Collaborating on Processes in the Hub


After completing this lesson, you will be able to collaborate with colleagues on processes and share feedback

Collaborate on Processes in the Hub

How to Collaborate on Processes in the Hub?

The Collaboration Hub allows you to include all employees in your process execution and review. Processes can be commented on, and in this way, optimization can be achieved much faster than with annual review cycles of out-of-tool reporting processes.

Collaboration allows you to harness the process knowledge that exists in your company. Rather than start from scratch, you can utilize the valuable knowledge and experience of your teams, and work together for continuous improvement. 

Great things in business are never done by one person. They're done by a team of people. - Steve Jobs

Once you open a diagram in the SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub, you can open the comment section by selecting the speech bubbles above the diagram. 

In the video below, you will learn how to comment on the process in general, or a specific element, and how you can see your notifications. You will also see how other users can reply to comments.

Key Takeaways

1. Collaborating: SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub allows you to celebrate to collaborate in the process execution and review between all employees. 2. Commenting: When opening a diagram in the SAP Signavio Process Collaboration Hub, you can open the comment section by selecting the speech bubbles above the diagram.
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