You should already be familiar with SAP BW Content that has been included as part of the solution since the launch of SAP BW more than 20 years ago. The content developed and provided by SAP ensures customers can get a fast start with their implementation and implement best practice models that integrate deeply with the underlying SAP data sources. The content was built around the Layered Scalable Architecture (LSA) approach.
For SAP BW/4HANA, brand-new, ready-made content is delivered that uses the new objects, such as CompositeProviders, and is based on the simplified LSA++ architecture. The new content combines the capabilities of SAP HANA and SAP BW/4HANA for the most optimal solution.
Benefits of the SAP BW/4HANA Content

The new SAP BW/4HANA Content provides many benefits compared to the previous content, including:
Less data persistence which means less storage and management of data: Based on the LSA++ concepts redundancies of data are minimized, there are no unnecessary data marts, and navigation attributes/transitive attributes are used wherever possible.
Better data load performance: Wherever possible, the run-time of transformations is set to SAP HANA, for example, by using formulas (which can easily be converted to SQL in SAP HANA) instead of ABAP in Transformations.
Better report performance: Query design follows SAP HANA-based performance principles.
More flexibility in data acquisition: The business logic is defined only in Transformation between InfoSource and Integrated Data Warehouse Layer DataStore Objects (advanced); the Corporate Memory is available in the data flows.
Simple and easy to understand: The SAP BW/4HANA Content is documented in detail in the SAP Help portal, but also within the delivered objects (especially where program code is included).

BW4CONTB: This is called Content Basis Add-On. It provides subject-independent InfoObjects, InfoAreas, Query variables, conversion exits, and master data read classes.
BW4CONT: This provides the subject-specific data models and data flows for business processes and industry solutions.

There is a set of documentation that covers all aspect of SAP BW/4HAHA Content including installation.
Some technical aspects of SAP BW/4HANA Content include:
Content has been rebuilt using the new SAP BW/4HANA objects such as DataStore Object (advanced) and CompositeProviders. There is also an examples for an BAdI Provider in Finance (General Ledger).
The Open Operational Data Store layer and Corporate Memory layer are modeled with field-based DataStore Objects.(advanced).
There is a new set up of delivered variables which follows updated naming conventions. For details refer to SAP note 2395579.
Persistence of time characteristics is streamlined by leveraging the new navigational attributes of the InfoObjects 0CALDAY and 0FISCPER.
The core part of the content is based on ODP-enabled classic SAP ABAP DataSources. However, there is also content for SAP SuccessFactors (Human Capital Management) based on OData interfaces or SAP S/4HANA specific content based on ABAP CDS Views.
Scope of the SAP BW/4HANA Content

There is content for SAP BW/4HANA available for the following areas (as of release 2.0 SP12):
Sales & Distribution: Sales Orders, Conditions, Deliveries
- Service: Orders, Contracts, Confirmations
Asset Management: Plant Maintenance and Customer Service
Quality Management: Inspections and Notifications
Finance: Accounts Receivable and Payable, Fixed Asset Accounting, General Ledger, Contract Accounts, Fixed Assets, Funds Management, Real Estate (classic), and Cloud for Real Estate.
Controlling: Profit Center Accounting, Overhead Cost Controlling, Product Cost
- Finance and Controlling: S/4HANA Finance Universal Journal
Supply Chain Management: Procurement, Invoice Verification, Inventory, Production Planning, Transportation Management, and Extended Warehouse Management
Master Data Governance: MDG content
- Global Trade Services: Import , Export, Transit, Addresses, Compliance, and Licenses
SAP SuccessFactors Human Capital Management: Human Resources Master Data, Workforce Management, and Performance Management
Industry solution for Utilities with Master Data, Sales Statistics, and Energy Data Management
SAP BW/4HANA Content Architecture
The SAP BW/4HANA Content follows the LSA++ recommendations and delivers an LSA++ aligned structure. It is structured in three layers with data models providing the following features:
- The data is acquired in the Staging layer and Corporate Memory. This layer can be used for the following purposes:
The layer for staging, such as Open Operational Data Store layer, serves as a first physical data inbound layer on SAP BW/4HANA from which the data is propagated into one or more target InfoProviders in the Integrated DWH Layer.
The Corporate Memory serves as storage of all data records delivered by a particular DataSource for rebuilding the Integrated DWH Layer. Potentially a DataSource will not be able to deliver the same records again, e.g. due to archiving of data in the source system.
- The data is then harmonized and transformed to the Integrated DWH Layer. The DataSource and the Corporate Memory DataStore Objects (advanced) are connected to the Integrated DWH Layer by one central InfoSource. Harmonization and business transformation logic is generally applied between this InfoSource and the Integrated DWH Layer DataStore Objects (advanced).
- A Virtual Data Mart Layer is used for reporting. InfoProviders that reside in this layer do not contain any data. Instead, they describe which data is accessed, and how it is displayed semantically to the end user. CompositeProviders are used as InfoProviders in the Virtual Data Mart Layer and access the data from DataStore Objects (advanced). All Content queries are deployed on top of these CompositeProviders.
The following naming conventions are used throughout the data model:
Architecture Layers and Their Naming Convention
LSA++ Layer | SAP BW/4HANA Data Model | Naming Convention |
Staging/Corporate Memory layer | DataStore Objects (field-based) | /IMO/CM[InfoArea]nn (if based on ABAP DataSource), /IMO/C[InfoArea]nn (if based on CDS View), /SFA/S[InfoArea]nn (if based on SuccessFactors API) |
Integrated DWH layer | InfoSource | /IMO/[InfoArea]_ISnn |
DataStore Objects (InfoObject based) | /IMO/D_[InfoArea]nn | |
Virtual Data Mart layer | CompositeProvider | /IMO/V_[InfoArea]nn |
layer independent | DataFlow | /IMO/DF_[InfoArea]_nn (if based on ABAP DataSource), /IMO/DF_[InfoArea]_nn_C (if based on CDS View) |
Objects delivered by the SAP BW/4HANA Content are easily recognized as they have their own name space: /IMO/ referring to HANA-optimized or in-memory. If the source system is SAP SuccessFactors, then the name space is /SFA/.
The following figure describes the architecture and the applied naming convention on the example of Sales Order documents. It represents also the way the new SAP BW/4HANA Content is documented for each business area or industry solution.

Sources and Connectivity
When evaluating the content it is important to understand that the delivered objects are dependent on different source systems. This means that not all content applications exist for all types of SAP source systems. So thorough investigation is required if the requested scenario is available for the source system in your organization, before you start deployment of the delivered objects.

Unlike in SAP NetWeaver BW, where the content refers almost exclusively to the SAP Business Suite, the new SAP BW/4HANA content refers to four different SAP source systems:
- SAP Business Suite: Most of this content continues to use the legacy ABAP DataSources, but provides an LSA++ optimized data flow on the SAP BW/4HANA side.
- SAP S/4HANA on Premise: Same as mentioned for SAP Business Suite, but enhanced with new ABAP CDS View-based extractors. See unit 9 for more details.
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud: There is a growing number of ABAP CDS Views, which serve as DataSources for SAP BW/4HANA content data flows. See unit 9 for more details.
- SAP SuccessFactors: This SAP cloud solution can be connected via oData in combination with SAP HANA Smart Data Integration to the relevant APIs of SAP SuccessFactors. You can find a detailed how-to-guide in SAP note 2776343 (Connectivity to SAP SuccessFactors for SAP BW/4 HANA Content).
- SAP Cloud for Real Estate: Connectivity is based on a special API provided by this cloud solution. Details provided in this blog post:

The figure above shows, which parts of the SAP BW/4HANA Content connect to which kind of sources. These sources identify the relevant source system types.
- Green color: HR-related content is only available for data managed in SAP SuccessFactors and its APIs.
- Grey color: Cloud for Real Estate comes with an individual API which provides the connectivity to SAP BW/4HANA ADSOs.
- Blue color: Some parts are only available for SAP S/4HANA (regardless which deployment type, on premise or cloud, because those are based on ABAP CDS Views. Global Trade Service, Transportation Management, Service, and the Finance Universal Journal are exclusively available for SAP S/4HANA only, while there is a co-existence of ABAP DataSources and ABAP CDS Views for the areas of Sales&Distribution and Plant Maintenance. SAP is committed to enhance this area, the plans for 2021 include new SAP BW/4HANA content for SAP S/4HANA Procurement (Purchase Orders) and Transportation Management (Transportation Order Root and Item).
Examples for extraction-enabled ABAP CDS View used in the SAP BW/4HANA Content
Business Area Examples of extraction-enabled ABAP CDS Views Service - C_SERVICECONTRACTITEMDEX: Service Contracts
Transportation Mgmt - C_FRTDSPUTCASEANLYTSDEX: Freight Dispute Case Analytics
- C_TRANSPORDITEMANLYSTSDEX: Transportation Order Analysis Root and Item
Global Trade Service (GTS) - C_EXPORTDECLARATIONITEMDEX: Export Declaration Items
- C_TRANSITDECLARATIONDEX: Transit Declaration Items
- C_TRNSTDSCHRGDECINITEMDEX: Transit Discharge Declaration Item
- C_CSTMSCMPLNCDOCITMLGLCLICDEX: Licenses/Customs Document Items
- C_LEGALCONTROLLICENSEDEX: Licenses in Legal Control
- C_SPLSCRNGDOCADDRCHKRESULTDEX: Document Addresses SPL Screening Result
Finance&Controlling - I_GLACCOUNTLINEITEMRAWDATA: Raw Data of GL-Account Line-Item
Sales&Distribution - C_SALESDOCUMENTITEMDEX_1: Sales Document Items
- C_SALESDOCITMPRCGELMNTDEX_1: Sales Document Item Pricing Elements
- C_BILLGDOCITMPRCGELMNTBSCDEX1: Billing Document Item Pricing Element
- C_BILLINGDOCITEMBASICDEX_1: Billing Document Items
- C_SALESORGANIZATIONDEX: Sales Organization Master Data
Plant Maintenance - I_MAINTORDEROBJTECHCUBE: Maintenance Orders
- I_LOCATIONANALYSISCUBE: Maintenance Notifications (MN)
Procurement - C_PURCHASEORDERDEX: Purchase Order Item
- C_PURPRDSCHEDULELINEDEX: Purchase Order Schedule Line
- C_SCHEDULEAGGREEMENTHDRDEX: Purchase Scheduling Agreement Header
- C_SCHEDULEAGGREEMENTITEMDEX: Purchase Scheduling Agreement Items
- Orange color: Many parts of the SAP BW/4HANA content rely still on classic ABAP extractors which are available in SAP Business Suite and SAP S/4HANA on Premise. The applications build on the existing objects (see the following examples), which are released for ODP usage (see Operational Data Provisioning in unit 8).
Examples for ABAP Data Sources used in the SAP BW/4HANA Content
Business Area Key ABAP DataSources Sales and Distribution - 2LIS_11_VAHDR: Sales Document Header Data
- 2LIS_11_VASTH: Sales Document Header Status
- 2LIS_11_VAITM: Sales Document Item Data
- 2LIS_11_V_ITM: Sales-Shipping Allocation Item Data
- 2LIS_11_VAKON: Order Condition Data
- 2LIS_11_V_SSL: Sales Document: Order Delivery
- 2LIS_12_VCHDR: Delivery Header Data
- 2LIS_12_VCITM: Delivery Item Data
- 2LIS_13_VDHDR: Billing Document Header Data
- 2LIS_13_VDITM: Billing Document Item Data
- 2LIS_13_VDKON: Billing Condition Data
Supply Chain Management - 2LIS_02_HDR: Purchasing Data Header
- 2LIS_02_ITM: Purchasing Data Item
- 2LIS_02_SCL: Purchasing Data Schedule Line
- 2LIS_02_ACC: Purchasing Data Accounting
- 2LIS_02_SCN: Purchasing Data Confirmation of Schedule Lines
- 2LIS_02_SGN: Purchasing Data Delivery of Schedule Lines
- 2LIS_02_CGR: Purchasing Data Produced Activity: Delivery of Confirmations
- 2LIS_06_INV: Invoice Verification Data
- 2LIS_03_BX: Stock Initialization
- 2LIS_03_BF: Goods Movements
- 2LIS_03_UM: Revaluations
Financials - 0FI_AR_4: Customers: Line Items with Delta Extraction
- 0FI_AR_30: Accounts Receivable
- 0FI_AP_4: Vendors: Line Items with Delta Extraction
- 0FI_AP_30: Accounts Payable
- 0FI_GL_4: General Ledger Line Items
- 0FI_GL_6: General Ledger General Ledger Sales Figures
- 0FI_GL_12: General Ledger Balances of leading Ledger
- 0FI_GL_14: General Ledger Line Items of Leading Ledger
- 0FI_AA_11: Asset Accounting Transactions
- 0FI_AA_12: Asset Accounting posted Depreciations
Controlling - 0EC_PCA_1: Profit Center: Transaction Data on Accounts
- 0EC_PCA_2: Statistical key figures
- 0EC_PCA_3: Actual Line Items
- 0EC_PCA_4: Actual Line Items Periodic Transfer
- 0CO_OM_CCA_1_D: Cost Centers Costs and Allocations (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_CCA_10: Cost Centers Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_CCA_30: Cost Centers Statistical Key Figures
- 0CO_OM_CCA_40: Cost Centers Actual Line Items
- 0CO_OM_OPA_1_D: Internal Orders Cost and Allocations (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_OPA_7: Internal Orders Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_OPA_30: Internal Orders Statistical Key Figures
- 0CO_OM_OPA_40: Internal Orders Actual Line Items
- 0CO_OM_WBS_1_D: WBS Elements Costs (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_WBS_7: WBS Elements Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_WBS_4: WBS Elements Statistical Key Figures
- 0CO_OM_WBS_6: WBS Elements Actual Line Items
- 0CO_OM_NAE_1_D: Activity Element Costs (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_NAE_2: Activity Elements Actual costs (delta)
- 0CO_OM_NAE_3: Network Activity Element: Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_NAE_3: Network Activity Element: Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_NAE_4: Network Activity Element: Statistic Key Figures
- 0CO_OM_NTW_1_D: Network: Costs (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_NTW_2: Networks Actual Costs (delta)
- 0CO_OM_NTW_3: Network Header Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_NTW_4: Network Statistic Key Figures
- 0CO_OM_NWA_1_D: Network Activity Costs (Delta Totals)
- 0CO_OM_NWA_2: Network Activity Actual Costs (delta)
- 0CO_OM_NWA_3: Network Activity Commitment Line Items
- 0CO_OM_NWA_4: Network Activity Statistic Key Figures
- 0CO_PC_PCP_20: Product Cost Analysis Cost Component Split
- 0CO_PC_PCP_30: Product Costing Analysis: Itemization
Plant Maintenance - 0PM_WCCP: PM/PP Work Center Capacity
- 0PM_SCH_PLND_ORDER: Scheduling Overview and Planned Order
- 0PM_ORDER_STATUS: PM Order Status
- 0PM_OBJ_STATUS: PM Object Status
- 0PM_MEASUREMENT: Measuring Points and Measurement Documents
- 0PM_MCOST_ASSET_UTIL: Maintenance Order Costs with Asset Utilization
- 0PM_FLEET: Fleet Vehicle consumption detail
- 0PM_DSMNTL: Plant Maintenance Equipment Dismantling
- 2LIS_17_I3OPER: Plant Maintenance Order Process
- 2LIS_17_I3HDR: Plant maintenance orders
- 2LIS_17_I0TASK: Maintenance Notifications Tasks
- 2LIS_17_I0NOTIF: Maintenance Notifications
- 2LIS_17_I0ITEM: Maintenance Notifications Items
- 2LIS_17_I0CAUSE: Maintenance Notifications Causes
- 2LIS_17_I0ACTY: Maintenance Notifications Activities
Customer Service - 2LIS_18_I3OPER: Service order operation
- 2LIS_18_I3HDR: Service Orders
- 2LIS_18_I0TASK: Service Notifications Tasks
- 2LIS_18_I0NOTIF: Service Notifications
- 2LIS_18_I0ITEM: Service Notifications Items
- 2LIS_18_I0CAUSE: Service Notifications Causes
- 2LIS_18_I0ACTY: Service Notifications Activities
Quality Management - 2LIS_05_QVUDN: Inspection Lot/Usage Decision
- 2LIS_05_QE2: Inspection Result Quantitative Data
- 2LIS_05_QE1: Inspection Result General Data
- 2LIS_05_Q0TASK: Quality Notifications Tasks
- 2LIS_05_Q0NOTIF: Quality Notifications
- 2LIS_05_Q0ITEM: Quality Notifications Items
- 2LIS_05_Q0CAUSE: Quality Notifications Causes
- 2LIS_05_Q0ACTY: Quality Notifications Activities
Production Planning and Controlling - 2LIS_04_P_MATNR: Material View from PP/PP-PI
- 2LIS_04_P_COMP: Component View from PP/PP-PI
- 2LIS_04_P_ARBPL_20: Work Center View from PP/PP-PI
- 0PP_WCCP_20: PP(PI)Work Center Capacity
Extended Warehouse Management - 0WM_BIN: Storage Bins
- 0WM_BIN: Storage Bins
- 0WM_BIN_FULL: Storage Bins Full Upload
- 0WM_DLVI: Delivery Items
- 0WM_DLVI_IN: Inbound Delivery Items
- 0WM_DLVI_OUT: Outbound Delivery Items
- 0WM_EWL: Executed Workload
- 0WM_EWL: Executed Workload
- 0WM_EXCCODE: Exceptions
- 0WM_MS_RESULT: Measurement Service Results
- 0WM_PL_DLVI: Delivery-Item-Related Execution Data
- 0WM_POD: Proof Of Delivery
- 0WM_STOCK: Stocks
- 0WM_TU: Transportation Units
- 0WM_VAS: Value-Added Services
- 0WM_WO: Warehouse Orders
- 0WM_WT_WO: Warehouse Tasks
Please refer to following sources for additional details:SAP note 2400585: Collective Note for SAP BW/4HANA Content 1.0
SAP note 2785525: Collective Note for SAP BW/4HANA Content 2.0
SAP note 2395579: SAP BW/4HANA Content - Additional information on delivered variables
SAP note 2857063: New BEx Variables in BI_CONT to simplify conversion from SAP BW to SAP BW/4HANA
SAP note 2785514: FAQ SAP BW/4HANA Content
SAP note 2397520: SAP BW/4HANA Content - Differences to SAP HANA optimized BI Content delivered with BI CONT 7.57
- SAP note 2433354: Missing Business Content DataSources or Transformations when using ODP framework
SAP note 2341038: Usage of DataSources 0FI_ACDOCA_10/20 in S/4HANA