Scheduling BI Content


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Automate distribution of reports using scheduling.

Recurrence Patterns

See the following scenario showing how to create and schedule a publication.

The BI platform gives the same scheduling and instance management options in both the CMC and BI Launch Pad. When you schedule an object, you can choose from the recurrence patterns summarized with the following links:

Recurrence Patterns

Recurrence Pattern Options

BI Launch Pad have similar CMC scheduling options but with a different interface and navigation options.

BI Launch Pad Scheduling Options

Destinations for Scheduled Objects

With the BI platform, you can configure an object or instance for output to a destination other than the default output File Repository Server (FRS). When the system runs an object, it stores the output instance on the output FRS by default. The option to choose an extra destination gives you the flexibility to deliver instances across your system or to destinations outside your BI platform.

For example, you can set an object to have its output automatically delivered by e-mail or to a printer for other users.

When you specify a destination other than the default destination, the BI platform generates a distinct name for the output. To generate a file name, you can use a combination of ID, name, or date information.


You can change the destination setting for an object or instance either in the CMC or in the BI Launch Pad. When yjeou specify the destination settings through the CMC, these settings are also available in the default scheduling settings for the BI Launch Pad.

Formats for Scheduled Objects

You can select the format that the document or report instance will be saved in when it's generated. The document format is saved to the destination.

The following formats are available for scheduled Crystal Reports:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • PDF (Adobe Acrobat)
  • RTF

The following formats are available for scheduled Web Intelligence objects:

  • Microsoft Excel
  • Adobe Acrobat (PDF)
  • Comma Separated Values (CSV)

Use the CMC to Schedule a Crystal Report as a PDF Copy to Multiple Global Destinations and Inbox

Scheduling an Object for a User or Group

With scheduling, you can Schedule For:

  • Schedule only for myself (default)
  • Schedule for specified users and groups

The benefits of scheduling for others include the following:

  • You can schedule for someone who isn't available to schedule the object themselves.
  • Each user would be the owner of their instance of the report, which is useful in security planning.
  • Any row or column level security (for example, on the universe or at the data source) would be enforced as though that user scheduled the job for themselves.

See the following video to know how to and administrator can enforce data security using the Schedule for option in the CMC.

Schedule a report using the BI Launch Pad

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