Scheduling with Events


After completing this lesson, you will be able to implement Event-based scheduling

Event Types


Administrators create Events to control when a scheduled report job can run.

Events are objects that represent occurrences in the system. Depending on the event type, events can be used for various purposes, including the following:

  • Events act as scheduling dependencies, which trigger specific actions once a scheduled job runs.

  • Events trigger alert notifications.

  • Events allow system administrators to monitor the health of the system.

File events

When you define a file-based event, the Event server monitors for a particular file. When the file appears, the Event server triggers the event.

Schedule events

When you define a schedule-based event, you select an object (success or failure) as the trigger for your event. In this way, schedule-based events allow you to set up conditions between scheduled objects.

The following table describes the server that handles the Event service.

Event Server

Server kindServiceService CategoryDescription
Event ServerEvent ServiceCore ServicesMonitors for file events.

The Event server only handles File Events. Schedule Events and Custom Events are managed directly by the CMS.

Event Server Properties

The following table describes the server properties of Event servers.

Server Properties

PropertyDescriptionDefault Value
Cleanup Interval (minutes)Specifies how often, in minutes, the cleanup utility runs.The default value is 20 minutes.
Event Poll Interval (seconds)Specifies how often, in seconds, the server polls for a file that triggers an event.The default value is 10 seconds. The range of allowed values is 1 to 1200 seconds.

Event Server Metrics

The following table describes the server metrics that appear on the Metrics screen for Event servers.

Server Metrics

List of Monitored FilesA table that lists files monitored by the Event server.
Monitored FilesThe total number of files monitored by the Event server.

Schedule a Report with Events (Part 1 and 2)

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