Understanding Metrics


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Use the extension of the standard SAP Signavio Process Intelligence.

SiGNAL Metric Library

SAP Signavio Process Intelligence provides a set of metrics that includes predefined SiGNAL expressions. This library of metrics can be reused to calculate KPIs.

Some predefined metrics work directly without customizing them. Some, on the other hand, contain variables that may need to be adjusted. The predefined SiGNAL code of the metric can also be customized.

In addition, metrics can be shared between different workspaces by exporting and importing. Pay attention to the user roles, depending on the role in the process, certain functions are available regarding metrics:

User Roles and Functions Regarding Metrics

Users with the manager role can do the following:

  • Add metrics to a process
  • Customize existing metrics
  • Create own metrics
  • Share metrics between workspaces by exporting and importing

Users with the manager or analyst role can add metrics to investigations. They have the following options:

  • Configure widgets to display the output of a metric
  • Add a metric bar with pre-configured widgets

Metric Library

The metric Library is an integrated part and does not require any further setup or installation in SAP Signavio Process Intelligence.

A SiGNAL Metric is a packaged and editable SiGNAL statement to calculate and analyze metrics to obtain business insights.


Select each card for more information.

Business Rules, Variables and Metrics

Process Diagnostic Metrics

The following process diagnostic metrics are predefined and available in the library.


Select each metric for more information.

Process Diagnostic Metrics

Process Types

How to Create a Metric?


Reminder: You need the manager role for a process to use these functions.

You can create a metric in following ways:

  • Add metrics from the library
  • Create your own metrics
  • Upload metrics from a json file

Once you have created a metric for your process, all users can reuse these metrics in the investigations. A manager or analyst role is required to reuse metrics in the investigations.


Watch the video below to learn how to add a metric.


Watch the video below to learn how to reuse a metric.

Now it's your turn to add a metric!

Follow and click the steps below to create an Average Custom Cycle Time metric. When you hover over the screen, you'll see a pop-up box with additional information. Click through the process until it's complete. Click below when you're ready to begin.

Adding a metric


Congratulations on completing the SAP Signavio SiGNAL course! We hope you feel more confident in using SiGNAL to create queries for the best exploitation of process and data mining.

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