Describing the System Databases


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Examine the CMS system database.

Role of Auditing

The CMS acts as the auditor to track BI platform interactions. The auditable events are store in  to the Auditing Data Store (ADS). 

All auditing events time stamp is control by the CMS.

The following clients support auditing:

  • Web Intelligence Rich Client
  • BI Launch Pad
  • CMC

CMS Auditing Data Store (ADS)

The CMC Auditing page is a powerful tool for administrator to manage, monitor, and analyze auditable events stored in the ADS.

The Auditing page in the CMS has the following areas:

  • Summary

  • Set Events

  • Set Event Details

  • Configuration

The Status Summary metrics shows you the health of  your auditing configuration. The following link explains the metrics for auditing.

Auditing Status

Process Flows for Auditing

See the following video to learn about the workflows used for auditing.

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