Adapting and Running Allocation Cycles


After completing this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Manage allocation cycles
  • Run allocation cycles
  • Report Cost Center Data at Period-End

Cycle Configuration and Run Example

At Bike Company, you are setting up new allocation cycles for the new e-scooter business. You will be creating a new cycle with two segments for the two allocations currently planned.


This lesson follows the system scenario you can follow in the exercises. The figures correspond to the expected results for the exercise.

As mentioned, the overhead allocation cycle consists of two segments. Though the receivers for the allocations are the same, different statistical key figure keys form the basis for allocation and you also want to use different secondary cost accounts for the two allocations cases:

The graphic describes the setup of the two segments in the exercise scenario. Two segments are necessary since some of the costs on the sender cost center are allocated using the Number of Phone Connections as a statistical key figure and other costs have to be allocated according to square meters as a statistical key figure.

Below, you can see the details for the 1st segment allocation with the values posted on the sender cost center with two primary cost accounts being allocated to three receivers through a single secondary cost account based on the values of the statistical key figure Number of Phone Connections. The sender will send all debited amounts, so it will end up with a balance of zero for these accounts.

The graphic focuses on the first segment and calculates the credit amount of the sender cost center and the debit amounts of the receiving cost centers taking into account statistical key figure Number of Phone Connections.

Similarly for the second segment, the values posted on the sender cost center with four primary cost accounts are allocated to three receivers through a single secondary cost account based on the values of the statistical key figure Square Meter. The sender will send all debited amounts, so it will end up with a balance of zero for these accounts.

The graphic explains how in the second segment the credit amount of the sender cost center and the debit amounts of the receiving cost centers are calculated using the square meter as a statistical key figure.

The cycle protocol (the top part of the figure below) after running the allocation cycle can now be compared with the calculation results. Here, you can see the receivers’ side of the allocation. You can select the Senders tab to see the counterparts.

The graphic wants you to understand the allocation results shown in the cycle protocol and therefore compares the protocol with the calculated result per segment.

Adapt a Content Allocation Cycle

Create the Second Segment for Your Cycle

Create an Allocation Cycle Group

Allocation Flow

With the Allocation Flow app you can display a visual flow of senders and receivers for the allocation and the respective debit and credit amounts.

The graphic shows that with the help of the Allocation Flow app you can visualize the allocation structure including the sender and receiver data.


As a reminder, the table also shows how the received data of all receiver cost centers were calculated.

The Allocation Flow app offers the following additional features:

If you click one of the sender or receiver cost centers you will additionally see:

  • the Node Details
  • the External Links for navigation to other applications for more details on the data

Finally it’s possible to make one cost center the Center Point, i.e. choosing Make Center Point allows you to view all preceding and succeeding steps in an allocation flow for the selected cost center.

The graphic explains that per cost center you can see Node Details, use External Links and make a cost center the center point.

Run the Allocation Cycle, Check the Results and See the Allocation Flow

Cost Center Review Booklet

The Cost Center Review Booklet allows overhead accountants to effortlessly display, analyze, and validate cost center data through predefined reports.

This figure gives an idea of the most important elements in the Cost Center Review Booklet: the Business Page Groups and the Side Panel.

The app displays information about actual and planned costs and groups several predefined report business pages under the Actuals and Plan/Actuals page groups. It offers transparency in cost center reporting tabled in a user-friendly interface.

Cost Center Review Booklet - Key Capabilities:

  • Create and Manage Views
  • Global Filters and Page Filters
  • Business Pages
  • Columns and Rows
  • Side Panel
  • Layout
  • Context Information
  • Export.

Key Capability: Create and Manage Views

The figure shows how to create a view, where to maintain it and where to select it within the Cost Center Review Booklet.

You can save and reload customized business pages, share them with others, or set them as default.

After you apply filters and structure the business pages with the rows, columns, and dimensions that you want, you can then save the pages as a view.

Saved views can then be selected to reload all the pages in the review booklet as you had saved them.

Depending on your authorizations, you may be able to save a view as Public so that other users can use it as well.

To save a view, choose the dropdown list of views and select Save As.

When you save the view, you can also selectSet as Default so that it appears by default every time you enter the app.

Key Capability: Global Filters and Page Filters

The figure explains where to find the Global Filter and the Page Filter in your Cost Center Review Booklet.

You can use global filters to apply to all business pages and underlying data providers, and page filters for specific pages. This allows you to retrieve desired data and display it in various ways, making it easier to analyze and compare information.

Global Filters apply to all business pages in the app and underlying data providers. You define them in the filter bar.

Page Filters only apply to a specific business page and underlying data provider.

Some variables for page filters are already derived based on your selection of global filters. You can display them in the Side Panel. In addition, you can apply page filters for specific dimensions in the report.

To apply Page Filters, you can use one of the following methods:

  • In the table, right-click a specific dimension (one of the table headers) and choose Filter Items.
  • In the Side Panel, choose Page Filters and Add to open the Select Dimension dialog.


At any time, you can get an overview of which global and page filters are currently being used for a given page by checking the Context Information in the Side Panel.

Key Capability Business Pages

This figure shows which Business Page Groups and within one group which Business Pages are preinstalled in the Cost Center Review Booklet.

In review booklets, financial data is presented on predefined business pages, which are organized in business page groups. They are useful for easily accessing and reviewing financial statements, tables, comparisons, and charts and help to streamline financial analysis and decision-making processes.

Key Capability Columns and Rows

You can adjust the columns and rows in the report to display your data in various ways.

This figure shows all possible features that can be used by right-mouse click in the Row Header or Column Header of the Review Booklet Layout.


Right-click the following UI elements to use the available options:

  • A dimension to add, exchange, or remove a dimension
  • A dimension to change the display and sorting properties •A data cell to navigate to other apps.


Right-click a measure or structure to do the following:

  • Change the decimals or scaling settings •Change the filter settings
  • Add dimensions
  • Move and sort the measures
  • Navigate to other apps.


You can select any cell in the grid to get a list of various actions to make, such as adjusting the structure of the grid or navigating to other apps. Depending on the content of the cell, you get a different list of options to select from. This allows you to flexibly display data, structure the pages, and navigate based on the context of the content in individual cells.

From your review booklet, you can navigate to other apps. This navigation is context-sensitive: The booklet settings (for example, the global filters and page filters) are automatically applied in the app that you navigate to.

Key Capability Side Panel: Page Filters & Formatting

The figure shows the settings of the Page Filters and Formatting Feature in the Side Panel.

The following options in the Side Panel on the right side of the screen are available:

  • Page Filters
  • Layout
  • Formatting
  • Context Information
  • Export.

Page Filters:

You can select the filters that have to be applied to the business pages.


On theFormatting Panel, you can configure the appearance of numbers as well as conditional formatting rules.

The Panel is organized into two sections:

  • Number Format
  • Conditional Formatting.

Number Format:

First you decide for which measures you want to customize the formatting for your numbers. You can either do the customizing for all measures or for individual measures. Then you customize the scale and scale format, and choose the number of decimal places, and the sign.

Conditional Formatting :

If you want to highlight specific information, you can create Conditional Formatting rules. Conditional formatting covers several options, including thresholds and assigned colors. You can also save your conditional formatting as part of a private or public view.

Key Capability: Layout

This figure shows the possible settings using the Layout feature in the Side Panel.

Using the Layout feature in the Side Panel, Dimensions and Measures can be added to the table and you can decide whether they are displayed as columns or rows.

You can also create calculations based on the measures of your data source and add them to your table.

In the Measures section of the Available Objects list, click Add Calculation.

In the Create Calculation dialog, you create formulas by adding functions, operators and conditional operators listed in the left-hand-side panel or by typing in the formula directly in the editor.

The formula editor supports the following functions, operators and conditional operators:

  • Functions: IF, ISNULL, NOT, ABS, EXP, SQRT, GrandTotal, %GrandTotal, MOD, and POWER
  • Operators: +, -, *, /, and **
  • Conditional Operators: AND, OR, =, !=, <, <=, >, and >= .

You can use the newly created calculated measures in the table.

Key Capabilities: Context Information & Export

This figure gives an example of a Context Information and shows the possibilities you have when you want to export your Cost Center Review Booklet.

Context Information :

This is where you find out how the displayed data is selected, for example, the applied global filters and page filters.


You can export your data to a spreadsheet or PDF file.

Use the Cost Center Review Booklet for Period-End Reporting

When all period-end activities are executed, the user needs to check the data on the cost centers. With the help of the Cost Center Review Booklet actual and planned costs together with several predefined reports can be displayed, analyzed, and validated.


  1. Before you can start with Cost Center Review Booklet reporting empty your Google Chrome Browser cache.

    1. In your Google Chrome Browser choose Customize and control Google Chrome in the upper right of your browser.

    2. Choose Settings.

    3. In the Settings section to the left, choose Privacy and security.

    4. In the middle of your screen, in thePrivacy and security section choose Delete browsing data.

    5. In the Delete browsing data dialog select All time as Time range on the Basic and Advanced tab.

    6. Choose Delete Data.

    7. Close the Privacy and security tab.


      If necessary, re-logon to your training system.
  2. Execute the Cost Center Review Booklet reporting tile for the following filter selections:

    Dimension in FilterSelection
    Reporting Date<current date>
    Company Code1010
    Cost Center HierarchyCCG###
    Cost Center (Node)keep empty
    G/L Account HierarchyREP_GLA_H
    G/L Account (Node)keep empty
    1. In the Cost Center Accounting space, go to the Reporting section of your SAP Fiori Launchpad and choose the Cost Center Review Booklet tile.

    2. Enter the selections in the exercise table in the Filter drop-down boxes.

    3. Choose Go.

  3. Open the Period Comparison page in the Plan/Actuals page group tab and adapt the Page Filters according to the following:

    Page FiltersSelection
    Page Variables 
    Plan CategoryCCAPLCAT01
    Cost Center Is Stat.# (No)
    Proposed Filters 
    Cost Centerkeep empty
    1. Click the Plan/Actuals page group tab in the upper left of your screen.

    2. Select the Period Comparison page.

    3. To the right of your screen open the Page Filters icon.

    4. Enter the settings in the exercise table.

    5. Choose X (Close).

    6. Stay on the Period Comparison page.

  4. Adapt the Layout of the Period Comparison page according to the following:

    • De-select all measures in the Measures section.
    • Select measure Amount in Global Currency
    • De-select all elements in the Structure section.
    • Select Actual Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy (with xxx for the current fiscal period and yyyy for the current fiscal year)
    • Select Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy (with xxx for the current fiscal period and yyyy for the current fiscal year)
    • Check, if Cost Center and G/L Account are in the Rows section. If not, assign them to the Rows.
    • Move the Partner Cost Center dimension into the Rowssection.
    • Make sure the dimension order in the Rows is the following: Cost Center → Partner Cost Center → G/L Account.
    1. On the Period Comparison page, open the Layout icon to the right of your screen.

    2. Choose Select All in the Available ObjectsMeasures section until no measure is selected any longer.

    3. Select Amount in Global Currency in the Measures section.

    4. In the Available ObjectsStructureSelect Allsection, click the Select All button twice, until all measures are de-selected.

    5. In the Available ObjectsStructureSelect Allsection, select Actual Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy and Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy.

    6. In the BuilderRowssection, check, if Cost Center and G/L Account are assigned to the Rows. If not, navigate to the Available ObjectsDimensionssection and choose the Rows icon to the right of the Cost Center dimension and to the right of the G/L Account dimension.

    7. In the Available ObjectsDimensionssection, choose the Rows icon to the right of the Partner Cost Center dimension.

    8. In the BuilderRowssection of the Layout shiftPartner Cost Center directly under Cost Center.


      So the order of Row Dimensions should now be Cost Center → Partner Cost Center → G/L Account.
  5. Set up the following structure for the Absolute Deviation between Actuals and Plan data:

    DescriptionAbsolute Deviation
    Formula(Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy - Actual Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy)

    Add this new structure to the Columns section and position it after Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy .

    1. In the Available ObjectsStructuresection, choose Add Calculation.

    2. In the Create Calculation dialog enter Description and ID.

    3. Make sure, Available Objects (Cube icon) in the upper left is selected.

    4. Click in row 1 of the Formula editor and then enter the formula according to the exercise table.


      To add a structural element to the formula like Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy, click the relevant structural element which can be found in the Structure section of the Create Calculation dialog. Then choose + (Add) to the right of your selected structural element.
    5. Choose OK.

    6. In the Available ObjectsStructuresection,select Absolute Deviation.

    7. In the BuilderColumnssection of the Layout check if Absolute Deviation is already positioned after Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy. If not, shift Absolute Deviation under Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy.

  6. Set up the following structure for the Deviation in %:

    DescriptionDeviation in %
    Formula(Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy - Actual Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy)/Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy * 100

    Add this new structure to the Columns section and position it after Absolute Deviation .

    1. In the Available ObjectsStructuresection, choose Add Calculation.

    2. In the Create Calculation dialog enter Description and ID.

    3. Make sure, Available Objects (Cube icon) in the upper left is selected.

    4. Click in row 1 of the Formula editor and then enter the formula according to the exercise table.


      To add a structural element to the formula like Plan Reporting Fiscal Period xxx.yyyy, click the relevant structural element which can be found in the Structure section of the Create Calculation dialog. Then choose + (Add) to the right of your selected structural element.
    5. Choose OK.

    6. In the Available ObjectsStructuresection,select Deviation in %.

    7. In the BuilderColumnssection of the Layout check if Deviation in % is already positioned after Absolute Deviation. If not, shift Deviation in % under Absolute Deviation.

  7. In the Rows of the Builder section make sure that for Cost Center and Partner Cost Center the Display is set to ID and for Key TypeKey Not Compound is selected.

    1. In the BuilderRowssection of the Layout mouse over Cost Center.

    2. Choose (More) right to the selected Cost Center dimension.

    3. Choose DisplayID.

    4. Choose DisplayKey TypeKey Non Compound.

    5. Follow the instruction in step a. - d. for the Partner Cost Center dimension.

  8. In the Rows of the Builder section make sure that for G/L Account the Display is set to ID and Description , the Key Type is set to Key Not Compound and the Text Type is set to Medium Text. Close the Layout.

    1. In the BuilderRowssection of the Layout mouse over G/L Account.

    2. Choose (More) right to the selected G/L Account dimension.

    3. Choose DisplayID and Description.

    4. Choose DisplayKey TypeKey Non Compound.

    5. Choose DisplayText TypeMedium Text.

    6. Click the Layout icon to the right of your screen to close the layout configuration.

  9. Use the Filter option in the row header of the executed report for the G/L Account dimension. With the help of this Filter function make sure that only the following G/L Accounts in the REP_GLA_H G/L Account hierarchy will be shown:

    • 61100000
    • 61400000
    • 65100000
    • 65150000
    1. Right-mouse click G/L Account in the rows of the executed report.

    2. Choose FilterEdit...

    3. In the Settingssection of the Set Filter for G/L Account dialog select ID for the Display dropdown.

    4. In theID section expand H109/YCOA/REP_GLA_H/0REP_GLA_H.

    5. If necessary, de-select H109/YCOA/REP_GLA_H/0REP_GLA_H.

    6. Expand H109/YCOA/REP_GLA_H/0REP_GLA_H.

    7. Select all G/L Accounts mentioned in the exercise below the top node of this hierarchy.

    8. ChooseOK.

  10. Use the Filter option in the row header of the executed report for the Cost Center dimension. With the help of this Filter function make sure that only the following Cost Centers in the CCG### Cost Center hierarchy will be shown:

    • FIN###
    • MAR###
    • MAN###.
    1. Right-mouse click Cost Center in the rows of the executed report.

    2. Choose FilterEdit...

    3. In the Settingssection of the Set Filter for Cost Center dialog select ID for the Display dropdown.

    4. In theID section expand A000/0101/A000/CCG###/0CCG###.

    5. If necessary, de-select A000/0101/A000/CCG###/0CCG###.

    6. Expand A000/0101/A000/CCG###/0CCG###.

    7. Select all Cost Centers mentioned in the exercise below the top node of this hierarchy.

    8. ChooseOK.

  11. Use the Formatting feature for the Period Comparison page and set the Decimal Places to 2.

    1. On the Period Comparison page, open the Formatting icon to the right of your screen.

    2. Select 2 for Decimal Places.

    3. Don't change the other Number Format settings.

  12. Set up Conditional Formatting for Absolute Deviation according to the following threshold rule:

    MeasureAmount in Global Currency
    StructureAbsolute Deviation
    Based onNumber Range
    Good≥ 0; < 1000
    Warning≥ -20; < 0
    Critical≥ -1000; < -20
    Filterdon't select any Dimension

    Activate the Threshold_Analysis_### rule. Finally, close Formatting.

    1. On the Period Comparison page, open the Formatting icon to the right of your screen.

    2. Right to Conditional Formatting choose + (Create Threshold).

    3. In the Create Threshold dialog enter the information in the exercise table.

    4. Choose OK.

    5. Click the Formatting icon to the right of your screen to close Formatting.

  13. Open the Page Filters icon of the Plan/ActualsYear-To-Date Comparison page and of the Plan/ActualsPeriod Comparison page and check if CCAPLCAT01 is selected as Plan Category. If not, select it.

    1. Click the Plan/Actuals page group tab in the upper left of your screen.

    2. Select the Year-To-Date Comparison page.

    3. To the right of your screen open the Page Filters icon.

    4. If necessary, enter the plan category mentioned in the exercise.

    5. Select the Period Comparison page.

    6. If necessary, enter the plan category mentioned in the exercise.

    7. Choose X (Close).

  14. Check the Context Information.

    1. On the Period Comparison page, open the Context Information icon to the right of your screen.


      You should see the Global Filter selections and the Page Filter selections.
    2. Click the Context Information icon to the right of your screen to close the Context Information.

  15. Save your cost center review booklet configuration as a view with the following settings:

    View Name###_View_RB_1
    Select as Defaultselect
    Publickeep de-selected

    Don't close the Cost Center Review Booklet tile.

    1. Select Standard in the upper left of your screen.

    2. In the My Views dialog, choose Save as.

    3. In the Save View dialog, enter the information in the exercise.

    4. Choose Save.

    5. Don't close the Cost Center Review Booklet tile.

  16. Save your Review Booklet configuration as a tile with the following settings:

    Save as Tile 
    SubtitleCost Center Review Booklet ###
    DescriptionCost Center Data
    PagesDefault SpaceDefault Page
    Return to the home page, and check if your new tile is in the Default Space. Finally, return to the Cost Center Accounting space.

    1. In the upper right of your screen, choose the Share icon.

    2. Choose Save as Tile.

    3. In the Save as Tile dialog, enter the information in the exercise table.

    4. Choose Save.

    5. Choose Navigate to last opened page (SAP icon).

    6. Choose Default Space in your SAP Fiori Launchpad.


      You will find your new tile in the Recently Added Apps section.
    7. Choose the Cost Center Accounting space in your SAP Fiori Launchpad.

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