Describe the New Features in Compensation in the 2H 2024 Release


After completing this lesson, you will be able to describing the New Features in Compensation in the 2H 2024 Release

Export Selected Columns in Executive Review and Hierarchy Based Approval (HBA)

Overview of the change

You can now export data from selected fields when exporting data on the salary tab for Compensation, and Total Compensation templates. You are able to export selected data from Executive Review and for hierarchy-based approvals.

When in Executive Review or HBA and on the salary tab, select data to view using the Columns icon. Select the Export option. You now see the Export selected columns check box. The exported file now only includes the data that you have selected to view.


The Export selected columns option is only available on the salary tab in Compensation and Total Compensation templates. All data from every column on the Bonus, Stock, and Variable Pay tabs is exported including the salary tab data

This enhancement allows you to control data exported from the salary tab.

What's Changed

In the current version, you can select theExport selected columnsoption to export a subset of the data selected from the Columns option available on the salary tab.

In the previous version, all data from the salary tab of a compensation or total compensation template was exported from Executive Review and HBA regardless of the selections for the Columns.

Technical Details

Technical Details

Reference Number






Variable Pay


Executive Review

Compensation Plan Templates

Total Compensation Plan


Info only


Automatically on


General Availability



Major or Minor


Business Process Variant

Hire to Retire

Software Version

2H 2024

Valid as Of


Enhancements to Latest My Forms Page

Overview of the change

We introduced the latest My Forms page in 1H 2024. In 2H 2024, we have further enhanced the page to improve filter and search capabilities as well as the user experience better.

The latest My Forms page enhancements are the following:

  • You can now configure filters based on roles using role-based permissions.
  • You only see the templates with existing worksheets in the Template search drop-down menu in the selected folder.
  • You see the My Direct Reports, My Matrix Reports, and My HR Reports filter options in All or Reports Only only when relevant to your role.
  • You can now Reset your filters.
  • You see the total number of forms.
  • The Mass Route Document Forwardand the Mass Route Document Backwardrole-based permissions are respected.

Configuration Requirements

The latest version of the My Forms page for Compensation is enabled by default. To revert to the previous version, go to Admin CenterCompensation HomeActions for all plansCompany SettingsDisable the latest "My Forms" page .

To enable configuration of filters by role, go to Admin CenterCompensation HomeActions for all plansCompany SettingsManage Company SettingsUse Role-Based Permissions (RBP) to configure filters on the latest "My Forms" page.

You then set up permissions from the User PermissionsCompensation and Variable PayForm Filters permission. Select All if you want to give access to all items from the list. Select from the list available to give access to specific items for that role.

Technical Details

Technical Details

Reference Number






Variable Pay


Compensation Worksheet


Info only


Customer Configured


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

2H 2024

Valid as Of


Executive Review Based on Route Map Step

Overview of the change

We've introduced route map based Executive Review where you can set permissions for data based on permission roles and the route map steps.

As an administrator you're able to configure permissions for roles to view or edit data in the executive review based on the route map step. In case no permission is set, current behavior for those fields based on the role-based permissions for Executive Review are maintained.

Once enabled, the system populates the configuration page for Executive Review based on the route map with permission roles and the route steps from the connected route map. To access the configuration page, go to Compensation Home<Template Name>Plan SetupDesign WorksheetRole-Based Permissions based on Route Steps for Executive Review. You see a grid with the permission roles in the first column and the route steps in the header row.

The permission roles populated in the matrix are those which have the following permissions enabled:

UserCompensation and Variable PayExecutive Review Read - Compensation permission.

UserCompensation and Variable PayExecutive Review Edit - Compensation permission.

UserCompensation and Variable PayExecutive Review Read - Variable Pay permission.

UserCompensation and Variable PayExecutive Review Edit - Variable Pay permission.

The route steps are from the route map associated with the template. Go to Admin CenterCompensation Home <Template Name>Plan SetupSettings and associate or identify the route map associated to the template in the Route Map field.

Edit the permissions for each of the route step for the roles in the first column. You have four permission options:

  • No Selection
  • Read Only
  • Edit
  • No Permission

The permissions are also respected for the fields on Compensation Profile which you can access by selecting the name of an employee.

In the current version, with the route-map based permissions enabled, the Employees I can editoption displays all employees you have permissions to read or edit data for. In the previous version, only editable records were available. Employees I can viewonly displays those you have permission to read data for.

Configuration Requirements

To enable route step-based executive review, go to Compensation HomeActions for All PlansCompany SettingsManage Company SettingsEnable configuration of route step-based Executive Review .

Administrator also needs the role-based permission toUserCompensation and Variable PayAdministrator access to Role-Based Permissions based on Route Steps for Executive Review - Compensation and Variable Pay to configure the permissions based on route steps. Select All when you want to give access to all items from the list of templates or select specific templates for that role.

To configure permissions, go to Compensation Home<Template Name>Plan SetupDesign WorksheetRole-Based Permissions based on Route Steps for Executive Review.

If you have role-based permissions in place also for the templates, the more restrictive permissions are respected.

Technical Details

Technical Details

Reference Number






Variable Pay


Executive Review

Route Map


Info only


Customer Configured


General Availability



Major or Minor


Software Version

2H 2024

Valid as Of


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