ETL Data Pipelines


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain the different options for loading data into the system.

ETL Data Pipelines

SAP Signavio ETL Data Pipelines

Process Intelligence ETL is the data ingestion component. It automates data extractions and transformations from external source systems and loads it directly to SAP Signavio Process Intelligence. All of this can be done in Process Intelligence itself without the need to configure a staging environment and only on-premise systems require additional setup on the source system side. 

Watch the video to hear what Alessandro Manzi, Product VP for Process Intelligence, has to say about the creation of ETL Data Pipelines.

SAP Signavio ETL uses standard connectors and provides an interface to extract, transform and load data directly to a process. All interaction stays within the system.

SAP Signavio ETL Components     

The integrated ETL feature consists of three main components, which all together are used to setup Data Pipelines.

3 Components of ETL

Process Intelligence ETL consists of three components. Data sources establish a connection to the source system. In the event of an on-premise system, the On-premises Extractors is needed for this step. The extraction itself is then set up under Integrations where the specific tables and schedules for continuous loads can be defined. 

These components are brought together in Data models. This step transforms your data into an event-log format. This is also when you connect your data to an investigation to start the process analysis.

To learn more about each step, select the tabs below. 


In the animation below, select each tab on the left-hand side to learn more about the 3 PI ETL components.

Process Intelligence: Data Manager

Use Data Models in SAP Signavio ETL

In a data model, you define how the ETL data pipeline extracts and transforms data, and where to load the data. It's basically the blueprint to identify and extract all required data based on the data model.

Let's have a look at how to create and use them:

Data Models

Use Data Models in SAP Signavio ETL

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