Using Process Insights for Lead to Cash Process


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Review example processes using Process Insights.

Process Insights for Lead to Cash Process

In this example, we will choose an end-to-end process of our Lead to Cash process to obtain insights on. Process Insights will provide an analysis on process flows and performance indicators and provide suggestions to correct and innovate our existing process.


Watch the following video to understand the available content for Lead to Cash.

Case Study

Let's take a look at an example. We want to look at our sales order process and obtain insights on incomplete sales orders and generate solutions for improvement. Let's see how we can use Process Insights to help gain insights on our process.


When you hover over the screen, a pop-up box will appear with additional information. Keep clicking through your process until it's complete.

Lead to Cash Example Part I

Part I

Lead to Cash Example Part II

In the above example, we saw that Sales Org 0001 had 367 incomplete items and this is clearly a problem for this sales org. Now, we will filter by another Sales Org, R100 and compare the results. Click the Play button below to begin running the second analysis for Sales Org R100.

Part II

By filtering through Sales Org R100, you can see that there were only 41 incomplete sales orders which show that there are no delivery issues here. Therefore, we could use R100 for internal benchmarking as this shows best practices for sales delivery. Internal benchmarking is looking within your own company to determine the best methods for conducting business.

Case Study Summary

In this Case Study, you learned:

  • How to track the process progress of a sales order in the Lead to Cash process
  • How to identify areas of improvement using blockers – in our example, we assessed our sales order items incomplete for delivery
  • How to use filters – in this example, we filtered down to an individual organization to see how the process performance changes
  • How to use filters to identify positive performance for internal benchmarking

Congratulations on completing the Process Insights eLearning! Process Insights is a valuable tool that can help you analyze your processes and recommend solutions for improvement. In this course, we reviewed an example using the end-to-end process Lead to Cash, but there are many other options such as Source to Pay, Lead to Fulfill, Governance, Finance, etc. You can choose any of the end-to-end processes to begin analyzing your data!

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