Exporting Content from the SAP Analytics Cloud Content Network
After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
Export packages to the Content Network
Manage packages in the Content Network
Export Process
Case Study: Create an Export Package
As part of the SAP Analytics Cloud implementation project at The Mock Company, the team have been creating, securing, and testing roles, teams, models, and stories in the development tenant. They are ready for you to promote the content in order for it to be used by the business users, analysts, and managers in the production tenant. In this video, we'll show you how the export package was created and shared with The Mock Company's SAP Analytics Cloud production tenant.
Create an Export Package
You can export content when you have been granted permission to read, maintain, and share lifecycle data. Select Transport then Export to open the Export list. You can see in the following example, when Export is selected, the My Content folder is available.
To create a new export package, select the Add icon in the toolbar.
Step 1: Choose Content
In the Choose Content step, you select the objects that you want to include in the export package.
Files from the Public and System folders are available. Private files saved in a user's My Files folder aren't available for export. If they are required for the export, they have to be moved into a different folder.
Objects and Folders: From the content structure, navigate to the folders and objects and select them.
Dependencies: Some objects depend on others. For example, if you select a model, you automatically select its dimensions.
Search: You can search for specific objects to add them to the export.
Object Type: Use the list of Object Types to select (or deselect) all items of an object type to include in the export package.
When you've selected the content to include in your export package, select Next.
If you select a translated story, the multilingual content is included in your export.
Step 2: Set Package Properties
In this step, you add the properties required for the creation of the export package.
Add a Name, Description, and Details for the export package. Include any relevant details, such as any terms and conditions that must be accepted in order to import the package.
Set the Category to My Content for a private export.
To export the package to a subfolder that you have created in My Content, type the folder path in the Location field or select Browse and navigate to the subfolder.
Configure Sharing for the export package. This is an optional step, as the package can also be shared after it has been created. We will cover this in detail later in the lesson when we cover managing export package.
If you have terms and conditions included in the Details field, then toggle on the Terms and Conditions switch. Users then have to accept the terms and conditions in order to import the package. If you have terms and conditions included and do not toggle on the Terms and Conditions switch, then the user will be able to import the package without accepting them.
When you've set the export package properties, select Next to see an overview of your export package.
Step 3: Review and Export
In this step, you review the export and ensure that any warnings are resolved before the package is created.
If there are any problems, a warning icon will appear next to the object. You can select any of the warning icons to see how to fix the issue.
Then, when everything looks good, you select Export to create the export package.
Access the Exported Package and Export Summary
You will receive a message when the export package has been created, but you can also check the progress in the Notifications.
Once complete, you can check the Export Summary to see the status of all the objects in the package.
When the export package is successfully created, it is saved to My Content and can be managed from there. If you shared the package with another SAP Analytics Cloud tenant when you set the properties, then the package will appear as an import package in the My Content for that system.
Manage Export Packages
Access Exports
The export packages can be found in My Content folder on the Export page. In this folder, you will see a list of folders and export packages that you have previously created. To get an overview of a package in the list, select its name.
When you select an export package, using the checkbox next to the package's name, the follow options are possible:
Share a Package
Selecting Share for an export package opens the Destinations dialog, where you configure the sharing settings. For example, you created the export package in your SAP Analytics Cloud development tenant, and you want to share it with your production tenant. You can also change the sharing destinations for a package or add additional sharing destinations.
Configure the Destinations Type as follows:
System: Use this option if you want to add individual systems based on their URLs. To do this, select the Landscape from the dropdown menu and add any SAP Analytics Cloud destination tenant URL in the Systems field. After each URL, add or remove Access, then select Add.
Customer: Select this option to add all systems that belong to one customer based on their ERP ID. In the Customer field, enter the customer's ID, add or remove Access, then select Add.
OEM: This option shares to all systems belonging to an OEM or partner, using their OEM ID. In the OEM field, enter the OEM ID, add or remove Access, then select Add.
Two types of data centers host SAP Analytics Cloud systems. SAP data centers and non-SAP data centers. Systems hosted by SAP data centers use one digit in their URL, like us1 or jp1. Non-SAP data centers host systems that use two digits, such as eu10 or us30 (for example, Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Alibaba). You can share to systems that use the same type of data center as yours.
The Access permissions grant the following to the users of the sharing destination. You can add more than one permission as you can see in the example above.
View: Users will be able to view the package and its summary information in the My Contents folder.
Import: Users can import the package from the My Contents folder.
Edit: From the My Contents folder, users can make changes to the package and export it again.
Delete: Users can delete the package from the My Contents folder.
You can edit Access or remove destinations from the Added Destinations table in the dialog.
Package Settings
You can view the package settings by selecting the checkbox for the package and clicking the Settings icon.
You can edit the export package contents or the details of a package so that you can export it again using the Edit option.
If you need to change the content included in the export package, then set the Modify Content switch to ON in the Choose Content step. Otherwise, leave this switch set to OFF and complete step 2 and step 3 to update the export package.
Delete Export Packages
To delete an export package, select the checkbox next to the package name and select the Delete icon. The package is removed from the Content Network and can't be imported or edited by users from any system it was shared with. However, each system that imported the package before it was deleted will still have access to the content but will not be able to access the package.
Managing Folders
For folders, the following actions are available:
To create a new folder, select Create New Folder, and type a name and description.
To share a folder and all its contents, select the checkbox next to a folder and select Share.
To delete a folder and all its contents, select the checkbox next to a folder and select Delete. The folder and its contents will be removed from the Content Network for you and for any systems they were shared with.