The app Settings for Order-Based Planning has three settings to define the planning levels for filtering sources of supply.
The application jobs "Order-Based Planning: Delete Planned Receipts" and "Order-Based Planning: Fix or Unfix Planned Receipts" uses these planning levels to filter for planned receipts:
- Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Source Location) Used to filter for distribution orders if basis for time selection is planned start date
- Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Target Location) Used to filter for distribution orders if basis for time selection is planned end date
- Planning Level for Production Data Structure Filtering Used to filter for planned orders
With that, you do not need to map the key figures for interactive planning to use the application jobs for deleting and fixing planned receipts.
The mapping of key figures for interactive planning is only needed to use the application job for creating planned receipts. The create job uses the planning levels of the mapped key figures for filtering planned receipts.
Prepare for Release 2505 - Application Jobs for Deleting and Fixing or Unfixing Planned Receipts
Must take action
.Users of planning areas with flexible master data must define the relevant planning levels for filtering in app Settings for Order-Based Planning after upgrade to release 2408
Up to and including release 2502, if the relevant planning levels are not defined, the application jobs "Order-Based Planning: Delete Planned Receipts" and "Order-Based Planning: Fix or Unfix Planned Receipts" will continue to work and will apply the old filtering behavior which is based on the planning levels of the key figures for interactive planning mapped in the app Settings for Order-Based Planning or app Application Mappings.
As of release 2505, the old filtering behavior will no longer work. If you have not defined the relevant planning levels for filtering by this time, you will not be able to run the application jobs for deleting and fixing or unfixing planned receipts.
The deprecation of the old filtering behavior only affects users of planning areas with flexible master data. If you are using planning areas based on external master data, the application jobs for deleting and fixing or unfixing orders will continue to work as before and no action is required.
The app Settings for Order-Based Planning has three settings to define the planning levels for filtering transportation lanes and equipment types.
The transportation load building component of the Planner Workspaces app uses these planning levels to filter for transportation loads and distribution orders:
- Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Source Location) Used to filter for loads and orders if the component is filtered by source location and planned start date
- Planning Level for Transportation Lane Filtering (Target Location) Used to filter for loads and orders if the component is filtered by target location and goods receipt date
- Planning Level for Equipment Type Filtering Used to filter for loads with a certain equipment type
This has the following benefits:
- You can use filter criteria on any attribute that has been added to the defined planning level.
- You can filter the transportation load building component with the same filter criteria like key figures at the defined planning level.
Must take action
Users of planning areas with flexible master data must define the relevant planning levels for filtering in app Settings for Order-Based Planning after upgrade to release 2408.
Up to and including release 2502, if the relevant planning levels are not defined, the transportation load building component of the Planner Workspaces app will continue to work and will apply the old filtering behavior which is based on predefined master data attributes for transportation lane and for equipment type that are mapped in the app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or in the app Application Mappings.
As of release 2505, the old filtering behavior will no longer work. If you have not defined the relevant planning levels for filtering by this time, the transportation load building component will not show any transportation loads or planned distribution orders.
The visible columns, the order of the columns, and the sorting of the tables Load Items and Planned Distribution Orders can be defined in the table settings.
You can choose from order attributes and from preselected master data attributes of the core order-based planning master data model.
Attributes of master data types which are not mapped to a business meaning of a preselected core attribute in the app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or in the app Application Mappings cannot be added to the tables.
The table settings are saved to the assigned transportation load view.
The column labels of order attributes are predefined and cannot be changed. These are: Order/Item, Order Type, Quantity, Planned Start Date (/Time), Goods Receipt Date (/Time), Planned Date (/Time), Fix, Fixed in Release Process, Minimum Remaining Shelf Life in Days, Expiration Date, Planning-Relevant, Logical System
The column labels of master data attributes use the planning area attribute name if the attribute is added to the planning area (app Planning Areas) and is mapped to the business meaning (app Business Meanings for Order-Based Planning or app Application Mappings). Otherwise, the column label uses the predefined attribute name of the core order-based planning master data model.
You can add columns for the equipment consumption to the table of load items.
In place of the table setting's field „Columns for Equipment Consumption" two columns for each equipment limit of the load's equipment type are added-a column for the item's absolute consumption and a column for the item's consumed percentage of the available capacity.
The column label uses the equipment limit description.
If there are two or more equipment limits then the columns are added in alphanumerical order of the equipment limit description.
The columns are always added according to the equipment type master data of the load in focus and cannot be changed.