Managing Business Role Changes after Upgrade


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Identify the different impacts of upgrades on business role management
  • Perform required actions to change business roles after upgrade

Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade

Key Principles of Managing Business Role Changes after Upgrade

David: "Hi Sarah, I've seen that quarterly release changes may impact the productive business roles…"

Sarah: "Exactly. An upgrade consists of new or changed features that may require changes to existing applications, business catalogs, restriction types, and/or restriction fields. These changes require an adaption of your existing business roles.

To summarize, the affected business roles must be adapted accordingly to ensure that existing apps behave consistently after the upgrade."

The potential impacts of an upgrade can be diagrammatically represented as follows:

Best Practices for Managing Business Role Changes After an Upgrade

Best practice - Download a list of changes

Download a list of all the changes occurring after an upgrade before you adjust your business roles. You can do this by clicking Download in the Manage Business Roles After an Upgrade app (CSV format is supported).

This practice helps you to keep an overview of what has changed. Once you've modified your business roles, the respective changed objects disappear from the list in the app. Therefore, keeping a separate worklist on your local machine is advisable.

Best practice - What apps to use

Adjust your business roles using the Manage Business Roles After an Upgrade app only if one change applies to one business role. If there's more than one change, you can make the required changes manually in the Maintain Business Roles app.

Key Points

The following points are crucial to keep in mind while adapting business roles:

Restriction Types/Business Catalog Dependencies

  • An affected business role is no longer shown in the list once the business role has been saved the first time after the upgrade/update.
  • The change itself will no longer be visible in the app after all listed affected business roles have been saved the first time after the upgrade/update.

Deprecated Business Catalogs/Business Role Template

  • An affected business role is no longer shown in the list once the respective change has been incorporated in the business role.
  • The change itself will no longer be visible in the app after the respective change has been incorporated in all affected business roles.

Manage Business Roles Changes After an Upgrade

After an upgrade, perform the following steps:

With the Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade app, you can display all relevant changes to business catalogs and restriction types after an upgrade. For example, if a new restriction type is added to a business catalog, you can maintain the corresponding restrictions using this app.

How to Manage Changed Restriction Types After an Upgrade

If you want to have transparency over all changes to restriction types after an upgrade, and you want to maintain the corresponding restrictions in your business roles, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade tile on the SAP Fiori Launchpad to open the app.

    On the initial screen, view the Restriction Types area to get an overview of what has changed with the last upgrade.

    Filter for certain change types if necessary, for example, if you only want to see the removed or the added restriction types.

  2. Download a CSV file containing all recently changed restriction types if necessary.
  3. Click the required restriction type to check how the changed restriction types affect your business roles. The business roles affected by the changes to this restriction type are displayed in a list.


    By clicking on the restriction type Name above the list, you can view a description of the restriction and a list of business catalogs in which this restriction type has been changed (for example, added or removed).

    Any derived roles will be filtered out from the list of the affected business roles to allow for synchronization with the master role.
  4. To find more information about the affected business roles or make further changes, cross-navigate to the Maintain Business Roles app by clicking the Business Role ID column link.

    Click on the Information button next to the link to see a list of changes that have affected the business role after the upgrade.

  5. To make the necessary changes in your business roles, select the required business role and click Maintain (Write, Read, Value Help) Restrictions.

    Restrictions can be mass-maintained for multiple business roles if the roles have the same access categories. If they have different access categories, the button is disabled.

    On the Maintain Restrictions screen, you can view the related business catalogs and the business roles selected on the previous screen. You see the restriction fields of the restriction that you’re currently maintaining.

    To see other restrictions these business roles might include, click the glasses icon (Display Restrictions) to cross-navigate to the Maintain Business Roles app.

  6. Click the Edit icon and assign the required values or ranges. Click Not maintained if you want to clarify that you haven't maintained a field on purpose and not by accident.
  7. Click Apply.


The system displays the results of the update in a popup. If the update has been successful, a green icon is visible. If issues occurred, a warning message is displayed.

When you close the pop-up, you're directed to the main view again.

How to Manage Changed Business Catalog Dependencies After an Upgrade

If you want to have transparency over all the changes to business catalog dependencies after an upgrade, proceed as follows:


  1. Select the Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad to open the app. On the initial screen, view the Business Catalog Dependencies area to get an overview of what has changed with the last upgrade. Filter for certain change types if necessary, for example if you only want to see the removed or the added dependencies.
  2. Download a CSV file containing all recently changed business catalog dependencies if necessary.
  3. Click the required business catalog dependency to check how the changed dependency affects your business roles. The business roles affected by the changes to this dependency are displayed in a list. By clicking on the business catalog Name above the list, you can view a description of the business catalog and its newly added dependencies or recently removed dependencies after an upgrade.
  4. To find more information about the affected business roles or to make further changes, you can cross-navigate to the Maintain Business Roles app by clicking on the link listed in the Business Role ID column.

How to Manage Deprecated Business Catalogs After an Upgrade

Suppose that you want to view all deprecated business catalogs after an upgrade. In this case, if you're going to assign the successor business catalogs and adopt the relevant changes in your business roles, proceed as follows:

  1. Select the Business Catalogs tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad to open the app and filter out Deprecated Business Catalogs. Alternatively, select the Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad to open the app. View the Deprecated Business Catalogs area on the initial screen to get an overview of what has changed with the last upgrade.
  2. Download a CSV file containing all recently deprecated business catalogs if necessary.
  3. Click on the required business catalog to check how the deprecation affects your business roles. The business roles affected by the deprecated business catalog are displayed in a list. By clicking on the business catalog Name above the list, you can view a description of the deprecated and successor business catalogs.
  4. Select the required business role and click Adopt Changes to take over the changes to your business roles. Note that you might lose your maintained restrictions by doing this action. We recommend that you validate the business role after the automatic adoption. Adopting the changes adds all the successors' business catalogs to the selected roles. The deprecated catalog will be removed.


    If the deprecated business catalogs contain extensions and you click Adopt Changes, the included extensions will be removed. If you want to keep these extensions, you need to reassign them.
  5. Select theAdd the dependent business catalogs of the successor business catalogs checkbox if necessary.
  6. Click OK. The system displays a progress bar and a list of change results when it’s done.
  7. Click Close to return to the Deprecated Business Catalogs area.

Manage Deprecated Business Catalogs

In the exercise below you will manage and replace deprecated catalogs.

How to Manage Business Role Template Changes After an Upgrade

To get an overview of changes in the Business Role template area since the last upgrade, you can display any differences between the business role and business role template in the How to Manage Business Role Changes After an Upgrade app. Either the template or the role based on the template might have changed. For example, business catalogs might have been added or removed. You can cross-navigate to the Business Role Templates app to apply these changes in a detailed maintenance screen.


  1. Select the Manage Business Role Changes After Upgrade tile on the SAP Fiori launchpad to open the app. The Business Role Templates area on the initial screen provides an overview of what has changed with the latest upgrade.
  2. Download a CSV file containing all recently changed business templates if necessary.
  3. Click on the required business role template for details of the changes. The type of change (for example, Different from Business Roles) is already displayed on the initial screen.
  4. Select one or more affected business roles and click Compare with Business Role Template to display a detailed comparison. This takes you to the Business Role Templates app.
  5. All deviations of the business roles from the business role templates are displayed in a table. You can click Apply All if you want to take over all changes. Alternatively, you can review the list and select the deviations you would like to apply.
  6. You can define one role as leading, and all changes you make to this role are automatically transferred to the roles you selected in the Deviations table.
  7. Click Save when you're done.


You can adjust your business roles directly in the Business Role Templates app.

Adapt Changes in Business Role

In the exercise below you will adapt changes in business roles to match them with the upgraded business role templates.


Congrats! You've reached the end of the last lesson of this course.

You're now able to do the following actions after an upgrade:

  1. Manage changed restriction types.
  2. Manage changed business catalog dependencies.
  3. Manage deprecated business catalogs.
  4. Manage business role template changes.

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