By the end of this module, the beginner programmer will work with the basics of ABAP syntax, such as data types, variables, constants, and literals, chained statements, adding comments to source code, perform arithmetic calculations, use system information, debug a program, create an ABAP list and process character strings using the ABAP language.
Basic Features of the ABAP Language
The ABAP language comprises individual sentences (statements). The important things to remember about ABAP statements are as follows:
- ABAP code consists of individual statements
- The first word in a statement is called an ABAP keyword
- Each statement ends with a period
- A space must separate two words
- Statements can be indented to enhance the readability of the code
- May contain additions and operands (depending on the keyword used)
- Can span multiple lines
- Keywords, additions, and operands can use upper or lowercase
- The ABAP runtime system does not differentiate between cases. It is customary to write keywords and their additions in uppercase letters and operands in lowercase.