Showcasing the Cloud Portal Features


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Explain the new Cloud Portal features of SAP Commerce Cloud.

Private Link Endpoints

Since 2211.4, Private Link Endpoints is provided and allows users to establish secure connections between SAP Commerce Cloud endpoints and resources in customer-owned Azure subscriptions. This capability enhances security by facilitating dedicated, secure network connections, minimizing exposure to potential threats. Users can configure and manage these private link endpoints, ensuring a secure and isolated environment for their SAP Commerce Cloud resources. This feature addresses the growing need for secure and controlled connectivity in modern cloud environments.


This is a restricted availability feature.

Web Application Firewall Lite

The introduction of the Web Application Firewall (WAF) Lite in SAP Commerce Cloud enhances the platform's resilience against malicious attacks.

The WAF is configurable at both the environment (cf. above) and endpoint levels (cf. below). As such, it acts as a proactive defense mechanism, blocking potentially dangerous content before it reaches the production system.

This robust and flexible solution provides an additional layer of security, reducing the risk of security breaches and ensuring the integrity of web application services in SAP Commerce Cloud. Users can tailor WAF configurations to their specific security requirements, striking a balance between security and application performance.

Expanded Blue-Green Deployment Availability

SAP Commerce Cloud expands the availability of blue/green deployment to all staging and medium sandbox environments. This allows users to deploy a new build for testing before releasing it as the live build, so that they can identify and address potential issues before releasing to customers.


Some essential aspects:
  • The green deployment supports only the Storefront and API services.
  • The system disables the data backup and restore feature during a green deployment.
  • A green deployment only has a single replica by default.
  • The blue and green deployments both use the same databases.
  • A green deployment is only available for two hours by default.

Additionally, the availability of related SAP Commerce Cloud build APIs enhances support for continuous integration and development practices. You can check the various support related to deployments to find out how to use the APIs to, for example, create a blue/green deployment. This expanded availability underscores SAP Commerce Cloud's commitment to providing flexible and efficient deployment options for users.

More details can be found in the Blue Green Feature FAQ page.

Limited Number of Builds

The creation of builds in an environment may be subject to limitations. In instances where attempting to create a build would surpass this limit, the system will prompt you to delete a specified number of non-deployed builds before allowing you to proceed with the new build creation. But please note, if you want to delete a build, it must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Status must be SUCCESS or FAIL
  • Not currently deployed
  • Not currently included in a data backup
  • Last modified date must be older than four hours

The Limited Number of Builds feature ensures optimal resource allocation and streamlines build management processes, contributing to a more efficient development and deployment workflow.

Mandatory Multi-Factor Authentication

Due to heightened security requirements, SAP Commerce Cloud mandates the use of Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) for all new Cloud Portal users. This security measure adds an additional layer of protection to user accounts, requiring users to provide a second form of authentication beyond passwords.

By enforcing mandatory 2FA, SAP Commerce Cloud aligns with industry best practices for enhancing account security. Users are prompted to set up and configure 2FA during the account creation process, ensuring a robust authentication mechanism for accessing the Cloud Portal.

If a user loses the 2FA device and wants to reconfigure 2FA on a new device, they must reach out to the system admin to delete the user and re-create it again in the Cloud Portal. The new user can then log in to the portal to configure 2FA on the new device.

Deprecated Node.js Version

In alignment with the official Node.js lifecycle, SAP Commerce Cloud announces the deprecation of Node.js version 14. Users are encouraged to transition to Node.js version 18 to leverage the latest features, optimizations, and security updates. This proactive approach ensures that users benefit from ongoing support and compatibility with evolving technologies, mitigating potential security risks associated with outdated Node.js versions.

You can specify the Node.js version for your Composable Storefront applications globally or for a specific application. For example, you can add the following line to the js-storefront/manifest.json to specify node.js version for all your static applications:

Code Snippet
Copy code
Switch to dark mode
1 | { 2 | 3 | "applications": [ 4 | 5 | ... 6 | 7 | ], 8 | 9 | "nodeVersion": "18" 10 | 11 | }

Or, if the flag is missing, the most recent supported version is added by default.


Streamlined Single Sign-On (SSO) capabilities with the integration of SAP Identity Authentication Service (IAS) and SAP Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) have been introduced. This feature:

  • Simplifies
  • So providing users with a convenient and efficient way to manage user identities.

    Leveraging SAP IAS and IPS, users can seamlessly configure and deploy SSO for their SAP Commerce Cloud environments, enhancing user experience and security.

The integration of SAP IAS and IPS streamlines identity management processes, ensuring a consistent and secure user authentication experience.

Files Download Support

The possibility to download important configuration files directly from the Cloud Portal is provided. This functionality includes a diverse range of file types, such as:

  • IP filter sets,
  • website redirect sets,
  • static files,
  • security files,
  • trusted certificates,
  • SSL certificates,
  • and host alias sets.

Users can access and download these files through the Cloud Portal interface, providing a convenient and centralized way to manage essential configuration elements.

This feature streamlines configuration management processes, enabling users to efficiently retrieve and update crucial files directly from the Cloud Portal.

Delaying Automatic Monthly Upgrades

You can usually specify which SAP Commerce Cloud version that you want to use:

Code Snippet
Copy code
Switch to dark mode
1 | { 2 | 3 | "commerceSuiteVersion": "2211.16", 4 | 5 | ... 6 | 7 | }

Now, in addition to that, you have the flexibility to postpone automatic monthly upgrades by indicating a prior Commerce patch version in your manifest.json file. The application will then be built using the specified version identified with the property value.

Code Snippet
Copy code
Switch to dark mode
1 | { 2 | 3 | "commerceSuiteVersion" : "2211", 4 | 5 | "keepPriorPatchCount" : "2" 6 | 7 | }

In the above example, if the current version is 2211.16, the version 2211.14 is going to be used in the build process.

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