Managing Files and Folders


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Organize and set security on content.
  • Configure the SAP Analytics Cloud Home page and Catalog.

Manage Files and Folders

The Files Area

On the Files page, you can organize stories, models, datasets, data actions, and other content, including uploaded files.

The My Files page displays your private files, plus folders for public files and input forms. Sample models and stories are contained in the Samples folder. Your private files are stories and other objects that aren't shared with other users, for example, the HR_Monthly_Stats story in the screenshot below.

Users can share files or folders in My Files. When they share content with other users, they can choose to give other users view, edit, full control, or custom access. Content that is shared with other users will appear on the Shared With Me tab on their Home screen and in the Shared with Me menu option in their My Files.

At the top of the screen is the file path: Files/My Files. The My Files page has three folders: Samples, Public, and Input Forms. There is a story called HR_Monthly_Stats.

In this lesson, we will focus on securing content by content and objects. For example, you can see in the screenshot below that both Finance and HR folders are visible. We will secure the folders so that Finance users will only be able to see the Finance folder and HR users will only be able to see the HR folder when they select the Public folder.

Two screenshots. Top screenshot: At the top of the screen is the file path: Files/My Files/Public. Finance is selected. Bottom screenshot. File path is Files/My Files/Public/Finance. There are three folders and a story visible.

Toolbar Options

There are many options available for file management in the Files area, however, in this lesson, we will focus on securing content using the Share option.

At the top of the screen is the file path: Files/My Files/Public. The toolbar options are highlighted in yellow.

Deleting and Restoring Files

Deleted files remain on the system for a default of 30 days and can be restored if deleted by accident. An administrator can change the file deletion time frame in the System Configuration settings.

At the top of the screen is the file path: System/Administration. The System Configuration tab is selected and Number of days before deleted files are permanently deleted field is highlighted. The value is set to 30.

A Deleted Files tab is available in the sidebar for system administrators or users assigned to a role that includes the Manage permission on Deleted Files.

To restore a file, select the file in the Deleted Files tab, and then select Restore. You will have the option to restore the file to its original location or a new location, and to change the file name or description.

At the top of the screen is the file path: Files/Deleted Files/Other Users. One file New Analytic Application is selected. The Restore button is highlighted in yellow.

Additional Information

For more information on sharing files and folders, please visit Share Files or Folders | SAP Help Portal.

For more information on managing files and folder, please visit Manage Files and Folders | SAP Help Portal.

For more information about the managing content using the toolbar options, please visit Using Tools to Manage Content.

Object Level Security

Sharing Permissions

Individual Permissions: When sharing files and folders, it is possible to grant individual permissions. They can vary by the object type that you are sharing, but the full list of individual permissions includes:

  • Read
  • Copy
  • Update
  • Create files
  • Create folders
  • Maintain
  • Delete
  • Share

Predefined Access Levels: It is also possible to grant predefined access levels (the permissions included in the access level depend on the file or folder that's being shared).

Access LevelPermissions Included
ViewRead, Copy
EditUpdate, Create files, Create folders, Maintain
Full ControlDelete, Share

Custom Permissions: If the predefined access levels don’t suit your needs, select Custom and choose the combination of permissions to give to the users and teams. For example, if you give a user Full Control access, then that user automatically gets access to both Delete and Share content. But if you choose Custom, in the Set Custom Access dialog, you can give the user access to delete, but not share, content.

Share folder selected, the Share Folder dialog opens. Custom Access is highlighted, which then shows the Set Custom Access options. All View options are selected: Read, Copy, View Comment, and Add Comment.


  1. Select one or more files or folders, and select Share.
  2. Add Users or Teams: Type the names of users or teams requiring access.
  3. Select the Access type you want to assign for those users.

    A few others things to note:

    • If the Copy permission is selected, then the Read permission is automatically selected as is a required permission.
    • The Public folder itself can’t be deleted or copied, but administrators can assign Copy and Delete permissions on the folder so that items that are created in this folder will inherit the sharing permissions by default.
  4. Select Share existing subfolders and files if you want to apply the sharing settings for a folder to subfolders and other files within the folder.

    This option is applied at the time the folder is shared. Meaning, that any subfolders and files that exist at the time this option is applied will inherit the permissions granted to the folder. Any new subfolders or files will inherit the sharing settings applied to its parent folder. However, if you do not select Share existing subfolders and files and modify the sharing settings on the parent folder, then the new sharing settings will not be applied to any subfolders or files contained in the folder. In this case, all subfolders and files retain their original sharing settings.

  5. Check Email new recipients If you want to email people to let them know that you are sharing with them. The checkbox is selected by default when adding individual users, however, if you choose to share with all users, then the option is not available. The users will still receive a notification in the system, but they won't receive an email.

    An email will be sent the first time the file is shared with someone. If you later change their access rights, they will receive a notification in the system, but they won't receive an email.

  6. Choose Share.
  7. Select Close.

On the Files page, shared files appear with the Share icon beside their names. In the following example, you can see the HR_TA_KPIs story in the user's private My Files before it was shared and underneath, you can see it after it was shared with another user.

Top screenshot is the HR_TA_KPIs story before it was shared. The bottom screenshot is after it was shared, and includes the Share icon.


  • When you create, copy, move, or restore a file or folder, it automatically inherits the sharing permissions of the parent folder.
  • Moved or copied files and folders retain their own explicit sharing permissions, but any permissions inherited from their original folders are replaced with the new folder's permissions.

Edit Sharing Settings from the Share Folder Dialog

You can now close the dialog, however, it is possible to further configure the sharing settings at this point.

Selecting Share for a file or folder will open the Share dialog for the file type or folder, for example, Share Folder or Share Story. In this scenario, the Share Folder settings are edited.

Expand the Shared with list to see details about the sharing settings.

Edit Sharing Settings icon with the dropdown showing. The dropdown options are described in the text below.

On top of the View, Edit, Full Control, and Custom options, you will have the option to either Inherit from parent or Apply to all subfolders.

Inherit from parent: Copy all the sharing settings from parent. This option synchronizes all sharing settings for the parent, subfolders, and files in the folder.

Some key things to remember:

  • If no users or teams in the list have been selected, then this option does not appear.
  • If the folder does not have a parent, then this option does not appear.
  • Option is available for folders and content, for example, stories.
  • If you select this option for the Public folder, then the folder's original sharing settings will be restored and any modifications you have made to the sharing settings on the folder will be reset. The settings on the Public folder are always applied to all users.

Apply to subfolders: Give the team or user the same access they have been given to the current folder, to all subfolders.

Some key things to remember:

  • The option appears if no users or teams in the list have been selected.
  • Option is only available on folders.

Users and teams that have inherited sharing permissions from the parent folder are shown with icon:

The Inherited Sharing Permissions icon shown for All Users and Team Finance_Users_NA.

Editing the sharing settings allows you to decide whether those settings apply to the current folder only or also to subfolders and files.

Share Folder dialog open with Access dropdown open. The Confirmation dialog is displayed and To the selected folder, its subfolder, and files is selected (bottom option).
The access level assigned via the Sharing settings plus application privileges assigned to the user via roles determine what actions users can perform. If the user is granted more access via the File Sharing settings, but doesn't have the associated application privilege granted via the roles, they will not be able to perform the action.

Additional Information

For more information on sharing filese and folders, please visit Share Files or Folders | SAP Help Portal.

Share a Private Model

In the next lesson, we will cover how to apply security settings to models and dimensions, using Data Access Control and Model Data Privacy. However, it is also possible to share a model using object level security.

Models can be shared in the same way as stories and folders, using the Sharing dialog. You can choose the access level for the users or teams that the model is shared with: View, Edit, Full Control, or a Custom access level. Models that aren't shared can't be viewed or modified by anyone but the model owner.

How it Works

Think of it like a combination. To read a user's private planning model that has been shared with you, you'll need Read permissions at three levels:

  1. Read permission for the model via the sharing rights that are set by the user when they share it.
  2. Read permission for the Planning Model application privilege assigned at the role level.
  3. Read rights on the Private Files application privilege assigned at the role level.

If you don't have one of these three rights, you won't be able to read (open or use) the model.

Users with an SAP Analytics Cloud for planning, standard edition license must be assigned a role with Maintain permissions on planning models and analytic models. Users also need the Read and Maintain permissions granted via the Share settings directly on the model itself to upload or change data.

For example, the Finance_Users_NA role only has Read, Execute, and Maintain application privileges assigned to a planning model. A planning model is shared with them through the Sharing Settings for the model, granting them Full Control, which includes Delete and Update rights. The users assigned to the Finance_Users_NA role, will not be able to delete or update the model as they are missing the associated application privileges.

Additional Information

For more information on sharing models, please visit Share and Unshare a Model | SAP Help Portal.

Set Object Security on Files

Business Scenario

As part of The Mock Company's SAP Analytics Cloud implementation, you need to apply object level security to the HR folders and subfolders so that specific teams and users either have Full Access, Edit, or View access applied based on their requirements.

Task Flow

In this practice exercise, you will:

  • Grant View access to the contents of the HR folder to all HR users.
  • Grant Full Control access to the Analysts Adhoc folder and its contents to the HR_Adhoc_NA and HR_Adhoc_Overseas teams.
  • Grant Edit access to the Models folder and its contents to the HR_Adhoc_NA and HR_Adhoc_Overseas teams.
  • Grant View access to the Models folder and its contents to the HR_Users_NA and HR_Users_Overseas teams.
  • Grant Full Control access to the Management Reports folder and its contents to the HR managers, which are users A02, A03, and A04.

Configure the Home Screen

The Home Screen

The Home screen is the landing page for SAP Analytics Cloud users. It is a place where users can access their recent stories and files, as well as view information such as KPIs. The Home screen has a tile display that is private to each user, so it can't be shared with other users.

It consists of four tabs displayed at the top of the screen, however, Catalog, Favorites, and Shared With Me have to be enabled by a system administrator.

  • Today: This tab is the default tab and is the SAP Analytics Cloud landing page for users when they sign in.

  • Catalog: This is a single access point for content published for users within SAP Analytics Cloud.

  • Favorites: This tab lists the resources that users have chosen to favorite by selecting the star on different objects.

  • Shared With Me: This tab lists all the resources shared by other users.

Configure the Home Screen

As a system administrator, you can access the Default Appearances tab in the Administration page. Here, you can configure the Home screen layout, change settings, and enable tiles such as Recent Files and Featured Files.

Administration page with the Default Appearance tab open showing configuration options for (top to bottom) Shell Settings, User Profile Settings, Home Screen Setting, and Home Screen Tiles. Other options such as Conversational Analytics and Story settings are not shown.

Additional Information

For more information on the configuring the Home screen, please visit Customize the Default Appearance of the Interface | SAP Help Portal.

Configure the Catalog

From the Administration area, you an also control whether to enable Catalog, Favorites, and Shared With Me options. In the following example, all options are enabled so all users will see and have access to the tabs on their Home screens.

Administration page with the Catalog tab open showing configuration options for Settings. System administrators can toggle on Catalog, Favorites, and Shared with Me tabs, which in this example all are enabled. Translation configuration is also displayed at the bottom of the screen. A Save button and Cancel button are also displayed above Translation. Not visible are Content Filters.

It is also possible to set up Content Filters from this tab. You can find the steps to creating filters at Setting Up Filters in the Catalog | SAP Help Portal.

Administration page with the Catalog tab open. It is scrolled down and is showing the Content Filters configuration options and the Save button.

Publishing Content to the Catalog

All users with Execute permissions for Publish Content can publish saved content. Admin-related roles have this privilege by default.

You can publish content such as stories, digital boardroom presentations, analytic applications, models and datasets, and files to the Catalog.

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