Creating a Custom Tile and Drilling Down


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Drill down to detailed sustainability information in different business regions and countries.


  • First, we cover the creation of custom tiles using the Launchpad Tile Configuration. These personalized tiles offer quick access to crucial web resources right from your SAP Sustainability Control Tower's home page, streamlining your navigation process.​
  • Next, we explore the Drill Down functionality within the Our Ambitions app. This feature gives a detailed overview of selected metrics, allowing you to analyze performance across specific business regions or timeframes. With these skills, you are equipped to navigate the platform effectively and make informed decisions towards your sustainability goals.​

Custom Tile Creation

What This Activity Is About

The activity is about creating a custom tile in SAP Sustainability Control Tower, which allows you to link to essential resources like an organization's sustainability reports or other relevant internal and external links. The concept is to enable you to personalize your experience in the platform by adding a custom tile with a defined URL. The activity enables you to define your own URL and add it as a tile on the home page. The steps to create a custom tile include navigating to the Launchpad Tile Configuration tile, adding a new tile, filling in the required details, and returning to the home page to see the custom tile. By creating custom tiles, you can improve your sustainability management process by quickly accessing important resources.​

What This Activity Enables You to Do

This activity enables you to define your own URL and add it as a tile.​

Watch the following video to learn how to create a custom tile in SAP Sustainability Control Tower:

Analysis of the Performance of Your Organization's Sustainability Metrics

What This Activity Is About

This activity is about how to use the SAP Sustainability Control Tower to analyze the performance of an organization's sustainability metrics. The key concept is how to monitor and compare the performance of an organization's sustainability ambitions across business units and regions. The activity enables you to drill down into business locations, such as countries or regions, to investigate the performance in greater detail, and identify possible reasons for any deviations from the target. You can also analyze the monthly trends in performance and choose the year and quarter of interest to analyze the performance during that period. The Our Ambitions app is a tool for informed decision-making and driving sustainability efforts.​

What This Activity Enables You to Do

This activity enables you to analyze the trend of the performance for specific metrics.​

Watch the following video to learn how to analyze the performance of an organization's sustainability metrics:


In this lesson, we discussed how to create a custom tile in SAP Sustainability Control Tower and how to analyze the performance of your organization's sustainability metrics. The process of creating a custom tile enables you to define your own URLs and add them as tiles on the home page, thereby linking essential resources like sustainability reports or other pertinent internal and external links. This personalized feature enhances your experience and expedites access to crucial resources.

We also delved into the use of SAP Sustainability Control Tower to evaluate the performance of sustainability metrics. You can monitor and compare sustainability ambitions across business units and regions, drill down into specific locations for detailed performance analysis, and understand deviations from the target. You can also examine monthly trends and choose the desired year and quarter for focused performance analysis. These functionalities aid informed decision-making and drive sustainability efforts effectively.​

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