SAP IBP for Response and Supply


After completing this lesson, you will be able to understand the innovations in IBP for Response and Supply

Order-Based Planning Enhancements 2408

The figure displays a screenshot of the SAP7FAC interface for order-based planning. It highlights the Planning Level for Filtering section, listing various planning levels such as SAP7FCLVL01 and SAP7FCLVL02. The main focus is on the Parameters section, where users can set parameters like Planning Version, Receipt Type, and Time Selection. Options for receipt types include Planned Receipts and Purchase Requisitions, among others. The interface allows users to select specific planning versions and time frames for their planning activities.

The app Settings for Order-Based Planning has three settings to define the planning levels for filtering sources of supply.

The application jobs "Order-Based Planning: Delete Planned Receipts" and "Order-Based Planning: Fix or Unfix Planned Receipts" uses these planning levels to filter for planned receipts:

  • Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Source Location) Used to filter for distribution orders if basis for time selection is planned start date
  • Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Target Location) Used to filter for distribution orders if basis for time selection is planned end date
  • Planning Level for Production Data Structure Filtering Used to filter for planned orders

With that, you do not need to map the key figures for interactive planning to use the application jobs for deleting and fixing planned receipts.

The mapping of key figures for interactive planning is only needed to use the application job for creating planned receipts. The create job uses the planning levels of the mapped key figures for filtering planned receipts.

Prepare for Release 2505 - Application Jobs for Deleting and Fixing or Unfixing Planned Receipts

Must take action

.Users of planning areas with flexible master data must define the relevant planning levels for filtering in app Settings for Order-Based Planning after upgrade to release 2408

Up to and including release 2502, if the relevant planning levels are not defined, the application jobs "Order-Based Planning: Delete Planned Receipts" and "Order-Based Planning: Fix or Unfix Planned Receipts" will continue to work and will apply the old filtering behavior which is based on the planning levels of the key figures for interactive planning mapped in the app Settings for Order-Based Planning or app Application Mappings.

As of release 2505, the old filtering behavior will no longer work. If you have not defined the relevant planning levels for filtering by this time, you will not be able to run the application jobs for deleting and fixing or unfixing planned receipts.

The deprecation of the old filtering behavior only affects users of planning areas with flexible master data. If you are using planning areas based on external master data, the application jobs for deleting and fixing or unfixing orders will continue to work as before and no action is required.

The figure displays a screenshot of the SAP7FAC interface, specifically for order-based planning settings. It includes various tabs such as Planning Level for Filtering, Planning Level for Production Data Structure Filtering, and Planning Level for Location Product Filtering. The main section shows detailed information about a specific planning level (L258426803), including key figures, consumption, and simulation data. The right sidebar contains settings for key figure calculations, simulation options, and other operational parameters. The interface is designed to facilitate detailed planning and analysis for production and location-based data.

The app Settings for Order-Based Planning has three settings to define the planning levels for filtering transportation lanes and equipment types.

The transportation load building component of the Planner Workspaces app uses these planning levels to filter for transportation loads and distribution orders:

  • Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Source Location) Used to filter for loads and orders if the component is filtered by source location and planned start date
  • Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Target Location) Used to filter for loads and orders if the component is filtered by target location and goods receipt date
  • Planning Level for Equipment Type Filtering Used to filter for loads with a certain equipment type

This has the following benefits:

  • You can use filter criteria on any attribute that has been added to the defined planning level.
  • You can filter the transportation load building component with the same filter criteria like key figures at the defined planning level.

Must take action

Users of planning areas with flexible master data must define the relevant planning levels for filtering in app Settings for Order-Based Planning after upgrade to release 2408.

Up to and including release 2502, if the relevant planning levels are not defined, the transportation load building component of the Planner Workspaces app will continue to work and will apply the old filtering behavior which is based on predefined master data attributes for transportation lane and for equipment type that are mapped in the app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or in the app Application Mappings.

As of release 2505, the old filtering behavior will no longer work. If you have not defined the relevant planning levels for filtering by this time, the transportation load building component will not show any transportation loads or planned distribution orders.

The figure displays a user interface for a logistics or supply chain management system. The top section shows a dashboard with details about a specific load, including its ID, status, and various metrics such as weight, volume, and delivery dates. The right panel contains settings for filters, preferences, and display options. The bottom section features a table configuration window, allowing users to define and customize the columns displayed for planned distribution orders, including options like plant, material, and order quantity.

The visible columns, the order of the columns, and the sorting of the tables Load Items and Planned Distribution Orders can be defined in the table settings.

You can choose from order attributes and from preselected master data attributes of the core order-based planning master data model.

Attributes of master data types which are not mapped to a business meaning of a preselected core attribute in the app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or in the app Application Mappings cannot be added to the tables.

The table settings are saved to the assigned transportation load view.

The figure displays a screenshot of an SAP interface for Order-Based Planning Based on Flexible Master Data. It shows two main sections: the top section lists various attributes (such as ATP_RULE and ACCLOADING) along with their planning levels, planning notes, and business meanings. The bottom section, titled Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning, details specific business meanings assigned to different planning levels, with corresponding attribute IDs and descriptions. The interface is designed to facilitate the management and planning of orders based on flexible master data attributes.

The column labels of order attributes are predefined and cannot be changed. These are: Order/Item, Order Type, Quantity, Planned Start Date (/Time), Goods Receipt Date (/Time), Planned Date (/Time), Fix, Fixed in Release Process, Minimum Remaining Shelf Life in Days, Expiration Date, Planning-Relevant, Logical System

The column labels of master data attributes use the planning area attribute name if the attribute is added to the planning area (app Planning Areas) and is mapped to the business meaning (app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or app Application Mappings). Otherwise, the column label uses the predefined attribute name of the core order-based planning master data model.

You can add columns for the equipment consumption to the table of load items.

In place of the table setting's field „Columns for Equipment Consumption" two columns for each equipment limit of the load's equipment type are added-a column for the item's absolute consumption and a column for the item's consumed percentage of the available capacity.

The column label uses the equipment limit description.

If there are two or more equipment limits then the columns are added in alphanumerical order of the equipment limit description.

The columns are always added according to the equipment type master data of the load in focus and cannot be changed.

Application Mappings for Order-Based Planning

The figure displays a screenshot of the Application Mappings interface in an SAP system. It shows a list of 12 mappings related to planning areas, applications, and their statuses. The interface allows users to create, activate, restore, delete, and edit mappings. Several mappings are shown as Active, indicating their current operational status. The interface also provides options to filter and view active mappings

With 2408, we introduce a new configuration app for order-based planning: Application Mappings

  • With this new app, you can create mappings between modelling objects and order-based planning entities
  • Mappings contain assignments of master data types, key figures and attributes to order-based planning business meanings.
  • Mappings can be configured for OBP planning areas based on flexible master data.

These configurations were formerly distributed between two apps:

  • Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning
  • Settings for Order-Based Planning
The figure highlights three key benefits of a new app: safer configuration, better user experience, and harmonization of applications. The app enhances safety by preventing misconfigurations through an integrated check mechanism. It improves user experience with better usability, contextual navigation, and support for teamwork. Additionally, it facilitates the harmonization of different SAP IBP applications and requires Application Mappings for new features

Safer configuration

Mappings are an integral part of planning area configuration

  • No chance for errors Your configuration for order-based planning is checked and activated together with the planning area
  • Safe journey from development to production Mappings for order-based planning can be transported in harmony with other configuration objects
  • Take your work with youMappings can be downloaded together with the planning area and uploaded whenever and wherever you want

Better user experience

The Application Mappings app is easier to use

  • One app for one taskAll the business meaning assignments needed for order-based planning are collected in one place
  • No need for thousands of browser tabsNavigate from and to a planning area, the Settings for Order-Based Planning app, or application logs with a single click
  • Enabled for teamworkCollaborate with your peers on the same configuration without blocking each other
  • A coffee break? Always!Your changes are always being saved in a draft

Harmonization of applications

Application Mappings paves the way

  • Harmonization for applicationsBeside order-based planning, we plan to introduce mappings for other applications
  • Prerequisite for new featuresSince mappings are error prone and flexible configuration objects, they are used for new features that will be rolled out in the future.
The figure showcases two screenshots from an SAP application. The first screenshot highlights a new SAP7F-based planning area, displaying information about planning levels, time settings, and planning horizons. The second screenshot shows the Application Mapping in OBP interface, featuring a list of assignments with sample content, including various business elements like location, product, and production data structure components.

For existing planning areas

  • For planning areas that were created before SAP IBP 2408, Application Mappings is not (yet) available.
  • If you want to use Application Mappings, contact us

For new planning areas

All new planning areas that are created based on the SAP7F sample automatically create a mapping with sample content

Assigning master data

  • Instead of the Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning app, you can now connect your master data types with order-based planning in the Application Mappings app.
  • Maintain the master data type and attribute assignments.
  • Master data must comply with the requirements of order-based planning. See details on the Help Portal: Business Model Configuration Requirements for Flexible Master Data: Business Model Configuration Requirements for Flexible Master Data | SAP Help Portal
The figure illustrates the Application Mapping in OBP interface, specifically focusing on the Key Figures tab. It shows a list of key figures related to adjusted purchase/production quantities and adjusted quantities, each with its business meaning and corresponding planning area key figure. The interface allows users to assign different key figures for various planning versions if needed.

Assigning input key figures

  • Instead of Settings for Order-Based Planning app, you can now define input key figures in Application Mappings app.
  • You can assign key figures to order-based planning. The key figures must comply with the requirements of order-based planning: they must have the right base planning level.
  • You can maintain version-specific assignments if you would like to use different key figures in your planning versions.
The figure displays a section of the Application Mapping in OBP interface, specifically under the Planning Area Attributes tab. It shows a list of 20 assignments that map business meanings to corresponding attributes. Examples include mapping Business Area to Business Area (BUSINESSAREA) and Delivery Group to Delivery Priority (DELIVERYPRIO). The interface allows for editing, checking, activating, and other actions related to these mappings.

Assigning sales order field catalog attributes

  • Instead of Settings for Order-Based Planning app, you can now define Sales Order Field Assignments in the Application Mappings app.
  • The attributes must be assigned to the planning area and must have the right format.

Application Mappings offers a more reliable configuration experience. The check answers the following question: what would happen if I activated my change?

Checking the mapping from the planning area

  • When you check your planning area, the mapping is also checked.
  • During the check, the latest state of the planning area and mapping are used.

Checking the mapping from Application Mappings app

When you check your mapping, the active state of the planning area is considered.

The figure displays two screenshots from an SAP application, highlighting the difference between activating a planning area and activating a mapping. The top screenshot shows that activating the planning area also activates the mapping, while the bottom screenshot indicates that activating the mapping only activates the mapping itself.

The mapping is part of the planning area configuration. They can be activated together or separately.

Activating the planning area

When you activate your planning area with full scope, the mapping is also activated. Errors in mapping stop the activation.

Activating the mapping

When you activate your mapping, the planning area is never activated.

The figure depicts a screenshot of the SAP Application Mapping interface in Order-Based Planning (OBP). It highlights the status of assignments, indicating errors linked to a detailed log with messages. The interface provides in-place messages to help users identify and resolve errors, such as missing mandatory business meanings for units of measure. The layout includes sections for Master Data, Key Figures, and Administrative Information, with specific details on assignments and their statuses

Configuring a planning area can be difficult. But we're here to help.

Finding errors in a mapping

You can find errors related to a mapping:

  • In the last action status of the planning area and the related log
  • In the last action status of the mapping and the related log
  • In the Application Mappings app

The figure shows a screenshot of the SAP application interface, specifically within the Application Mapping in OBP section. A pop-up window titled Activate with Limited Scope is displayed, focusing on Application-Specific Checks. The window lists various checks that can be performed during activation, including Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning and Application Mappings. Users can select which checks to suppress and proceed by clicking the Activate with Limited Scope button

Activating the mapping

If you must activate the planning area despite mapping errors, you can suppress application specific checks of mappings.


If you suppress mapping errors, your planning area will not be useable in OBP.

The figure displays a screenshot of the SAP Expert Software Collection interface. It shows a specific software collection named APMAP_APMSAP7F with a status of Changes Edit and a last changed date of 07/09/2024. The interface includes tabs for General Information, Items, Notes, and Versions. The Items tab is active, listing an item named APMAPSAP7F Order Based Planning with an identifier APMAPSAP7F OBP and type BPF Application Mapping. The item was last changed on 07/09/2024. The interface also includes options to check, export, lock, merge, and more

Transporting your changes

  • Mappings can be transported along with other configuration objects.
  • The planning area must exist in the target, otherwise the mapping can't be imported correctly.

Downloading/uploading your work

  • Mappings can be downloaded together with planning areas as a binary file.
  • The resulting ZIP file can be uploaded in any other SAP IBP system.
  • This helps quick prototyping or moving your best practices between different landscapes.
The figure depicts an SAP interface for Application Mapping in OBP within the Order-Based Planning area. It shows a section titled Assignments with various business meanings and corresponding master data types/attributes. The interface indicates that a user named Zuzana is currently editing a specific field, making it read-only for others. Additionally, it highlights that peers working on the same mapping are visible in the interface.

Collaborative work

  • Work on the same planning area together with your peers.
  • Collaborative drafts ensure that you all have access, but don't block each other.

Draft mode

  • Need to take a break but you're not sure you want to save your work? The draft remembers where you left the mapping.
  • Drafts can be discarded
The figure showcases the interface of SAP's Order-Based Planning (OBP) settings. It highlights the ease of navigation within the application, demonstrating how users can quickly jump to the application mapping with a single click and easily navigate to the planning area. The interface includes options for editing, viewing specific settings, and accessing additional information.

Easier navigation

One-click access between related apps: Settings for Order-Based Planning, Planning Areas and the Application Mappings app.

Better visibility

  • Settings for Order-Based Planning displays key figures and SFC attributes from your active mapping.
  • Application-Specific Statuses in the Planning Areas app and the Application Mappings app show detailed status.

Fiori Experience

Search, custom display settings, filtering - all the small details that improve your user experience.

Are you impacted?

Safety first: for existing planning areas, nothing is changing for now.

The new application doesn't cause any change in business processes: it's only a change of how you configure order-based planning. To avoid disruptions in ongoing implementation projects, the new app is rolled out gradually.

  • In release SAP IBP 2408, you can start using Application Mappings, if you create a new planning area by copying the SAP7F sample planning area.
  • Do you have a planning area for order-based planning and want to switch to the new configuration method? Ask us to migrate your existing mapping to the new app, and we'll help.
  • For more information, see Application Mappings.Application Mappings | SAP Help Portal
The figure displays two screenshots from an SAP interface related to order-based planning. The first screenshot shows the Settings for Order-Based Planning for the application APMSAP7F, where users can configure general settings and adjusted stock transfer quantities. The second screenshot is from the Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning section, indicating a diagnostic message that suggests using the Application Mapping app to edit assignments for the planning area APMSAP7F. The message highlights the need to maintain these mappings for proper functioning.

1. Settings for Order-Based Planning app

For planning areas that use Application Mappings, key figures and SFC attributes in Settings for Order-Based Planning app become read-only.

The app will be still available for additional settings.2. Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning app

  • For planning areas that use Application Mappings, the Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning app becomes frozen.
  • Later, SAP plans to retire this app.
The figure outlines the implementation timeline for Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning (BMOBP) and Application Mappings across different customer categories and SAP internal systems. For regular OBP customers, BMOBP is introduced in SAP IBP 2408, followed by Application Mappings in SAP SAP IBP 2411. Customers with special processes and SAP internal systems both start with BMOBP in SAP IBP 2405, transitioning to Application Mappings in SAP IBP 2411. The implementation of Application Mappings continues through SAP IBP 2502 and SAP IBP 2505 for all categories.

Orders SAP Fiori app

The figure displays a user interface from a General Response Planner system. The top section shows two main options: Orders and Projected Stock. The bottom section features a table listing various receipts or requirement IDs along with their types. A context menu is shown for a specific sales order (135027 / 10 / 1), offering options to Open in Orders or Open in Order Network.

New SAP Fiori app in Order-Based Planning to show order details (in context of OBP)

Two consumption methods in 2408:

  • New application tile in General Response Planner section to find order(s) based on certain search attributes
  • Navigate from other Projected Stock to the detail of an order.

Available in both static and flexible OBP planning areas

Gradual quarterly improvements planned

Main features

Navigate from Projected Stock to view orders

Search for orders based on various criteria

Group or sort orders flexibly (for instance, group items for execution orders, or by order type, product, location and more) on the result list

View details of one order while having the result list still visible on the screen

Order detail sections are automatically adopted for different order types (i.e. supply and demand elements, source of supply information, resource consumptions and more).

The figure displays an SAP Orders interface, specifically showing the SSN_ALL version/scenario. It lists 19 order items with details such as order number, item number, order type, quantity, product, location, source location, and requested or planned date. The product in focus is SSN_PHONE_AG/OV.002, and the order types include sales order items, stock transfer requisition items, stock transfer order items, planned orders, and outbound delivery for stock transfer orders. The data is organized in a tabular format for easy reference and management.
The figure displays an SAP interface for managing stock transfer orders. On the left, there is a filter panel for selecting various parameters such as version, product, order type, and location. Below the filters, a list of order items is shown with their respective order numbers. The right side of the interface details a specific stock transfer order item, including its quantity, source and destination locations, supply and demand elements, and transportation lane information. The interface provides comprehensive details for managing and tracking stock transfers efficiently.

Subcontracting with Multiple Production Versions in Order-Based Planning

The figure illustrates the subcontracting process, a form of external procurement where a supplier (subcontractor) manufactures a product for a procuring organization (My Company). The organization provides components to the subcontractor, either directly or indirectly. The subcontractor assembles the product and delivers it back to the organization, incorporating the provided components. The process involves the procurement of the product, provisioning of components, and final stocking of the completed product.

Subcontracting combines external procurement with elements of production: critical components are provisioned to the supplier for usage in assembly of the main product


With release 2408 SAP IBP Order-based Planning areas with Flexible Master Data (SAP7F) have been enabled for SubContracting with Multiple Production Versions.


What's New:

Subcontracting with Multiple Production Versions

[1] RTI PDS Integration: Integrate multiple PDS for subcontracting based on SAP S/4H transaction CMPDS1

[2] Interactive Planning in Planners Workspace / Excel: Use a new planning level attribute for PDS when planning at the level of transportation lanes

:[3] RTI Transactional Outbound Integrate production version of subcontracting purchasing requisitions to SAP S/4H or SAP ECC

[4] RTI Transactional Inbound: Identify the right transportation lane with the right production version as accurate as possible when integrating subcontracting receipts from to SAP S/4H or SAP ECC

The figure illustrates two SAP transaction screens: ME12 and CMPDS1. The ME12 transaction screen is used for changing vendor-specific purchasing information, displaying fields such as Info Record, Supplier, Material, and various control parameters. The CMPDS1 transaction screen shows the Production Version assignment overview, listing production versions associated with a specific Info Record, along with user names and timestamps. The combination of these transactions highlights the integration of purchasing and production version management in SAP.

Transaction CMPDS1 as a basis for multiple production versions

  • SAP ERP application module Materials Management (MM) does not support multiple production versions. Only a dedicated production version can be assigned to a subcontracting purchasing info record
  • Like SAP S/4HANA PP/DS SAP IBP release 2408 also supports multiple production versions
  • Additional production versions can be assigned to a subcontracting purchasing info record for use in supply chain planning applications including SAP IBP
  • The additional production versions are considered for integrating subcontracting production data structures via RTI transactions
    • CFM1 - Create Integration Model
    • CFM2 - Activate Integration Model
    • CFM9 - Initial Load
    • CURTO_CREATE_RTI - Transfer of Production Data Structures
The figure illustrates the process of generating integration models with Production Data Structures (PDS) for multiple production versions using SAP. It highlights the use of Transaction CFM1 for creating these integration models and the Manage Master Data App for managing master data types and structures. The top part of the image shows the interface of Transaction CFM1, while the bottom part displays the Manage Master Data App interface.

SAP IBP Master Data Typesthat are updated with the RTI Integration model

  • The RTI Integration model recognizes the additional production versions for subcontracting production data structures
  • In SAP IBP the following master data type entries are generated or updated accordingly
  • MDT PDS: Multiple subcontracting PDS in the vendor location
  • MDT PDSCOMP: Corresponding BoM components for multiple subcontracting production versions
  • MDT LOCATIONPRODUCT: Additional components in the vendor location if a different component is integrated with an additional production version
  • MDT TLANE: Additional subcontracting component provisioning transportation lane from the ordering plant location to the subcontracting vendor location if a different component is integrated with an additional production version
  • SAP Note 3491147: 3491147 - Subcontracting in order-based planning using multiple Production Versions - SAP for Me has to be implemented as a prerequisite to prevent potential duplication issues
The figure showcases the Manage Master Data App: MDT TLANE within an SAP interface. It highlights the management of transportation lanes (AFTTLANE) with specific details such as additional transport lanes, mode of transport, product ID, and shipping locations. The image emphasizes the maintenance of subcontracting transportation lanes, both in addition and main subcontracting lanes, integrated via RTI (Returnable Transport Items). The interface allows for detailed tracking and management of transportation logistics data.
  • Only the "main" subcontracting transportation lane for the production version from the subcontracting purchasing info record is generated by the RTI integration model
  • The "main" subcontracting TLANE can be recognized by the
    • Creation user which is the RTI integration user (Created by)
    • The concatenated TLANE key attribute ADDLANEID StockTransferType(3-Subcontracting)_PurchasingOrganization_ReferenceDocumentCategory(3-Subcontracting)_InfoRecordID_InfoRecordPosition
  • TLANEs for additional production versions can be created by copying the "main" TLANE while altering the production version as a non-key attribute and the ADDLANE as the differentiating key attribute.
  • Options for mass maintenance include
    • Loading additional TLANEs via Data Integration App
    • Generating additional TLANEs via Rule Based Master Data Maintenance
The figure displays a screenshot of a SAP Planner Workspace interface, specifically for a product identified as BA66_PHONE_AB@OVI. The interface shows a detailed table with columns for Ship-From Location, Location ID, Product ID, Mode of Transport, Additional Transport Information, and Production Version. The data entries include various locations and transport modes, with additional transport details and production versions listed for each entry. The interface also includes filters for time periods, product IDs, and locations, along with key figures and distribution data for specific months.
  • The source of supply planning level in the SAP7F planning area template is Day | Product | Ship-From Location | Location | Mode of Transport | ADDLANEID (DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOT)
  • It is needed to view or maintain subcontracting relevant key figures such as
    • Distribution Receipt Planned
    • Distribution Receipt Confirmed
    • Distribution Receipt for Interactive Planning
    • Max./Min. Distribution Receipt
    • Max./Min Quota for Transportation Lane
  • It contains the 5 key attributes of the transportation lane as a source of supply including | ADDLANEID
  • Now, the non-key attribute Production Version is available in addition, so the planner sees the production version of every optional transportation lane.
The figure displays a screenshot from an SAP Master Data Type interface for Lane (LOCID-Based). It shows various attributes assigned to the lane, including Additional Transport Lane ID, Ship-From Loc ID, Location ID, Mode of Transport ID, Product ID, and Production Version ID. Each attribute is listed with its key, requirement status, referenced attribute, description attribute, and assignment status, all marked as active. The interface also includes options for actions such as creating, checking, activating, deleting, and showing history.


  • The reference master data type Lane SF7TLANEUS has the key attributes of the MDT Transportation Lane from the perspective of the receiving location
  • Note that LOCID in MDT SF7TLANEUS references LOCTO in MDT TLANE
  • MDT SF7TLANEUS has been extended with the non-key PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute
The figure displays a screenshot from a SAP Master Data Type interface, specifically for PDS for Lane (LOCID). It shows a table of assigned attributes, including their IDs, names, referenced attributes, referenced master data types, and assignment statuses. The attributes listed are ADDLANEID, LOCFR, LOCID, MOTID, PRDID, and PRODUCTIONVERSIONID, all of which are active and reference various master data types such as AFF7LANEUS and AFF7PDS.


  • The referenced attributes of the new virtual master data include the following:
  • The 5 key attributes of the transportation lane with the referenced MDT TLANEUS
  • The PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute with the referenced MDT PDS
  • This way, the new virtual MDT connects the transportation lane with the related subcontracting PDS
  • Another sample virtual MDT SF7TLANESUBCPDS has been delivered for customers using the older DAYTLANE template without location ID using the attribute LOCTO for the receiving location
The figure displays a screenshot from an SAP system, specifically from the Planning Level section. It shows a table of attributes related to the planning context, including details such as location, region, country, time zone, and production version. Each attribute is listed with its ID, name, and whether it is read-only or has a source. The interface includes tabs for Attributes, Tight Coupling for Planning Objects, Key Figures, and Administrative Information, indicating a comprehensive setup for managing planning data.

Extended Planning Levels

  • The MDT PDS attribute PRODUCTIONVERSIONID is added to the planning level DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOT so users can directly spot the respective production version when viewing and changing key figures for the selected transport lanes
  • The new attribute is sourced from the new virtual MDT SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS
  • Also the following planning levels have been extended accordingly:
Use case 1 Customers starting with a fresh planning area template <= 2408

Use case 2:Customers based on planning area templates with location ID based planning area templates

Use case 3:Customers based on planning area templates without location ID based planning area templates

  • No configuration effort.
  • Use the following objects as delivered
  • Reference MDT SF7TLANEUS
  • Planning levels with PDS attribute PRODUCTIONVERSIONID
  • Extend your reference MDT TLANEUS with non-key attribute PRODOCTIONVERSIONID
  • Create your equivalent of the sample MDT SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS
  • Extend your planning levels DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOT, DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOTEQLIM, and DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOTRES with the attribute PRODUCTIONVERSIONID from MDT PDS using your equivalent of the virtual MDT as a source
  • Run the Adapt Planning Objectsapplication job* Change and Deletion of Planning Levels | SAP Help Portal
  • Create your equivalent of the sample MDT SF7TLANESUBCPDS
  • Extend your planning level based on old template DAYTLANE with the attribute PRODUCTIONVERSIONID from MDT PDS using your equivalent of the virtual MDT as a source.
  • Run the Adapt Planning Objectsapplication job*Change and Deletion of Planning Levels | SAP Help Portal

*This is needed for the subcontracting transportation lanes created before extending the planning level, for example for those transportation lanes that had been integrated via RTI before.

Adapt Planning Objects:

Setting up Planning Levels for Subcontracting Receipts with Multiple Production Versions

The reference master data type Lane (LOCID) (SF7TLANEUS) has been extended with the PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute to enable the new virtual master data type SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS. The virtual master data type PDS for Lane (LOCID) (SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS) is created to be used as source for the PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute on the planning levels DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOT, DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOTEQLIM, and DAYPRODLOCFRLOCMOTRES. In the SAP7F sample planning area, we extended these planning levels with the PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute to display the production version information about transportation lanes that comes from subcontracting purchasing info record. This way, planners in Planner Workspaces or in the SAP Integrated Business Planning, add in for Microsoft Excel can see the production version relevant to a subcontracting transportation lane.

If you need to extend an existing planning area, you can use the sample master data type SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS as a template to create your own virtual master data type in your planning area. Note that you need to extend your equivalent of SF7TLANEUS before you can create the virtual master data type based on SF7TLANESUBCPDSUS. Remember to add the PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute of the PDS master data type indicating TLANESUBCPDSUS as a source to all planning levels that you have extended with PRODUCTIONVERSIONID.

We deliver another virtual master data type, SF7TLANESUBCPDS, for customers who have set up their planning levels for transportation lanes before we introduced separate planning levels for transportation lanes based on the location ID. In this case you need to create your virtual master data type using SF7TLANESUBCPDS as a template. After that, remember to add the PRODUCTIONVERSIONID attribute of the PDS master data type indicating TLANESUBCPDS as a source to your equivalent of the DAYTLANE planning level.

The figure illustrates the key attributes of a TLANE (Transportation Lane) in a software interface. On the left side, it shows the configuration screen where attributes such as Location ID, Product ID, Mode of Transport ID, and Production Version are specified. On the right side, it displays a data table within the SAP system, listing various transportation lanes with their respective details, including the attributes configured on the left. This setup is used for managing and analyzing transportation lanes within the SAP environment.

Make use of model configuration changes

When setting up planning views for subcontracting key figures include the Production Version attribute in addition to the 5 key attributes of TLANE

The figure illustrates a planning interface for subcontracting within an SAP system. It shows a configuration screen where users can define parameters such as time levels, attributes, and key figures for planning. Key figures include various types of distribution receipts and minimum quotas for transportation lanes. The interface is designed to help users manage and plan subcontracting activities effectively by providing detailed data and options for customization.

With the help of the Production Version attribute you may use the key figures:

  • Distribution Receipt Planned (Lane) and Distribution Receipt (Confirmed)… to view periodical quantities of subcontracting purchasing receipts and orders per TLANE
  • Distribution Receipt for Interactive Planning … to create subcontracting purchase requisitions per TLANE independent of the operational supply planning run
  • Max./Min. Distribution Receipt Planned (Lane) … in order to put max. and/or min. constraints on TLANEs with specific production versions in the operational supply planning run
  • Max./Min Quota for Transportation Lane… in order to split supply quantities between subcontracting TLANEs with different production versions in the operational supply planning run
The figure displays a pop-up window for creating a subcontracting purchase requisition within the Projected Supply App. The pop-up includes fields for specifying the product, location, supplier, mode of transport, purchasing organization, and production version. Additionally, it shows a table listing suppliers with details such as supplier name, mode of transport, purchasing organization, reference document, and production version. The interface is designed to facilitate the selection and management of subcontracting suppliers and related procurement details.

Interactively create or change the subcontracting source of supply by deliberately choosing the the TLANE with the most suitable production version

The figure illustrates a transition in a software interface, likely an SAP application, showcasing an enhancement in user experience and functionality. The left side depicts the original interface with a focus on table settings for local items, while the right side presents an updated interface with improved layout and detailed information display. The enhancements include better organization of data, clearer visualization of planned distribution orders, and more accessible table settings, indicating a streamlined and more user-friendly design.
  • Transportation Load Building is enabled for subcontracting with multiple production versions
  • When setting up planning views for TLB in the Planner Workspace app include the Production Version attribute in the table settings for the sections Load Items and Planned Distribution Orders
The figure compares two views of stock and requirements data for a product named Phone A located in Glasgow. The top section shows the Projected Stock App element view, displaying detailed information such as types of receipts or requirements, requested and planned dates, quantities, and source or destination locations. The bottom section presents the Stock/requirements list in SAP S/4H or SAP ECC (MD04), which includes similar data fields like material, description, plant, and detailed stock and requirement entries. Both views provide comprehensive insights into inventory management and planning.

RTI Outbound Integration

  • The production version of the TLANE of a subcontracting purchase requisition which is planned in OBP is integrated to SAP ERP
  • The production version is visible in the stock / requirements list (transaction MD04)
The figure depicts the interface for converting a subcontracting purchase requisition into a purchase order in SAP ERP (SAP S/4HANA or SAP ECC). It shows the Create Purchase Order screen with options for handling discrepancies between production versions. Users can choose to re-explode the Bill of Materials (BOM) with the production version, use components from the planning, or cancel the action. The interface includes document overview, supplier details, and item details, facilitating the conversion process.

Use cases for RTI Inbound Integration

  • SAP ERP does not support multiple production versions.
  • On the SAP ERP side, subcontracting purchase requisitions or orders can only be created with the main production version of the subcontracting purchasing info record.
  • The production version of subcontracting purchase requisitions or orders originating from OBP can only be changed to the main production version of the subcontracting purchasing info record through re-explosion
  • The production version of a subcontracting purchasing receipt created or changed from SAP ERP is integrated to OBP
  • The production version of a subcontracting purchase requisition which is created from SAP IBP is not changed during conversion into a subcontracting purchase order, except for re-explosion
  • In the further life-cycle of a subcontracting purchase order inbound deliveries keep their production version from the purchase order
The figure illustrates two views of stock and requirements management in SAP systems. The top image shows the Stock/Requirements List in SAP S/4H or SAP ECC using transaction code MD04, detailing various stock movements and requirements for a product. The bottom image presents the Projected Stock App's element view, displaying detailed information on stock projections, including receipt and requirement dates, quantities, and sources or destinations for a specific product and location.

The right TLANE with the right production version is identified in case of multiple production versions

  • Single subcontracting TLANE with production version from Subcontracting Purchasing Info Record
      • The production version is not considered to determine the TLANE, only purchasing organization, subcontractor, ordering plant, and product are relevant.
      • If the production version in the TLANE is not updated after a change of the subcontracting purchasing info record, the production version of the document may appear to be different in OBP and SAP ERP
  • New use case: Multiple subcontracting TLANEs for same purchasing organization, subcontractor, ordering plant and product:
      • If there is a TLANE with a matching production version, the matching TLANE is picked
      • If there is no TLANE with a matching production version, the order is integrated w/o a TLANE
      • Empty production versions are not supported.If no production version is submitted, one of the TLANEs is picked on a TLANE priority and internal sorting basis w/o considering the production version

SAP IBP Documentation

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