At Bike Company, you are setting up new allocation cycles for the new e-scooter business. You will be creating a new cycle with two segments for the two allocations currently planned.
This lesson follows the system scenario you can follow in the exercises. The figures correspond to the expected results for the exercise.As mentioned, the overhead allocation cycle consists of two segments. Though the receivers for the allocations are the same, different statistical key figure keys form the basis for allocation and you also want to use different secondary cost accounts for the two allocations cases:

Below, you can see the details for the 1st segment allocation with the values posted on the sender cost center with two primary cost accounts being allocated to three receivers through a single secondary cost account based on the values of the statistical key figure Number of Phone Connections. The sender will send all debited amounts, so it will end up with a balance of zero for these accounts.

Similarly for the second segment, the values posted on the sender cost center with four primary cost accounts are allocated to three receivers through a single secondary cost account based on the values of the statistical key figure Square Meter. The sender will send all debited amounts, so it will end up with a balance of zero for these accounts.

The cycle protocol (the top part of the figure below) after running the allocation cycle can now be compared with the calculation results. Here, you can see the receivers’ side of the allocation. You can select the Senders tab to see the counterparts.