.

Special Versions

Each consolidation version has special versions assigned to it. In the following image, the S10 consolidation version has U00 as special version for each of the nine special version categories. Therefore, the S10 version is using configuration and master data objects that belong to version U00. In other words, version U00 is sharing with version S10.

View the special versions

Special Version

  • When you run a group reporting task, the consolidation version references customizing and master data associated with the linked special version.
  • Special versions allow you to mix and match actual data with different versions of group reporting objects.
  • For example:
    • You can translate one set of actual data with plan and actual exchange rates with only one translation method.
    • You can simulate currency translation using the same actual source data but with different methods.
    • You can run ownership eliminations on various organizational structures.
  • Special Version Types:
    • Data Entry: Enable version-dependent assignment of data transfer and validation methods to consolidation units.
    • Consolidation Group Attribute: Controls the assignment of the consolidation frequency to consolidation groups.
    • Structure: Enable the use of special versions for the consolidation group | consolidation units organizational structure.
    • Consolidation Unit Attribute: Enable version-dependent consolidation unit attributes.
    • Exchange Rates: Enable the use of special versions for the assignment of exchange rates to exchange rate indicators.
    • Reclassification and Elimination: Enable the use of special versions for the assignment of methods and document types to reclassification/elimination tasks.
    • FS Item Attributes: Enable version-dependent FS Item attributes.
    • Reporting Rules: Enable version-dependent assignment of reporting rules to reporting rule variants.
    • FS Group items: Enable the use of object versions for the assignment of FS Items to G/L accounts.

Special Version Example

In the following image, the S10 version has a special version (Y11 - Actual @ Budget Rates) for Exchange Rates. As a result, when currency translation is run in the data monitor for version S10, the exchange rate type will be AVG1. In the exchange rate table, AVG1 contains budget exchange rates.

The exchange rates special version uses the AVG1 exchange rate type


In the Change View "Exchange rate type assignments": Overview screen, the Version: Exchange Rates is selecting the AVG1 exchange rate type for the A - AverageExchange Rate Indicator. Also, in the Change View "Exchange rate type assignments": Overview screen, Version S10 appears in the header for informational purposes (based on the user's global parameters).

Create a Special Version

Business Scenario

As part of the ABC Corporation project, you’ve created a standard version. One of the business requirements is to perform currency simulations. To do this, you need a special version for exchange rates.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

In this practice exercise, you'll:

  • Access the S## standard version
  • Create a special version for exchange rates

Extension Versions

Before you create an extension version, you need to know if it will be used to run the monitors or if it will be run automatically based on its reference version. And, you need to know what data to store for the extension version.

In our business scenario, we need an extension version that can be used to run the data and consolidation monitors. It also needs to allow postings in local currency.

To create an extension version, you copy from another version. To copy a version, go to Create Version from Reference Version in Group Reporting Configuration. In the following image, extension version E10 is being copied from template version S10:

Create a extension version with reference
  • Version Type: Extension
  • Reference Version: A reference version can be a standard version, group currency extension version, or another extension version.
  • Group Currency: For an extension version, group currency must be the same as the underlying standard version.
  • Run Mode:
    • Manual Run:
      • You can run the data and consolidation monitor for manual extension versions.
      • You can book a group journal exclusively to manual extension versions.
      • You can't book a group journal to the standard and manual extension version at the same time.
    • Automatic Run:
      • You can't run the data and consolidation monitor for automatic extension versions.
      • You can book a group journal exclusively to automatic extension versions.
      • You can book a group journal to the standard and automatic extension versions at the same time.
  • Allow LC, TC, Qty Changes: By default, the extension version only stores data in group currency. However, you can select this option when creating an extension version to allow it to store data in local currency, transaction currency, quantity, and group currency.
  • FY Variant: The fiscal year variant (FY variant) must be the same as the referenced version.

After you create an extension version, you can view it from Define Versions in Group Reporting Configuration:

Maintain the extension version. View the associated special versions

In the preceding image, the extension version contains the values selected during the copy step. In addition, the following fields can be configured:

  • Preparation Ledger: The extension version must have the same preparation ledger as the referenced version.
  • Group Currency Source: This setting isn’t relevant for extension versions.
  • Use Plan Data Integration: This setting isn't relevant for extension versions.
  • Special Versions: Special versions are available for extension versions when needed.

Create an Extension Version

Business Scenario

As part of the ABC Corporation project, you've created a standard version. One of the business requirements is to perform restatements of historical data. In order to do this, you need an extension version.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

In this practice exercise, you'll:

  • Copy from an existing version.
  • Maintain the new extension version.

Group Currency Extension Version

At ABC Corporation, EUR is the main group currency. However, many divisions also need to report in USD, so a second group currency is needed.

A group currency extension version has a reference version but it has a different group currency than the reference version. This reference version must be a standard version. The group currency extension version can only store data using the group currency.

To create a group currency extension version, you copy from another version. To copy a version, go to Create Version from Reference Version in Group Reporting Configuration. In the following image, extension version G10 is being copied from template version S10.

The Run Mode is automatic since the standard version will be used to run currency translation for both the standard version and the group currency extension version simultaneously.

Create a group currency extension version with reference

For group currency extension versions, the Group Currency Source isn’t relevant.

Maintain the group currency extension version. View the associated special versions

Create a Group Currency Extension Version

Business Scenario

As part of the ABC Corporation project, you have created a standard version. One of the of the business requirements is to record an additional group currency in USD. In order to do this, you need a group currency extension version.

What skills will you develop in this practice exercise?

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Copy from an existing version.
  • Maintain the new group currency extension version.

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