Listing Enhancements and Features for SAP ERP-SAP SuccessFactors Full Cloud Core Hybrid Integration in the 1H 2024 Release


After completing this lesson, you will be able to Describe new enhancements and features released in 1H 2024.

Property expirationDate Now Filterable in OData API EmpWorkPermit

You can now use the expirationDate property as a filter when you query the EmpWorkPermit OData API.

We made this property filterable so that you can get a list of employees whose work permits will expire in certain days and send them notifications if needed.

What's Changed

In the current version, expirationDate is filterable in EmpWorkPermit. For example, you can retrieve all work permits that are due to expire on June 3, 2024 using this request: https://<api-server>/odata/v2/EmpWorkPermit?$filter=expirationDate eq datetime'2024-06-03T00:00:00'.

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
  • Employee Data
  • Integration and Extension
ActionInfo only

Automatically on


General Availability

Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


New Employment End Date Filter for Employee Central Compound Employee API

We introduced the EMPLOYMENT_END_DATE filter in the WHERE clause of the Compound Employee API to filter terminated employments from the Compound Employee API response.

It targets the end_date attribute of the Employment Information entity and requires the employment_information segment to be requested.

Until this current release, there was no filter available to remove terminated employments from the response.

Whats Changed

How It Looks Now

Sample Code: Result for query with employment_end_date >= to_date('2014-01-01')

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<person> [...] <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>179</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>1061</employment_id> [...] <start_date>2012-08-01</start_date> <user_id>179</user_id> [...] </employment_information> <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>employee1</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>570</employment_id> [...] <start_date>2008-12-03</start_date> <user_id>employee1</user_id> [...] </employment_information> </person>

How it Looked Before

Sample Code: Result for query without using the employment_end_date-filter

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<person> [...] <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>179</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>1061</employment_id> [...] <start_date>2012-08-01</start_date> <user_id>179</user_id> [...] </employment_information> <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>180</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>1081</employment_id> <end_date>2012-07-15</end_date> [...] <start_date>2012-07-02</start_date> <user_id>180</user_id> [...] </employment_information> <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>181</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>1082</employment_id> <end_date>2012-07-15</end_date> [...] <start_date>2012-07-01</start_date> <user_id>181</user_id> [...] </employment_information> <employment_information> [...] <assignmentIdExternal>employee1</assignmentIdExternal> [...] <employment_id>570</employment_id> [...] <start_date>2008-12-03</start_date> <user_id>employee1</user_id> [...] </employment_information> </person>

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
ModuleIntegration and Extension
ActionInfo only

Automatically on


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


New Manager Attributes for the Job Information Segment

For the Job Information segment in the Compound Employee API, we introduced manager_assignment_id_external and manager_person_uuid as additional attributes.

We added the attributes manager_assignment_id_external and manager_person_uuid to provide consumers additional options to identify the manager. Like for manager_employment_id, manager_person_id and manager_person_id_external, the field values are determined based on the manager_id contained in the Job Information segment.

Whats Changed

How It Looks Now

Sample Code:

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<job_information> […] <manager_assignment_id_external>Manager21711</manager_assignment_id_external> <manager_employment_id>1868</manager_employment_id> <manager_id>Manager21711</manager_id> <manager_person_id>1497</manager_person_id> <manager_person_id_external>Manager21711</manager_person_id_external> <manager_person_uuid>35558A821F4B4609A4DD6222DB94AC4B</manager_person_uuid> […] </job_information>

How it Looked Before

Sample Code:

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<job_information> […] <manager_employment_id>1868</manager_employment_id> <manager_id>Manager21711</manager_id> <manager_person_id>1497</manager_person_id> <manager_person_id_external>Manager21711</manager_person_id_external> […] </job_information>

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
ModuleIntegration and Extension
ActionInfo only

Automatically on


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


Identifying Employees for Temporary Exclusion from Inbound Processing in SAP S/4HANA

We provide a new tool that helps you find an employee for whom an exceptional error occurred during data replication from Employee Central, to temporarily suspend the processing of their data in the SAP S/4HANA system.

In the previous version, we provided a tool to suspend the processing of the data replicated for a specific employee from Employee Central if an exceptional error occurred. Temporarily suspending the processing for the employee allows for the data of the other employees of the same processing run to be processed in SAP S/4HANA. The new tool helps you find the employee for whom you want to temporarily suspend processing.

We're closing a gap with this feature. We've made this feature available for the SFSF EC INTEGRATION (PA_SE_IN) add-on with support package 36. Now we're also providing it for the SFSF EC S4 HCM INTEGRATION (ECS4HCM) add-on.

Configuration Requirements

Support package 3 of the SFSF EC S4 HCM INTEGRATION (ECS4HCM) add-on must be installed in your SAP S/4HANA system.

Role-Based Permission Prerequisites

We provide the new template role SAP_HR_ECPAO_ANALYSIS with the permissions required by a user of the new tool. You can copy and adapt this role as required.

What's Changed

Identify Employee Records to Exclude from Processing

In the current version, you can use the Identify to Exclude from Processing (ECPAO_IN_EE_EXCP) transaction to find the employee for whom the exception occurred. You can suspend processing directly from this transaction and include the employee in processing again when the error is resolved.

In the previous version, we provided the Exclude Employees from Processing (ECPAO_IN_QUAR) transaction to suspend the processing of the data replicated for a specific employee from Employee Central if an exception occurred. But you had to find the employee for whom the error occurred by yourself. You can still use this transaction. Alternatively, you can use the new Identify to Exclude from Processing transaction.

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
ModuleIntegration and Extension
FeatureERP Integration
ActionInfo only

Customer Configured


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


Enhanced Support for Migrating Employees With Concurrent Employment Assignments in SAP S∕4HANA System

You can now migrate data from all concurrent employments based on the new configuration options in SAP S/4HANA system.

Currently for concurrent employment, the entities like personal info (WS_5), address (WS_10), email (WS_7), and phone (WS_8) are always extracted from the first employment, irrespective of whether the first PERNR is active or withdrawn.

In the current release, we have added new configurational options for migrating Personal Information and Address Information from a specific employment or from all employments. And you can choose the employment for migrating email and phone data based on the configuration.

Configuration Requirements

Support package 3 of the SFSF EC S4 HCM INTEGRATION (ECS4HCM) add-on must be installed in your SAP S/4HANA system.

Whats Changed

In the previous version, personal information (WS_5), email (WS_7), phone (WS_8), and address (WS_10) is extracted from the first employment even if it is inactive.

In the current version, there are two options provided to migrate the Personal Information and Address Information from the active PERNR. You can either use the EX_ECPAO_IDNTFY_MAIN_PERNR BAdI or the ERP to EC: Determine Personal Data for Concurrent Employment switch in the V_ECPAO_CONSTANT  view. The BAdI could be implemented to mention the main personnel number of the concurrently employed person. The switch can be used to fetch information (Personal information and Address information) from all the employments as per their dates.

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
ModuleIntegration and Extension
FeatureERP Integration
ActionInfo only

Customer Configured


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


Connecting Multiple Employee Central Instances to Same Client of the SAP S/4HANA System

You can now connect multiple Employee Central instances to the same client of your SAP S/4HANA system. For example, if your company has different legal entities that require separate management of employee data and therefore separate instances of SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central, but you want to ensure that common processes, such as payroll that you run in SAP S/4HANA, run consistently for all your employees.

Use this feature if you use separate Employee Central instances and want to continue to run payroll in the same SAP S/4HANA system for all your employees. For each Employee Central instance that you connect, you set up the replication separately.

Core hybrid customers such as service providers who provide payroll in an SAP S/4HANA system and other HR capabilities in Employee Central or conglomerates with different legal entities managed in separate Employee Central instances have asked for this feature. Migration of employee data from one SAP S/4HANA client to different Employee Central instances is also supported

Configuration Requirements

Support package 3 of the SFSF EC S4 HCM INTEGRATION (ECS4HCM) add-on must be installed in your SAP S/4HANA system.

If you use the external assignment ID in Employee Central, you must configure your business rules so that the external assignment ID is unique across all Employee Central instances.

Whats Changed

Connecting Multiple Employee Central Instances
Mapping of Employee Central Instance ID to Enable Connection of Multiple Employee Central Instances
Job Scheduler for Employee Data Migration Settings

How It Looks Now

In the current version, you can connect multiple Employee Central instances to the same client of your SAP S/4HANA system. If you enable the corresponding constant in your SAP S/4HANA system, the system ensures that data is replicated to and from a specific Employee Central instance. It adds the Employee Central instance ID to the employee key mapping and employee staging area. Existing programs such as the staging area viewer or the processing program for replication requests are enhanced with the Employee Central instance ID to ensure that the SAP S/4HANA system knows which instance of SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central manages the data of the employee in question. We provide a new program to insert your existing Employee Central instance ID into the employee key mapping to prepare your system for connecting further Employee Central instances.

The Business Integration Builder (BIB) framework is enhanced with additional configurations to let you decide the target Employee Central instance for the legal entities. Based on this configuartion, the migration of employee data to Employee Central is handled such that the employee is sent only to the intended Employee Central instance using the correct transformation template group. Accordingly the delta migration programs are also adjusted to support this behaviour.

We also provide a new integration package with the value mapping SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Integration with SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA: System Mapping for this feature in SAP Cloud Integration. You use this value mapping to define which SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central instance is to be addressed by your integration flows, depending on the Employee Central instance ID that the corresponding web service transfers from the SAP S/4HANA system.



You cannot use point-to-point replication of time management data from Employee Central in the current version if you enable this feature. You can also replicate or migrate organizational objects from only one Employee Central instance currently. Using multiple Employee Central instance is not supported in Side-by-Side deployment option.

In the previous version, you could connect only one Employee Central instance to a client of your SAP S/4HANA system.

Technical Details

Reference Number


ProductEmployee Central
ModuleIntegration and Extension
FeatureERP Integration
ActionInfo only

Customer Configured


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

1H 2024

Valid as Of


Deprecation of Employee Central SFAPIs Except CompoundEmployee API

The SOAP-based SFAPIs for Employee Central, except the CompoundEmployee API, will reach end of maintenance on May 17, 2024 and will be deleted on May 23, 2025.

Key Dates

Future dates are subject to change.

End of DevelopmentMay 17, 2019The deprecation milestone after which SAP stops enhancing a product or part of a product. You can continue to use the software, but you should begin planning for a time when it will no longer be available for use. We still fix high-priority bugs.
End of MaintenanceMay 17, 2024The deprecation milestone after which SAP does not fix bugs or deliver patches for the software. SAP continues to answer your how-to questions. We strongly encourage you to adopt an alternative method for your business scenario.
DeletedMay 23, 2025The deprecation milestone when a feature is no longer available for productive use. You should now be using an alternative method for your business scenario.

Deprecation Details

We are deprecating the following Employee Central SFAPIs in favor of OData APIs. If you are using the SFAPIs, please convert the SOAP API calls to OData ones.

  • EmpCompensation
  • EmpEmployment
  • EmpEmploymentTermination
  • EmpJob
  • EmpJobRelationships
  • EmpPayCompNonRecurring
  • EmpPayCompRecurring
  • PerAddress
  • PerDirectDeposit
  • PerEmail
  • PerEmergencyContacts
  • PerNationalId
  • PerPerson
  • PerPersonal
  • PerPhone
  • PerSocialAccount
  • FO_businessUnit
  • FO_company
  • FO_costCenter
  • FO_department
  • FO_division
  • FO_dynamicRole
  • FO_eventReason
  • FO_frequency
  • FO_geozone
  • FO_jobCode
  • FO_jobFunction
  • FO_location
  • FO_locationGroup
  • FO_payCalendar
  • FO_payComponent
  • FO_payComponentGroup
  • FO_payGrade
  • FO_payGroup
  • FO_payRange
  • FO_wfConfig
  • FoLocation

Additional Resources

For more information about SOAP SFAPI deprecation and how to move from SFAPI to OData, refer to Deprecation of Partner API, SFAPI Adhoc, and SFAPI for Simple Entities.

Technical Details

Reference Number


  • Employee Central
  • Platform
  • Employee Data
  • Integration and Extension

Automatically on





Major or Minor


Software Version
  • 2H 2023
  • 1H 2024
  • 2H 2024
  • 1H 2025
Valid as Of


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